• 4 months ago
On the edges of areas facing a heat wave, thunderstorms are firing up, dumping intense amounts of hail in some cases.
00:00Big contrast in the north-central U.S. right now, and the front is separating the hot weather from cooler and storminess to the north.
00:08Yeah, we've got a lot of that storm action here. Dakotas into Wisconsin and Michigan.
00:12We've seen rounds of it. Watch out though, because as we get these rounds of rain, places like in the Dakotas, for example,
00:18could be dealing with some more flooding. Absolutely. And then just to the south,
00:2298 in St. Louis, typically we're around 87 by now, and Kansas City, you're running six degrees above average,
00:2811 degrees above the norm in Cincinnati, really hot. Chicago is not looking bad though tomorrow.
00:32That's one of the nicer places to be. Yeah, that'll be a little bit of a lake breeze influence there.
00:37Yeah. Keeps them a bit more friendly, but as we go through the afternoon and overnight hours, more thunderstorms across the Dakotas,
00:44Nebraska, and even into Minnesota and Iowa. And look at the hail out there in Slater, Wyoming.
00:48That's a very recent video for the past hour or so. We may see something similar to that again tomorrow in the same area.
