土团党七人帮倒戈安华 | YB身份倒数计时? 丹州议会悬空能吉里州议席 阿兹兹下一步法庭见?

  • 3 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌土团党倒戈议员,逃不过这一步?


主持 | @celes 美伶

#能吉里 #悬空议席 #补选 #土团党
#反跳槽法 #莫哈末阿玛 #莫哈末阿兹兹
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

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00:00There will be another election of Zhou Yixi.
00:02Qi Landan, the leader of the National Alliance,
00:03shot the first shot at the YB of the Nationalist Party of China that supports Anhua,
00:07and announced that from today on, Zhou Yixi will be removed from office.
00:10This also means that Muhammad Aziz, who came from the Nationalist Party of China,
00:13will lose his status as a member of the Nationalist Party of China.
00:16He is also one of the seven leaders of the Nationalist Party of China
00:18who was elected by Zhou Yixi.
00:21Muhammad Aziz bin Abu Na'im
00:24has lost his eligibility to be a member of the Party of the United Nations of Malaysia.
00:28There will be an unexpected vacancy
00:31in the chair of the 43-member Legislative Yuan.
00:35Qi Landan, the leader of the Nationalist Party of China,
00:36made this announcement on Wednesday morning.
00:39He said that the Nationalist Party of China will receive a letter
00:42from a member of the Nationalist Party of China and a member of the Nationalist Party of China on June 13,
00:44informing him of the loss of his eligibility to be a member of the Nationalist Party of China.
00:47Therefore, the government of China announced that Zhou Yixi will be removed from office.
00:50If all goes well,
00:51the election committee will hold a re-election in 60 days
00:53after receiving Zhou Yixi's notification.
00:56As for the announcement of the vacancy of Zhou Yixi,
00:59the party leader Aziz said that he was not surprised
01:02and that he would discuss with the lawyer tomorrow
01:04before entering the court to challenge this decision.
01:06When he received the letter,
01:07he criticized Zhou Yixi for making a hasty decision
01:10to deprive him of the right to vote for the federal government.
01:13He said that although he won the Neng Jilin seat
01:16under the banner of the Nationalist Party of China,
01:18he was treated differently from other members of the Nationalist Party of China,
01:21so he had no choice but to express his support for the federal government
01:24in order to obtain the right to vote.
01:25In addition, Aziz pointed out in the Qian Fengpao interview
01:28that he had never applied to quit the Nationalist Party
01:31or to join other political parties.
01:33He wanted to defend his rights and was not constrained by the anti-vote law.
01:37Because he was expelled from the Nationalist Party,
01:38he would only become an independent member
01:40and did not need to vote for Zhou Yixi.
01:42In addition,
01:43Aziz, who was only elected as the YB for the first time in 2022,
01:46was not only a member of the Neng Jilin state,
01:48but also a member of the Huawang神佛会
01:52who played a major role in the general election
01:55After Zhou Yixi, who was elected as the YB for the first time in 2022,
01:58can he still maintain his position as a member of the Nationalist Party of China?
02:00What about the other Yixi movements of the pro-democratic parties?
02:04This is very challenging for Chairman Zou Hali.
02:06The National Congress will be held again this week,
02:07which is very worth paying attention to.
02:09Remember to keep an eye on Reddit and Hotspot
02:11to follow more domestic issues.
