• last year
Lahir dari keluarga yang menggeluti kesenian rakyat, membuat Sutedjo tidak asing dengan dunia seni panggung. Sejak anak-anak hingga dewasa, Sutedjo sudah terbiasa tampil dalam pementasan wayang orang, tari, dan ketoprak di tempat yang berpindah-pindah mengikuti. Saat sudah berkeluarga, Sutedjo memutuskan untuk menjadi penghibur mandiri. Kadang ia harus menari, bermain sulap, menabuh gamelan, bahkan menjadi badut di acara ulang tahun anak-anak. Berbagai figur yang menjadi idola anak-anak ia tampilkan. Hingga akhirnya ia dikenal dengan nama Tedjo Badut.
“Badut itu bukan sekedar memakai kostum yang aneh dan lucu, tapi harus memiliki banyak kemampuan untuk menghibur orang”, jelas lelaki yang kini telah memiliki tiga orang cucu ini.
Tedjo menyukai dunia anak-anak, sehingga untuk menghibur, Ia tak ragu harus tampil total agar mereka senang. Tedjo mengaku tidak mematok tarif khusus, bahkan Ia rela tidak dibayar jika tampil dalam acara-acara amal.
Apa saja bisa, untuk menghiburmu!, adalah slogan Tedjo dalam menghibur orang-orang yang mengundangnya. Tak heran, banyak klien yang puas sehingga meminta Tedjo untuk kembali tampil di acara mereka. Sebagai pioner badut penghibur di Yogyakarta, Tedjo juga membidani lahirnya Asosiasi Badut Jogja (Asbaja) sebagai wadah silaturahmi dan berbagi pengetahuan kepada mereka yang menggeluti jasa badut penghibur.

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00:00How did you become a farmer?
00:03It's a process.
00:05I became a farmer because of this.
00:11What's your name?
00:12My name is T. E. D. G. O.
00:16My name is Jenenggu.
00:18E. Beautiful and original.
00:21My name is Gaweng.
00:23D. Wherever I go, they are always happy.
00:29G. Whenever they call me, I'll call them back.
00:35O. I don't care what they think.
00:38As long as I'm happy.
00:40As long as all creatures are happy.
01:00My name is T. J. O. Badut.
01:03Why am I called Badut?
01:05Because I'm from Badut.
01:09In the end of 1989,
01:19there was a children's festival in Jogja.
01:23I attended it.
01:25I was the promoter of the festival.
01:28It was a children's festival.
01:31There was a lot of people.
01:33Now, there are no more people.
01:35As time passed,
01:39the festival became more and more popular.
01:44Even in big hotels in Jogja.
01:55Why did I choose to go to Badut?
02:00Because in Badut,
02:02you don't just wear a costume.
02:04In Badut, you have to have a lot of skills.
02:10You have to be able to perform.
02:13You have to be able to wear a costume.
02:16A costume with innovation.
02:19You have to be able to speak clearly.
02:23In Badut, you have to be able to do a lot of things.
02:27You have to be able to have fun.
02:31You have to be able to dance.
02:34You have to be able to move.
02:36You have to be able to do acrobatics.
02:38You have to be able to do acrobatics.
02:40You have to be able to do magic.
02:42What do you like about Badut?
02:46I don't buy everything.
02:50In other words, I don't buy things by paying SPP.
02:54I don't learn in a specific field.
02:57For example, I don't know how to sell,
03:00how to fill,
03:01how to be an academic.
03:02No, no.
03:03This is a real experience.
03:09I've been to Badut for a long time.
03:15It's good.
03:17It's good until now.
03:22It's natural for me.
03:25It's a process.
03:27I don't know why I became like this.
03:30It's natural for me.
03:36What does Badut mean to you?
03:38In Badut, I've improved.
03:43But personally,
03:45when I perform,
03:48it means a lot to me.
03:50I'm a badut dancer.
03:52Sometimes, I'm asked for help from my friends in the theater.
03:55I'm asked for help from my friends in the dance.
04:03There's always a blessing.
04:04Because I'm not just a badut dancer.
04:07There are a lot of baduts in Jogja.
04:12And because of my love for badut,
04:16I try to gather them.
04:19And now, there's a badut association in Jogja.
04:28The badut dancers,
04:30they're the ones who lower the bar.
04:35Badut dancers are the ones who make the badut dance.
04:39There are a lot of baduts in Jogja.
04:44They wear badut costumes and make-up.
04:49They don't have any skills.
04:51It's their birthday.
04:52I'm so happy when I see them.
04:54I'm like,
04:55let's celebrate.
04:57Let's sing.
04:59Let's play a game.
05:09They make us dance.
05:22My daughter is a badut dancer.
05:24And I can't do anything.
05:27I have to make a living.
05:32They can't afford it.
05:34and the players are good.
05:38That's a chance for them.
05:42That's it.
05:43That's it.
05:44What do they have?
05:46They have skills.
05:49We understand that they have skills.
05:53But they don't have skills.
05:55What skills do they have?
05:57They don't have any.
05:58Because they are affected by the economic situation.
06:04And for them,
06:06the easiest thing is
06:08to find a job.
06:11So, I don't have to rent a house.
06:14I can live here.
06:21My name is Teresia Fina Indriani.
06:24My children call me Miss Rina.
06:26I'm the teacher here.
06:28I'm the teacher here.
06:30I'm the teacher here.
06:33Pak Badud has many things.
06:36Like a flower.
06:37This year, the concept is this.
06:39The costume is not monotone.
06:42And it's close to the children.
06:45It's easy to attract them.
06:46And the toys are given to Pak Badud
06:50as a gift for the children.
06:52Like the toys,
06:53he has many things.
06:54So, it's an update.
06:59Pak Badud
07:00I'm not born yet,
07:02but Pak Tejo has become a Badud.
07:03It's amazing.
07:04So, he follows the time.
07:07From time to time,
07:09the development of Badud,
07:10what it should be like,
07:11what it can do.
07:12That's why when I see him,
07:14he's already an expert in his field.
07:17He can do anything.
07:18Even yesterday, Barongsai also joined.
07:20When Barongsai was invited here.
07:22That's why I think
07:24he is one of the most powerful Badud
07:27that I've ever met.
07:29So, it's based on experience.
07:31And for a long time,
07:32his spirit, his call,
07:34he is indeed Pak Badud.
07:38And that's his soul,
07:39entertaining the children.
07:40Not only the children,
07:41but also the teachers.
07:42The children are also entertained.
07:46I hope Pak Tejo is always healthy.
07:49So, he can always entertain us.
07:52And if he's creative,
07:53he's always creative.
07:55I just want him to be healthy,
07:57live a long life,
07:58so he can play with the children,
08:00and always be invited by our friends.
08:06I don't consider Dukawi to be boring.
08:10Because Dukawi is general.
08:12It's generally felt by entertainers.
08:16For example, Dikemplang.
08:18Dikemplang is very Javanese.
08:20It's not paid by EO.
08:23It's normal.
08:24Even though there are troubles,
08:27it's generally felt.
08:29For me, it's not a burden.
08:31But I'm always happy.
08:33That's what I like.
08:34That's why I'm so happy
08:37to entertain the children.
08:40That's why I'm happy.
08:44Five words.
08:45Tejo is T-E-D-J-O.
08:49I like Tejo.
08:52E. Beautiful and original.
08:55That's what I like.
08:57D. Wherever I go,
09:00they're always happy.
09:03C. When they call me,
09:06I call them back.
09:09O. No matter what they think,
09:12as long as I'm happy.
09:14As long as all the creatures are happy.
