00:00Hé, y'a pas !
00:12Hé, y'a pas !
00:30C'est votre tour de chuter un truc qui vous invite à graduer !
00:34Vous m'avez juste envoi le AT-AT, vous perdriez la vie !
00:35Non, vous la garderez !
00:41Non non non, tu continues !
00:42Mais je ne peux pas !
00:44Parle de ce motif ou de ce truc...
00:46Vous devez parsley et venger le truc !
00:54Hé, à qui, cet ouvrier,hi !
00:57Mec, vous allez bien cuartonter la gouverne !
00:58Hey Mucklehead, what are you waiting for?
01:00You mean...
01:01That's right. Here's a big chance to be something besides broom jockeys.
01:07We'll take your choo-choo through S.P.
01:09Great! There's a bright future in this company for brave men like you.
01:15You mean there's no future.
01:19So long and good luck.
01:21So long S.P. See you in L.A.
01:24If we're L.U.C.K.Y.
01:27Keep a sharp lookout for Indians, Lou.
01:29You mean like this?
01:31Uh-oh. Looks like trouble up ahead.
01:33Those Indians are getting bolder all the time.
01:36Hang on to your hat, Lou. We're gonna highball it through.
01:44You got a many more bright idea how to stop an iron horse, Thunderbird Brain.
01:51Hey, Yabba, here comes some more Indians.
01:57They're Apaches.
01:58If they don't get off the track, they're gonna be the last of the Mohicans.
02:12How about that, Abbott? We built a totem pole.
02:16We better start building a railroad. Look!
02:21End of the line, Costello.
02:23It's got a very funny finish.
02:27Iron horse stop now.
02:29This biggest train hold up in West.
02:37The situation is getting intense.
02:39So are we.
03:01Guess we took care of those Indians with our engine.
03:04Yeah, but I think we got a puff-puff in our caboose.
03:08Yipe! Those are brains.
03:10No wonder I feel like a coward.
03:15Quick, Lou. Unhook the tender.
03:21If we never see them again, it'll be too soon.
03:24Yeah! We don't want any more Navajo.
03:29Uh-oh! Shovel on more coal, Lou.
03:31What coal? We let loose the tender.
03:42Oh, no! We're going to hit the tender.
03:45We're going through this time, Lou.
03:47And I'd like to see them stop us.
03:49Do you mind if I don't look?
03:53Me put them wrong way, Indian sign, on pale faces.
04:01What did the sign say, Lou?
04:03This way, L.A. Everything's A-OK.
04:06And we're going through this time, Lou.
04:08And I'd like to see them stop us.
04:10Do you mind if I don't look?
04:12Everything's A-OK.
04:14And look, they're letting us through.
04:17Not that friendly.
04:19Hey, Albert, can a lion horse fly?
04:22Certainly not.
04:23Then look out below!
04:29Darn nation!
04:30They've been gone three weeks, five days, and fourteen hours.
04:35Wonder whatever happened to them.
04:38Say, Lou, I told you we'd get through Indian territory.
04:41Yeah! Now all we gotta figure out is how to get through Eskimo territory!