• last year
Embark on a magical adventure with Netflix's romantic comedy series, Miss Night and Day, directed by the renowned Lee Hyung Min. Watch the captivating 'Office Superhero' clip from Season 1, featuring a stellar cast including Choi Jin Hyuk and Lee Jung Eun. This series blends romance and mystery in a mesmerizing way. Stream Miss Night and Day now on Netflix and experience the enchantment!

Miss Night and Day Cast:

Jung Eun Ji, Choi Jin Hyuk, Lee Jung Eun, Yoon Byung Hee, Jung Young Joo and Baek Seo Hoo

Stream Miss Night and Day now on Netflix!


00:00I typed it myself.
00:04All of this?
00:06Of course.
00:23This is how you're going to pay me today.
00:30I like it. I like it because you're here.
00:32I've been waiting for her for so long.
00:35I'm sorry.
00:46It's all done.
00:49He told me to do it by 12, so I did my best.
