After marriage,CEO secretly spoiled girl, helped her solve work problems, and fought against scumbag

  • 3 months ago
After marriageCEO secretly spoiled girl helped her solve work problems and fought against scumbag
00:00So if you are smart, apologize to me right here, right now.
00:04You know what?
00:06Fuck you!
00:07Don't expect to find any job in any jewelry company!
00:17What's up, babe? You seem off.
00:19You know, I'm really not in the mood for your stupid jokes.
00:22Wanna talk about it? Maybe I can help.
00:26Yeah, I had a bad interview today.
00:29The HR was totally rude.
00:31Didn't even look at my work and threatened to ruin my rep.
00:34Uh, which company?
00:38Sure to that.
00:40Oh really? No need to brag.
00:42Give me a sec.
00:50Lucas, long time no talk, my troublemaking brother.
00:55You owe me one.
00:57No better?
00:58What do you want? Just say it.
01:06Alright. Done.
01:15Ms. Harris? It's the HR from your interview.
01:19I'm calling to apologize.
01:21I was way out of line.
01:23I'm so so sorry.
01:25Sorry about that, miss.
01:27My bad mood got the best of me and I unfairly dumbed it on you.
01:31It's all my fault.
01:33And to make it right, I'm sending you an offer right now.
01:36Please forgive me.
01:42How did you do that?
01:44Don't forget what I do for a living.
01:46What do you mean?
01:48I just used some, you know, threats and violence.
01:51Until he got scared.
01:55I thought you actually had some kind of superpowers to take down a big shot like Mona.
01:59It's not so impressive if you're just bullying people.
02:02How about you just relax and focus on your job?
02:05Okay, fine. Thank you.
02:07But I hope that you won't do that again.
02:13There are other ways to take it, you know.
02:15Not just with words.
02:17What are you doing? Don't get so close.
02:19Okay, being violent doesn't work on me.
02:23You really are interesting.
02:25Can't believe a pampered princess like you is so desperate for a job.
02:36Did you touch that necklace?
02:38Yeah, because they told me that I could use it as a reference.
02:42I didn't say that. I said you could refer to it.
02:45It's against the rules to touch company jewelry without permission.
02:50But you said that I should go and get it.
02:52It's not my problem.
02:55She's been here for what? A week?
02:57What a stupid move.
02:59Yeah, well, typical newbie move.
03:02They get dazzled by all the bling, you know.
03:05I don't get it. Why would you set me up like this?
03:08Set you up?
03:10Do you know the problems you're causing?
03:12I'll give you one shot to say sorry.
03:15If not, you can sort it out with the boss.
03:18You better fix it, or the boss will.
03:21I'll bet if Amy goes to the boss, Emma's toast.
03:25She's got to gust it.
03:27If I were a newcomer, I'd just suck it up and apologize.
03:31I'm not going to apologize. I didn't do anything wrong.
03:34What is your problem?
03:36I'm not the one that made the mistake, okay? I can prove it.
03:40You better show us proof, otherwise you might as well just quit.
03:43You can take the necklace out yourself to get it evaluated right here.
03:47Saves a bunch of time.
03:49I don't think Amy can do anything now.
03:54Should I replay it again for you, or did you not see it clearly enough?
03:59I didn't think you'd go so far as to bring actual proof.
04:03If you're so confident, why don't you show the boss?
04:07Is someone calling for me?
04:10Is someone calling for me?
04:30What's your name?
04:32Emma Harris.
04:34So it's you.
04:37Your design is very creative. I really like it.
04:45You're done here.
04:47We don't need people abusing their authority.
04:49Grab your stuff and get out.
04:53You can continue what you were doing.
04:56And by the way, I never thought Lucas would know someone so...
05:32Oh, thank you.
05:36Waiter, get us your best red wine, please.
05:39Thank you for coming today.
05:41Uh, if you're here to apologize, please just make it quick.
05:45Even though we broke up, I still miss you.
05:49A lot. All the time, in fact.
05:52I still have feelings for you.
05:54And I think you do too, right?
05:57Then why did you cheat on me with Charlotte?
05:59You knew that she was my sister, didn't you?
06:02It wasn't like that.
06:03Charlotte made the first move and...
06:05seduced me.
06:06Seduced you? You seemed into it.
06:08It's in the past.
06:10Can't we just let it go?
06:11This is your apology?
06:13It's all just excuses.
06:16I should've never come.
06:18No, no, no, Emma, hold on.
06:20Can't you just let go of your anger?
06:22After all this time, just for fucking once?
06:24Let me go!
06:25Listen to me.
06:27Just let me go now!
06:30What do you think you're doing, treating my wife like this?
06:35Let me go, asshole!
06:38Damn, I'll call the cops!
06:40What are you going to tell them then, huh?
06:42That you were harassing my wife?
06:43Lucas, that's enough. Just let him go already.
06:52Wait, Emma, you got married?
07:00Did you really serve this to Emma?
07:03That's a two grand bottle, asshole. What do you know?
07:10Mr. Anderson, it's been a while.
07:13Get this asshole out of here.
07:15Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
07:17Right now, please.
07:19Do you even know who I am?
07:21I'm a VIP here. Years of patronage.
07:23How can you kick me out like that?
07:26I understand, sir, and I'll refund your money as soon as I can.
07:29But Mr. Anderson just booked the whole place, so...
07:32Please. Leave. ASAP.
07:38But this isn't over. Just wait and see.
07:44Why splurge so much?
07:47You should be thanking me.
07:49I know, thanks, but...
07:50Still hung up on James?
07:52I came here for his apology, that's it.
07:55Better be.
07:57Otherwise I'll...
07:58Otherwise what?
08:00Embarrass you?
08:02Don't worry, even though this is a fake marriage, I won't cheat.
08:09Get your work stuff sorted?
08:11Yeah, the boss, Joshua, he saw through Amy's BS, promoted me.
08:17Yeah, he could probably tell that Amy was untrustworthy.
08:21He even looked through my portfolio, praised my work,
08:24saying I'm quite talented.
08:26He's kind.
08:28Not as arrogant as other bosses.
08:30He's very friendly.
08:31Don't get too close to him.
08:38Are you...
08:40Are you jealous?
08:43Why would I be jealous?
08:45I'm just afraid that...
08:48You'll do something you'll regret.
08:50You promised to be faithful to me.
08:53I don't want you to do something that could screw up your job and your rep.
08:56Wow, you really care.
08:59Not really.
09:02Joshua, he sounds...
09:07He's really kind, and all the girls like him, saying he's nice, handsome, and rich.
09:15That's funny.
09:17Are you richer than him?
09:20Doesn't matter.
09:21Just stay away from him.
09:29Uh, yeah, I'm on my way.
09:39Look, Emma, your mom's meds are crucial.
09:42If she skips them, I don't know if she'll make it.
09:47Look, Doc, I know.
09:50I'm sorry, but I just need a little bit more time with the payments.
09:54The payments are already weeks overdue.
09:59I know, I'm sorry, I just...
10:02I'm struggling.
10:03I promise I'll get it figured out.
10:08Okay, the deadline is the end of this month.
10:11No more delays.
10:13I can't help you anymore.
10:26I really miss you.
10:29I promise I'm gonna get this figured out, okay?
10:36What are you doing here?
10:38You ran away without saying a word.
10:40Weren't answering my calls.
10:42What are you doing in a hospital?
10:44I, uh...
10:45You hiding something from me?
