The George Mossey Show: The Other Way: AfterShow S6EP1 #90dayfiance

  • 3 months ago
The new season of 90 day fiance: the other way after S6EP1 premiere podcast! Join George Mossey & Kara for the #90dayfiancetheotherway #podcast
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00:00Hi, everybody. Hi, hi, hi. Welcome. Hope you finished the other way. Season 6 premiere.
00:11We're about to get into it, break down this episode. We met some new people. We did get
00:17Shekinah and Sarper, unfortunately. There's nothing that I can do about that. Sorry. But
00:23we're going to get into this episode. I'm really excited to talk about it. I want to
00:27get everybody's first impressions. Cara's here. Yay, Cara's here.
00:39Hi, Rumbanks. I want to get everybody's first impression of the new season. We did get Statler
00:45and Dempsey. Howdy. Hi. Hi. Happy Canada Day. Yeah. Happy Canada Day. Hey. Hey. I'm so glad
00:57you're back. So glad to be back. I'm glad that you're safe. You know, I was really worried.
01:04This was this was a lot for me and I wasn't even there. So I'm just so glad you're here.
01:09Everything is, is back to normal. And you're here. It's been so weird not having you and
01:14Didi too. Didi's out of town too. It's just been really odd. I feel lost, right? I feel
01:18lost without the girls. It's okay. We're back. It's fine. Yes. Yes. Yes. So hi, Gina. So
01:25we're on season six, episode one of The Other Way. Anything that you want to start off with?
01:33Anything that caught your attention? Like, first thing that I noticed was James looks
01:38like Brandon from Brandon and Julia. So that was kind of like, I couldn't unsee it after
01:43I saw it. And then I was just like, hooked on that. So anything in the episode that that
01:48caught you as interesting or weird? Or you want to talk about first?
01:52First of all, I'm gonna put it out there. Episode one, I actually like James. And what's
01:58her face? Tata? Natalia. Yeah. I like them. So, okay. I mean, I like him. I like them
02:08both. But I didn't like how he waited to spring some pertinent information on her till the
02:13end. I'm not an information withholder. You know how some people are like, oh, I didn't
02:18want to tell you because I knew it would make you upset. And he's like, telling her as she's
02:22getting ready to go take off on the plane and go to Indonesia. I'm not that type of
02:26person. Like also, he gave her a note at the end. Don't open this until you're on the plane.
02:31I don't like that. Because I was like, what if that note says, hey, by the way, I'm not
02:35going to be meeting you in Indonesia. Sorry. Like, I don't like that. Like, I think people
02:38have to have a set of balls and just tell people how they feel and say it up front. Like,
02:44I don't like when people withhold information, you know, for their own gain. Because he didn't
02:49want to get yelled at. He knew if he waited until the last minute right before she was leaving Maine
02:54to tell her, there was only a minimum amount of time that she could yell at him before she
02:58had to go catch her flight. And it's really selfish to do stuff like that.
03:03Yeah, I don't know. I like them. But she did say right in the beginning of the episode that
03:07she cries a lot. So that's probably why he withheld it.
03:11Yeah, yeah, she's very emotional. I noticed when she told also she told her best friend that she
03:16was leaving the day before she was leaving. I don't know if they're like, afraid of adult
03:21conversations. Yeah, both of them. But yeah, she got some info from her friend that James is not
03:28not that he doesn't want to have kids, but he's nervous, which I think is a pretty
03:32normal reaction for men in general. Men are usually not the ones like super excited about
03:37having kids. They're usually just like when you go to a wedding on the wedding day. Usually the
03:43groom is the one pacing around nervous, right? It's really ironic because he's the one that
03:48started this whole process. He proposed to her. He he he intervened into her life. But then when
03:54it comes down to following through, he's the one that act like he wants to have coffee. And I'm
03:58like, you couldn't possibly have coffee. This is your fault. You didn't have to get on a knee and
04:03ask her anything, right? Let's be real, though. They're literally in a Super Mario bedroom. So
04:11the level of maturity on both ends is low. Yeah, I was just about to say the same thing.
04:19She seems very like, maybe both of them, but more her on this episode. She seems to be very immature
04:27and needy and and whatnot. So I think she and just I don't know her crying really annoyed me.
04:36Like she's throwing a tantrum like a two year old basically. So and with very good reason,
04:43like obviously it's your dog, it's your baby at the same time, but she didn't understand
04:48what the circumstances were if they were to bring Jojo the dog there, right? So
04:55they hide secrets, they hide secrets from their friends, they hide secrets from their family
04:59members. Like, why wouldn't you tell your family? Hey, guess what? Like, we're both planning to
05:05move to Indonesia within the next month or two months. And I don't know, I get an iffy feeling
05:10that like, you can't tell me modern medicine in North America is not. It's better. It's not better
05:17than Indonesia, right? So I think that's just an excuse for her to go back. But that's just my
05:22opinion. And I could be wrong. And I could be wrong about the medical system in Indonesia as
05:25well. So yeah, I mean, I that was the first thing that I tweeted, I was like, so you mean to tell
05:32me between Maine and Indonesia, there's no doctors who can figure out what's going on with her
05:38throat, you know, because I was like, obviously, you would have to go to a specialist, you can't
05:42just go to a family care physician and expect him or her to know what's going on with her throat,
05:46because it almost almost looked like she had an Adam's apple. So there's definitely something
05:51infected, or there's something going on, puffing out her throat, like it was visual,
05:55you could definitely tell there was something wrong. But she has thyroid issues. And apparently,
06:03she doesn't know how to use Dr. Google. I'm far from a doctor. I didn't even Google it.
06:09So that's what so the thyroid is right in here, right? Yeah. And it looked like it was inflamed.
06:15Because she said that she couldn't swallow and she had trouble breathing. And the fact that she's
06:20like, Oh, well, I have to go back to Indonesia because her in her mind. She's like, when I was
06:23in Indonesia, I wasn't sick. So it's me being here is why I'm sick. I'm like, well, none of us.
06:30I mean, I don't wanna say none of us are sick. But like, just where you live specifically doesn't
06:34necessarily mean you're gonna be sick, right? Like there's different factors in your environment,
06:39you know, and he's not sick. James isn't sick. His family isn't sick. Their friends aren't.
06:44Like you said, I think she wants to.
06:47They say how long they've been living here. I missed two and a half years.
06:52Two and a half years. They've known each other for five years. And they've been married two
06:55and a half years. And they got married here. She has been living here the whole two years.
07:04Yeah. Yes. She's been here the whole two and a half years. Yeah.
07:08I was just curious if this is like, you know, saying, I mean,
07:11we have ear, nose and throat doctors, we've got somebody that can figure out the problem.
07:16You got like, yeah, so.
07:20Well, I think like you, you nailed it. She's ready to move back home. You know, it was never
07:26her intention to move to the US. You know how when we watch these shows, there are people
07:29who when they tell us their life goal and what they want moving to the US is number one on the
07:34list. That's not what Natalia or Tata, that's not what she wanted. You know, she wanted to be
07:40with James, but she didn't necessarily want to be living in the US. And I've noticed a lot of times,
07:46because isn't this kind of what happened with Brandon and Mary? When people are from Indonesia,
07:50a lot of times they don't want to leave. Right? Isn't that interesting? Because I was like,
07:54usually, you know, people want to get out of Indonesia so they could make more money because,
07:58you know, the money and the currency is worth very little, you work really hard, you get little.
08:03And that's another thing. So James works for his family's elevator repair business,
08:10making pretty decent money, right? He said his dad lost a couple fingers.
08:14But that's super scary, right? Like elevators, they kind of scare me.
08:17He also does mining, so he makes good money.
08:21Yeah, I can't imagine how it's gonna be going into Indonesia, because I don't think he can
08:27speak the language, right? He didn't say that he could. And trying to make a living
08:33in a country where you don't really know, first of all, you don't know the trades of the country,
08:37trades in different countries are different. You don't know what their skill set is. And if you
08:41can't even speak English, I know, but I have to say a lot of times when you go to Indonesia and
08:45these other countries like Thailand, they do, they are bilingual. So that could be helpful.
08:49But if and at the same time, they're bilingual, you're only you can only speak English, it might
08:55not be as appealing for them to hire you when they can hire someone who speaks both languages,
09:01you know, because if you can only...
09:03Her dad owned, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Her dad owned like a banana
09:07drying factory or whatnot. So he'd probably be working there.
09:13Yeah, but banana chips. Yeah.
09:20How much money could that produce? Like, I'm just curious. Like, is that like a big deal
09:25business? I don't the last time I had banana chips probably wasn't in the last couple of years.
09:29So like, is it like a bigger thing over there than it is over here?
09:32I don't know. The last time I had banana chips, they were like 79 cents for the bag.
09:37Yeah, yeah, I'm pretty sure same. Yeah. And they weren't all that they're really crunchy and hard.
09:43And I wasn't, I wasn't feeling it. But yeah, so this is this will be fun. Again, I'm excited.
09:50They're new people. And and that's funny when she was crying about the dog, you came to my mind
09:56Cara, because I was thinking like, Cara, there's no chance in hell you would leave any of your
10:01animals behind.
10:02No chance in hell, which is also another reason why I could never leave the country.
10:07Right? Wait, yo, yeah, because you have animals that are too big to take with you. Yeah.
10:11Of course, horses and goats, but that's fine.
10:14Well, yeah, I've never heard of you. Well, they could go on boats, right? They can't go on planes.
10:20That's how it has to work. You have to take them on a ship. That's the only way. And I don't think
10:25you would.
10:26I'm not leaving anywhere. My grandbabies coming this month. There ain't no way in hell I'm leaving.
10:31Oh, yeah, there's Yeah, you can't miss any of that. So yeah, it's funny, because you're the
10:36first person. When she started crying, I was like, Cara would probably react the same way if somebody
10:43told her that she had to leave and her animals, her babies.
10:46I don't know that I'd be crying. I don't know that I'd be crying. But my reaction would be
10:51very different.
10:53Probably anger, right? I feel like it would probably be anger. Because there's no reason
10:58why. Because she even said it. She's like, you had all these months to prepare to get
11:03this information done and make sure that I can leave with the dog and you didn't.
11:07You know, and that's why I was like, yeah, it's, he seems really immature. And so but so does she,
11:13like you guys said, I feel like there's gonna be a lot of issues that they're going to overcome.
11:17And, you know, I think they think love is going to be enough. And I don't think it's gonna be
11:21enough. Like I saw the preview from when he arrived in Indonesia, and they showed his
11:25his living quarters. And I think his his reaction was it looks like a jail cell.
11:30Right? Like, it's definitely not up to the standard that he's accustomed to. So I can't
11:35wait to see them.
11:36It doesn't look like Super Mario World. That's for sure.
11:41It doesn't, right? So, so we got Shekinah and Sharper, and Sarper, this episode, and
11:48they were extra annoying this episode, right? Like, we got a little intimate chat with them.
11:54And we found out that Shekinah had to move back to LA, because they were having financial issues.
12:01Who would have thought a 44 year old stripper slash personal trainer wasn't going to be making
12:06a lot of money. But we actually found out that he was, but Shekinah doesn't want him working
12:11with female clients. So now he can only work with male clients. And I guess there's not enough male
12:17clients to go around. So now they're struggling. And she went back to be an esthetician back in LA,
12:23which is her job. But she said something in the episode, she said that she can't practice that
12:29in Turkey, because I, you know, licenses and certifications are different by country. Like
12:34there are certain people remember, we were watching, um, I can't remember their names now,
12:39Avery, and I can't remember her husband's name, but he was a dentist.
12:43And yeah, right. And he moved here. And they would not let him be a dentist here,
12:47because the certification and, and the process was different. And you know, he had to go back
12:52and do his schooling all over again. Yeah. So he could be a dentist here. Isn't that crazy?
12:57Had to get recertified. So it works the same way there as it does here, basically,
13:02with different certifications as well. So yes. Where did the money come from for her to go back
13:09to Turkey every five weeks? Because that's what they said. Oh, we had to stop that. But I was
13:14going back every five weeks. What the flight from LA to Turkey? I don't picture it being cheap.
13:21That's for sure. So my mind immediately went to her ex-husband who owns a hotel chain.
13:29What country is he from? Cara, I can't remember now. But whatever country he's in.
13:34He's from Italy. Italy. He owns a hotel chain. So I'm assuming that she's still being funded in
13:43some, I don't know, is it called spousal support? Yeah. Or, or maybe the child support. She's just
13:48using it as child support. I can't imagine. Okay. I just looked up how much it costs to
13:54become an esthetician in Turkey. $420 US dollars. Total. Yeah. So why didn't she just stay there
14:06and get certified? She's already doing the job. The cost of establishing a limited company in
14:12Turkey for a foreigner starts at $420 US dollars. The cost includes registration. I mean, I don't
14:21know what her license costs, but there's the registration, there's the establishment fee,
14:28the translator costs, the tax office registration, company stamps, et cetera, all included.
14:36So what is she doing in LA? We already know she's dumb.
14:45Like she doesn't know how to use Google. She doesn't know the red flag. She doesn't know how
14:48to put her child before her child has more confidence than she does. So we already knew
14:54that. Okay. We complete the establishment of esthetician and beauty center companies,
15:01limited company in Turkey within three to four working days on average.
15:06Are you serious? So it was quicker than a flight back to LA is what you're basically telling me.
15:14Also, it tells me that if I ever go to Turkey, not to get anything waxed while I'm there because
15:22three to four days certification is all it took. So basically we are all estheticians. We could
15:28literally go and complete this program before the end of the week. Kimberly was an esthetician
15:35on Pillow Talk last night. Oh, I saw it. I saw it. I did. I did. I saw the waxing. I've never
15:45had it done in my life. And then, you know, watching that, I don't ever want to get it
15:49done in my life. Like I just, I don't, it looks so painful. I respect everything that women go
15:55through. The little things that women do that men take full advantage of, right? Like I think that,
16:01oh my God, it looked painful, but I've seen actually.
16:05The first time you have it done, the first time you have it done, it stings a bit.
16:09The second time you have it done, you're numb. So it doesn't really matter. Really?
16:15You just become immune to it. Yeah. You're relaxing just sitting there.
16:19I think that, but I do think women have a higher pain tolerance than men. I think that women are,
16:25yeah, I think women are born with a higher pain tolerance. So things that women, because,
16:29you know, when they hook men up to the machine that mimics the pain of birth, men always,
16:36no one ever stays on it. They rip the stuff off so they don't have to go through it anymore. And
16:40women aren't, that's not an option for a woman until you're done having the baby. So I think
16:44women just learn to tolerate pain at a higher level. I strongly believe that because I'm not
16:53like a weenie or a wuss, but I'm not like super good with pain, right? Like I'm not really good
16:59with pain at all. I remember when I was younger, I broke a limb and it wasn't fun. Oh, so Sarper
17:04said that Shekinah's jealousy is getting in the way of him making money. It's interesting because
17:09he's super controlling and it's kind of like they do the same. I called it irony because
17:14ironically he controls everything that she does. And then she's kind of controlling everything
17:19that he does. And it's kind of like a vicious cycle, right? Like he can't make any money
17:23because he can't work with women. But do you blame her for not trusting him to be working
17:28with women clients when he slept with 2,500 women? How could you ever trust this person to
17:35be faithful to just you? I still call bullshit. And after watching him count his grains of rice,
17:45he doesn't even know how to count. So that tells me he's an idiot.
17:49Well, there was like five pieces of rice in each one that he called one. But does he not have any
17:55hobbies? Like he was counting rice, he was counting cars, he was counting everything.
18:00What does he do on his free time, right? You know how people have hobbies.
18:06Yeah, everything that walks, every woman that walks.
18:11So do you think-
18:11Of course he's counting rice and counting cars. He's trying to, he's on camera and he knows that
18:18dipshit's gonna see this. She's gonna see everything he says. So if he's counting rice
18:23and counting cars, it looks like that's what he's doing the whole time she's gone.
18:27Well, she said that there are times where he's actively texting her and then he stops.
18:33And then he said, I can see what kind of a bitch you are when that happens.
18:40Dude, I would have knocked his veneers right down his throat.
18:45The thing about him is like he was so feminine when it came to playing with his niece. How would
18:50he feel if his niece got treated the way that, how he treats women?
18:56Yeah, that came across my mind. Because I was like, the way that he's acting with his niece
19:03shows that he does have some respect and love for women in the female species. It exists.
19:09But why is it that he thinks that he can treat women and talk to women the way that he does?
19:13I don't understand it. And he has a good relationship with his mother.
19:17He has a good relationship with his brother's sister or his brother's wife. Like he has
19:23relationships. But did you hear what he said? He said he slept with seven of her friends.
19:27So he's really an evil sneaky link, right? Like, I feel like he's a super sneaky guy.
19:34And he's like, well, don't tell her. But yeah, I've slept with all her friends. And it's like,
19:37this is why you can't be trusted. That's your niece's mother, right? There should be a level
19:45of respect, you know, between you and this woman and shows that you don't have any loyalty or
19:51respect for anyone, not even family. So I get why she kind of doesn't trust him. Why would you trust
19:56somebody who has given you no reason to prove that they're trustworthy?
20:01Yeah, I wonder if they're gonna show because didn't he allegedly have a child with somebody?
20:08So I wonder.
20:09Yeah, that was at the end of their last season, he was looking for the child. And the child being
20:17like a 20 year old, I believe, 18, 19, 20 at this point, because I think he was 18 years old,
20:23when this supposedly happened. And he was looking for the person, he didn't even know the woman's
20:30last name, he just knew a first name and a location. And because he was a whore, apparently,
20:34even at 18, he was a whore. And it's just ironic to me, because he wants to have another child.
20:40And I was like, I'm not by God. But it's like, maybe this is the universe's way of saying you
20:46should have treated this woman in that child better. Right? Like, no offense, but because
20:51she kind of like, I don't want to have any kids. I'm like, well, it'd be ironic if she did have
20:54another kid, she abandoned the one she has to be with him just to have another one. That would be
21:00like super ironic, right? And strange. Like, you left the one that you have, because you're
21:04chasing D around the world, just to have another one, because that's what he wants. That would be
21:08really ironic. Absolutely. It's disgusting. So I want to talk about this guy, Josh. He was living
21:17in Georgia, I believe, and he sold his house. And he's living with his parents in South Carolina,
21:25I believe is what the story is now. And he's with this woman named Lily, who's 46 years old,
21:31who's extremely well off, which is really interesting. It's a complete opposite of what
21:36we're used to on the show. So I was really interested in the storyline, because she did
21:41like a cribs for her house that has an elevator and a movie theater. And it's beautiful. It's
21:48outrageous. And the weird part of the story is, she's the one that's going to be making the money
21:55because when Josh arrives in China, he has to wait four or five years before he can work. Because
22:02while you're on a spouse visa in China, you can't work until you get your 10-year residency
22:07card, which takes five years from the date you arrive. Or if I'm correct, I could be wrong,
22:12maybe five years from when you get married, somewhere along the lines of that, it's going
22:16to be a five-year time. And he's moving out there to be with her and he can't work.
22:20And it kind of looks like he's looking to be a kept man because he's got Legos and he plays
22:26with drones and he has like remote control. He's a mad child, but lives with his parents.
22:33But he did work and have his own home. So like, I think he did take care of himself before. But
22:40like, it's weird that you would quit your job and sell your house to go live with a woman. Like,
22:44that's scary. I know women do things like this all the time, right? Like a lot of times women
22:50they'll marry a guy, get engaged, and they'll change the trajectory of their life for whatever,
22:56you know, they want that relationship to be. It's just crazy for me to think that.
23:01I already can't with this guy. I don't know what it is about him,
23:05but he makes my skin crawl. I just can't with him.
23:11I'm with Cara on that. He just irks me as being like, he even said,
23:17I don't know what she's doing with me. Like, he seems like the one who's going to be mooching
23:24off of her. What's he going to do in China? He said, oh, as soon as we get off the plane,
23:29or doing that Google or that translator mechanism.
23:33Right, right. Because he doesn't speak good Mandarin.
23:38Like, what is he going to do all day? He's going to be playing with toys. She's going to get sick
23:42and tired of it. Like, what is this man bringing to the table?
23:49Well, he said to the translator, he's like, show me where the closest toy store
23:53is or drone store. I think he's under the impression that he's just going to be playing
23:58with toys all day while she's working at her business, which she has a medical device business.
24:05It kind of looked like a laser. I'm not specific on what she was doing. It looked like she was
24:11using some sort of laser on someone's face. So she's definitely successful. If she is not just
24:18using these machines, what they're producing and manufacturing these machines, that is definitely
24:23a very lucrative business to be in, right? Because every time you turn on the TV, there's the
24:29Sono Bello, and there's any type of, what do they call it, the machine where you can
24:36burn off fat with a laser. All of these machines, that's where the technology and
24:41the money is right now. So if that's what she's doing, he's in a good position to be in. But
24:47how long is a woman going to be interested in a man that is useless? And I hate to say that,
24:53but it's like women need men for a function, right? Sometimes women want a man to take care
24:59of them. Sometimes they want a man to help them with things, but they need to feel like you have
25:05a function in their life. Because women can take full care of themselves, their kids, everything
25:09on their own, right? So I feel like a man needs a function in the relationship, and I don't know
25:14what his function is going to be. A man child that plays with toys, that's what his function's
25:21going to be. I don't know. I just have a bad feeling about him. Well, did you notice in their
25:29story? She came here to marry him within 18 days, right? It seems really rushed. But again,
25:38she's the one with the money, because usually it's the other way around. So we're like,
25:41oh, she just wanted to get here. She doesn't want to get here. She doesn't want to live here.
25:46Literally, he said within a month of them getting married, she was back on a plane going back to
25:50work. So like you said, or like he said, why is she with him? And how long will that infatuation
25:58last? Because what can he do for her that she couldn't buy or do herself? I'm trying to understand
26:04that. And I know love and money are two separate things, but let's be realistic. What is he going
26:10to bring to her life that she can't experience on her own? Maybe she wanted a child and could
26:15never have one, so she just found herself a grown one. A man child? Yeah. I mean, it's possible.
26:22She can buy him toys. And what we saw in the preview, they went out to eat, and she was like,
26:27I just spent $500 on dinner. And maybe she does want a little man that she can belittle
26:35and make feel bad for all of the work that she has to put in to take care of him.
26:39Let's be real. $500 for a meal in China? That had to be a really fancy restaurant, because
26:50I realize Thailand and China, everybody's different. But when you watch David and Annie
26:55and all of their travels, they don't spend that kind of money.
26:58Well, I didn't know if she meant $500 in her money or our money. I wasn't sure, because she
27:05was speaking in another language, and then it came up on the screen. So like, I don't know if she
27:10meant like $500 in their currency. Because that was another thing, because you're right, $500
27:16in American would be like over $1,000 in their money, right? So that would be a crazy, I don't
27:23think I've ever spent $1,000 on any dinner, right? I've only spent $500 on a meal one time.
27:34That was my daughter's high school graduation, and there was 10 of us.
27:38Oh, wow. Yeah, I think the most I've ever spent was like 600 and something dollars,
27:44and it was a lot of us. Like you said, it was a huge...
27:48After my tip, it went up, but I mean, obviously, but the meal was only like $502
27:53for 10 people, and it was a very nice restaurant.
27:56Yeah, yeah. It's really hard to spend that much unless you're going to like one of those
28:01steakhouses that the NBA players eat at. You know, like you have to go somewhere really specific to
28:07spend that much money, because I've eaten at steakhouses and paid $200 or $300 for steaks,
28:12you know, like and not just me, other people were there too. So you have to really pick
28:16a place to spend that much money. Oh, so I want to talk about Iceland, because apparently,
28:21people live there. And apparently, it's not covered in ice, because they showed us video
28:25of Iceland, and it looks pretty normal. Iceland's covered in green. Greenland's
28:31covered with ice. Yeah. Well, I didn't see like a layer. I don't know, like for some reason,
28:36I thought I was going to... It's like a layer of ice, even the ocean was frozen over, like so.
28:41It's been a while, guys, since I've been in school. It's been a while.
28:44But when you look at Greenland, Greenland's covered in ice. So it's completely opposite.
28:49Wait, where's Greenland on the map? Is it above Canada? Or is it below?
28:54It's like in the middle. It's in the middle.
28:59And then it's like up here.
29:02Also, I have to also remember, I could have been getting Iceland and Antarctica mixed up.
29:08Right? Because I'm pretty sure Antarctica is the one that's completely covered in ice, right?
29:12So I could have been getting them mixed up. Like I said, it's been a minute since I've been
29:15at school. But I want to talk about Corona. Because, and not the disease, we're talking
29:19about Corona, the girl this season. Because, right, let's be... We're not talking about
29:25Corona, Corona. We're talking about Corona. And she's moving all the way to Iceland for
29:31Inki. Inki. And I wrote it out. Hold on. I-N-G-I. Inki. And it's this guy that she met in Iceland
29:41who didn't make a move on her on two separate occasions, right? And she claims that he's
29:47never been in a serious relationship. And she's not engaged to him. So she's kind of
29:53looking to throw away her whole life. I don't want to say that, like literally, but she's
29:58about to get in school to become a midwife. She's a doula now, which I believe is below
30:02a midwife. A doula would be the person that assists the midwife, right? I've been watching
30:07enough Unexpected. I know a little bit about this. I think a doula functions with a midwife
30:14present. So her goal is to become a midwife. She's been accepted into school in Pennsylvania
30:21to become a midwife. And she's foregoing that opportunity to move to Iceland and hoping
30:27that she can get into school to become a midwife. And her family's reaction with all of our
30:32reaction at home, right? Her family was like, so you're crazy. So he's weird. So why is he 38
30:43and a virgin? There's something wrong with that. Maybe, you know, there's some, you know what?
30:52No, you never know. You never know. Because remember, Mike Burke from that one season
31:00with Mike and Jimena, he said he wasn't. Everybody was like, yeah, you are, bro.
31:03And also, so Nicola.
31:08Nicola! Right, right, right! Nicola! He's coming back on another season, by the way. I'm kind of
31:12excited to see that. Yeah, he's coming back on another season.
31:15But not from him. I don't know what it is. He's not giving me those vibes at all.
31:25Yeah, you can't tell me that.
31:26He's giving you Slinky Link vibes. He's giving you that he's playing a game. He's telling her
31:33that he's inexperienced, and he's totally not inexperienced. Is that what you're getting?
31:38Got it on the nose. You got it.
31:4020 days physically together, and she's throwing everything away and moving all the way to
31:46Iceland, which is it sounds crazy and insane. And she doesn't have a ring on her finger either.
31:52So there's like so many different questions in my mind, because can you just move to Iceland
31:56without like a visa or being married? Like, there's so many questions in my mind. Oh, yeah,
32:01Donna, let's talk about that. She's never seen his driver's license. So she doesn't even know
32:05what his actual last name is. Right? Like she doesn't know anything about him. She's never
32:10asked any questions. They've never discussed marriage. They've never discussed where the
32:14relationship is going to go. And she's ready to move to another country. Now, this reminded me a
32:20lot of Alex and Adriano's storyline on Love in Paradise, because Alex was ready to move to Italy
32:29over a guy who's obsessed with threesomes. You know, like literally no actual,
32:35no actual thought process. And so also, people on X and Twitter were saying that they were getting
32:40strong Ashley vibes from Ashley and Manuel. I have that written down. She's just jumping
32:46into it blindly, right? Giving no care in the world of what the consequences are. And yeah,
32:55you can't they met in in Ireland, you cannot like, like met together in Ireland, you cannot tell me
33:01she did not sleep with him. Yeah. 100% usually on vacation, people are a little more loose.
33:10Because they look at it as I'm never gonna see this person again. And I'm on vacation,
33:14I'm gonna have a good time. So you're right. I feel like something definitely and I don't know,
33:19I feel like she shouldn't move that far for someone she hasn't even been intimate with.
33:24What if it's for a lack of a better word? What if it's bogus? What if the sex is bogus? Right?
33:30Like once she gets there, and it's it's, it's just terrible. It's underwhelming. It does nothing for
33:35her. And now she's like 1000s and 1000s of miles away. Intimate with him. That's why she's going
33:41back for more. He's, though, he's icky. And I haven't even like, I don't even know him yet.
33:49But he's icky. See, I, I don't know, I haven't gotten any vibes from him at all. But when he
33:57when she asked him in the preview, like, what is our plans? What are our relationship plans?
34:02Whatever? He's like, well, do people normally get engaged in five months? And I was like,
34:07well, that was kind of a douchey thing to say, for a guy who's a virgin, who has never
34:12been a f boy, kind of a virgin?
34:19Well, I think the grandmother said it, because she was like,
34:25and she said, he's not a virgin, he gets the sex. She straightforward said that. And it's like,
34:32so he's told you about it. But he's just never been married. He's never been in a serious
34:36relationship. So this guy, he's just a douche canoe. That's all there is to it.
34:41Oh, so okay, so the grandmother was just being sarcastic. So just because because the grandma
34:47heard he's never been in a serious relationship, she went to the conclusion that so he's never
34:51been intimate. Oh, I get it. I get it. So he's just like you said, he's an f boy.
34:59And he does f boy tendency things and he sleeps around,
35:03which, what do you think about the situation where she's like, I went to a party and he was
35:07standing outside? Hey, Kobe. Congrats on that traditional wedding. It was amazing.
35:14Oh, yes. I loved it.
35:17So she said that he was like, Oh, you can sleep in my bed. What's up with sleeping in strangers
35:24beds in strange apartments, right? Like, I have a lot of questions on people's actions when they
35:30go to foreign countries. Because remember, we were watching The Single Life. And Chantel was
35:34walking around with no underwear on just randomly at clubs and sticking her tongue down random dudes
35:40mouths on motorcycles. Like, ladies, please be more careful of what you're doing and your
35:46surroundings because she just kind of went a different direction. This story that got old,
35:52falling asleep in our strangers bed, you might not wake up or you could wake up in a
35:58cage in a basement, you might not wake up at all. Like, I was just terrified at the level of trust
36:05she has for strangers. Like, that's really scary.
36:07I agree. She seems book smart, but she don't seem street smart.
36:12Yep. But I do love her family, though.
36:14Yep. I feel like I could hang out with them.
36:18Yeah, the family, I'm definitely hooked on the family. I want to see her family take a trip to
36:24Iceland and bring that energy that they had when she was telling them what was going on,
36:30because I feel like it's so important that people speak up for you. And I feel like Corona is not
36:37going to speak up for herself. And she even admitted it to her friends. She's like, you know,
36:42I might be making a lot more decisions and sacrifices than him. You know, she's giving
36:47up a lot. He's not really doing anything. He didn't even have to commit to her. You know,
36:51they're just dating and in a relationship. Moving across the world, you'd have to commit,
36:57and I think we'd have to be engaged or married for me to actually physically move to another place.
37:04Right? Like, I can't take your word for it. You can't say, well, she's like, he said, I love you.
37:09And I'm like, I say I love you to my cat. Like, that's not enough. Right? And that cat can't
37:15understand a word I say. It's a cat. So like, that is not enough for me to pack my stuff
37:22and move to another country. Like, that is crazy for me.
37:25I agree.
37:27Oh, thank you, Kobi. Kobi, you're the best. You're gonna have to come on one day. Definitely, Kobi.
37:33Both of you, you and Emily. We'd love to have you.
37:37Yeah. Anytime. Anytime, you guys, especially Iceland. Yeah. And that was another thing.
37:41I was like, what's in Iceland? Where's it? The first thing that came to my mind was,
37:44where is it on a map? Because I wasn't 100% sure. Because that happens to me. Where is it?
37:51I sent it to you. It's in your message.
37:53Okay, cool. Because I never know what we're talking about. Like, I know the seven continents,
37:58you know, like, and I know, like, a general vicinity of stuff. But like,
38:03a lot of times I hear these country names. And I'm like, so where is that?
38:08I just, wait, what?
38:10It's part of Europe.
38:12Oh, okay. I know exactly where it is then. I'm very familiar with Europe. I'm very familiar
38:17with Europe. Like, that's one of the things that I was paying good attention on in geography.
38:22There were no pretty girls in my geography class. So like, I was paying full on attention. Like,
38:27I know exactly where Europe and the European countries are. There were no pretty girls in
38:32that class. So I had nothing else going on. So the teacher was a guy. So I had nothing else
38:37going on. Right. So I know exactly.
38:39About the Greenland, Iceland thing.
38:42Well, yeah. I don't know. Where's Greenland? Where is that?
38:46That I sent it to you.
38:49It's not in Europe, right? That's I think it's somewhere over there in the African area, right?
38:54In North America. Yeah.
38:56Oh, no, that wasn't right. Okay. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. So
39:02who do you think this season is going to be the standout? Like, out of the couples that we got
39:07to meet tonight? Obviously, there's another person that we haven't met. I think he's from,
39:13he's Irish. And then we're going to get Statler and Dempsey. But like, so far,
39:18what do you think is standout this season?
39:21So far, I don't know. I'm so torn because I have the two that I like and the two that I don't.
39:27And of course, when it's somebody you don't like, it's automatic. They're gonna just blast
39:32the shit out of that. But it's also season one. So my opinion may change quickly.
39:39Yeah, maybe. I mean, you're right. We're early in the season. We haven't met everyone yet.
39:45I'm just happy to see new people, you know, because I just feel like
39:49I'm kind of excited to see Statler and Dempsey. Not gonna lie, because I know the shit storm that
39:54happened afterwards. So I just kind of want to see if there are signs leading up in their story.
40:01See, I'm like that too. I like to, like, I watch the show, Air Disasters. Like,
40:08whenever I know something is going to be a disaster, I like to look into the stuff leading
40:12up to it. Like, that's kind of like, because I want to know how we got here. So like, I like to
40:17learn that type of stuff. So you're right, when we saw the Angela and Michael situation unfolding,
40:22I was kind of interested in watching the pre-disaster storyline. Because I was like,
40:28well, were there signs? There were. There were a lot of disasters. Right? So I'm wondering that
40:33with Statler and Dempsey too, like, were there signs that Dempsey was banging other people?
40:39I hate it when I get like, spoilers that just ruin everything, which this did,
40:43it totally ruined their whole story. But at the same time, I'm so interested to see
40:50just the little things, to see what kind of a show she puts on for the camera and all that stuff.
40:55I'm excited for that. Shekinah and Sarper, if I don't ever see them again, it'll be too soon.
41:02I'm ready for the shit show with Josh to unfold and see what a child he is.
41:10Like Corona, I like her a lot. And then I'm excited to see about James, where he goes.
41:16Yeah, I had a weird feeling that he was going to leave Indonesia. He wasn't going to make it
41:23very long because I was watching him and I was watching the previews. I was like, I don't feel
41:27like he's going to stay, you know, and especially when you go somewhere where you're making good
41:31money, he has a good job with his family, making good money, he can probably make his own hours,
41:36he can probably control his income. And to leave that to go to a place like Indonesia,
41:41where you have to work three times as hard to make even less money, you know, that's definitely
41:46going to be hard. Oh, and did you get Brandon and what's her name? And Julia? No, not Brandon and
41:55Julia. The other Brandon. Yeah. Did you get Brandon and Mary vibes from them? Yeah, somebody
42:03said that on Twitter. They're like, I'm kind of getting Brandon and Mary vibes because they're
42:06both really immature. And I was like, Oh, man, are we gonna get another Brandon and Mary, which
42:11will be pretty fun, right? Like I had a lot of fun with them. And if you don't follow them on
42:15TikTok, guys, they're really funny. Right? Don't fall for it and send them money. But they're
42:21really funny. Right? Like they're hilarious. Every post, they're gonna ask you for money. Don't fall
42:27for it. Don't. But if you watch their posts, they make fun of themselves. And they're funny. They
42:32know how to laugh at themselves. And I think that they're great. But yeah, I'm really excited to
42:37watch Brandon, or not Brandon, Josh. And I can't get any of these names right. This is like super
42:43hard. You know, I don't retain information. It's just because it's new people. Yeah, two weeks,
42:47we'll have them all down pat. Yeah, because it's like, I know, not like old people, like reduce,
42:54reuse, recycle. We're so used to that concept. Yeah, you're right. Because I've been saying
43:01Jasmine and Gino for like four years. I've been saying Angela and Michael for like six years now.
43:06Like and you have to learn new couples. It is kind of hard because you you're so used to saying
43:11the same names over and over for years. So like now I have all their faces. I can see them in my
43:18mind. It's just attaching their name. Y'all don't know this. But sometimes I'll like print stuff out
43:22and I'll have like stuff taped right here. So I can remember like, oh my god, I remember when Kim
43:28season was on Kim and Soulja Boy. I had all their pictures and names taped to my ring light. So I
43:35could remember who everybody was because it was hard. I was like, I cannot with these new people.
43:41It was really difficult. Yeah. It's tough to get them down. But once we get them down,
43:47then we're like, oh, are they going to be on next season?
43:51Well, yeah. I've seen about 10 to 12 episodes in how I feel about the couple.
43:57Yeah. I feel this change often. Yeah. So I know that you guys by now saw the video of Sean and
44:06Aaliyah. And she's here in America and they were filming at the airport in L.A. So how do you guys
44:11feel? So they're obviously filming for Night and Fiance, not Love in Paradise. So how do you guys
44:15feel about them transitioning over to another show? So I was wrong. I said nobody was going to
44:23make it from Love in Paradise. So obviously they are trying to make it. But I was right on the
44:30other ones. I was going to say, we don't know if they made it yet. This is an attempt. So you could
44:34still be right. Like, it could be very well, you know, there's 90 days from the day that Aaliyah
44:41gets here before they get married. Well, they have. There's a possibility. To be honest, I didn't
44:45think she would get to America. Really? I did not think. No, I thought they were. I thought it was
44:50going to be done with his open relationships and all the bullshit. I heard transitioning being too
44:57much for him, his open relationships, him not having the same feelings for her as he did for
45:02Douglas. I thought it was I thought it was going to be done. But I was wrong. She is here. I'm not
45:08saying they make it, but I'm not saying they don't. But I was right about everybody else.
45:14Oh, yeah, you were 100% right. Nobody from that season. I think Medellin and Luke,
45:21from as far as I know, they're still trying to sell that package.
45:25Yeah. Did you see that?
45:27I saw it. I did. And ain't no way. Ain't no way. I could know. I would fly solo before I
45:36did whatever the hell they're trying to sell. But yeah, we're gonna come back and talk about,
45:42oh, so we didn't do a, what do you call it, episode for last week for Love in Paradise for
45:48the finale, because we couldn't all get together last week. So when we come back tomorrow night,
45:53we're going to talk about MILF Manor, the last two episodes. And then we're going to also have
45:58like 10 or 15 minutes, we can finish up the Love in Paradise finale. So we can at least discuss
46:04the episode. And then we'll finish off that and then we'll be done with Love in Paradise. And
46:09then the week after, we'll just continue with MILF Manor. So that'll be tomorrow night. Dee Dee
46:15won't be back. She won't be back till next week. So it'll be Gina, Cara and I tomorrow night as
46:20well. Thank you so much for joining. And oh, one more question. Were you surprised that we were
46:27doing two hour episodes again? Because remember last season, we did one hour episodes and we made
46:32it like to episode 26. So I'm assuming with the two hour episodes, we're going to be probably
46:38closer to like 20 episodes or maybe even less, which fingers crossed, right? I don't need any
46:44more than 15 episodes in a season. Like honestly, I don't. But thanks to Netflix and all the
46:49streaming, I can't make it past 20 episodes, right? Yeah, but I am loving how it's narrowing
46:55down like everybody's saying goodbye and going home on happily ever after. So you know, we're
47:01getting close. Someone told me next week is the finale. I can't verify it because at the end of
47:09the previews for last night, it didn't say that. No, but someone said that. Wait, did it? It looked
47:16like it did. Yeah. All we have left to unfold there is Michael surprising everybody that he's
47:21yeah. And then I mean, so fingers crossed, next week might actually be the finale. And then we're
47:27going to start the tell-all, which I heard the tell-all is crazy. I did hear there are three
47:32parts though. I'm sorry to say. Of course. Yeah. I did hear that because they're doing the
47:38everybody's in the house together as per one of the tell-alls. And then they're going to get into
47:43the traditional. I just hope if it's going to be a three-part tell-all, I hope that each tell-all
47:50is two hours because it pisses me off when they only give me a little bit. Oh yeah, they did that
47:56with the single life. They would give us an hour. Yeah, they gave us like five or six of them too,
48:02which is outrageous. I mean, as long as we get through it two hours each time, maybe an hour
48:07for when they're in the house and then two hours each for the tell-all. The tell-all is what we
48:13sat through all 20 episodes to get. Don't skimp us on that, please. We all know what's going to
48:17happen. TLC just wants to pull us in and it's going to be an hour. We all know that already.
48:25I hope it's two hours. I like them better when they're two hours. Me too.
48:31Give it all to me. Yeah, give it all to us, please. We earned it. We sat through all these
48:35episodes. We've been loyal to you. So please give us what we deserve. All right, guys. Oh,
48:40you mean Statler's idea. Let's not get into that. Statler and Armando fought it out over her idea
48:47of the house, which is not her idea. They started that like when Big Brother started 30 years ago.
48:54So Statler, when you think of that, like they literally been putting, no, you know what?
48:59They started it on the real world in like the 80s or MTV, right? Like they put a whole bunch of
49:06strange people in the house and won them the fight. So Statler, you didn't think of that.
49:09That's been going on for a really long time. And Armando made it very clear.
49:13Shut up. Like Armando is like, girl, shut up. Like, okay. All right. Make sure you're following
49:19my co-hosts, Cara and Gina. They're tagged in this video. Next week, we're going to have DeeDee
49:23back. She'll be back in town, back in Georgia, so we can have her back. Make sure you're following
49:28me on all social media platforms at GeorgeMassey, Anywhere you get your podcast,
49:31type in The George Massey Show. Thank you for joining us, everybody. Have a wonderful night,
49:36and we'll talk to all of you tomorrow. Bye. Bye.
