• last year
Saundersfoot in Bloom is inviting residents and business owners in the seaside village to show off their floral delights and enter this year’s Garden Competition.
The format is similar to previous years but there are new classes for Wildlife Champion - open to all gardens where the design, choice of plants and use of space is especially welcoming to wildlife and a Young Gardener Award - for entrants under 18.
“Our ‘Garden Competition’ is free to enter, encouraging everyone from amateur gardeners to seasoned pros to showcase their gardening achievements,” said Julie Davies from Saundersfoot in Bloom.
“If you’re worried that you haven’t got an RHS Chelsea show garden - then please don’t - we want to see what you love about gardening and how you have used your space.”
Entry forms can be picked up in the village from Saundersfoot Library, The Salty Spaniel and Ecoast or entrants can get in touch at the Saundersfoot in Bloom Facebook page and the organisers will get a form to you. Forms need to be returned before June 30.
New this year is the opportunity to nominate a garden. Do you pass a garden on the way to work that you love? Do colourful flower beds catch your eye when you walk the dog? Know someone with green fingers and a talent for container gardening or with a haven for wildlife?
You can use the entry form to nominate a garden you think the judges should see. If you have a friend, neighbour, family member or know of a business with a garden that makes you happy then share the love!
Nominations can be done anonymously but if you leave your details they won't be shared and will only be kept for the competition and associated events such as the presentation evening later in the year.
Categories are as follows:
Section 1 - Private Houses
Class 1: Best garden visible from the road.
Class 2: Best garden not visible from the road.
Class 3: Best forecourt without garden.
Class 4: Best vegetable patch/kitchen garden.
Class 5: Wildlife Champion (Open to all gardens where the design, choice of plants, management and use of the space is especially welcoming to wildlife)
Class 6: Best container garden (Open to balconies and gardens that are based on window boxes, pots, and baskets)
Class 7: Best hanging basket (single basket)
Class 8: Best planter/tub/container (single container)
Class 9: Young Gardener Award (Awarded for entries for classes 1 - 8 from young
people under 18. Entry form to be filled out by parent/guardian)
Class 10: Best Senior Citizens Garden
Section 2 – Hotels, Guest Houses, Public Houses and Restaurants
Class 11: Best Garden.
Class 12: Best premises with containers and hanging baskets.
Class 13: Best overall display visible from the road (Awarded where the judges feel the business has best embraced the gardening competition by helping to brighten up the locality)
Section 3 – Trade, Retail Premises, Clubs, Institutions etc.
The ‘Saundersfoot Bay Leisure Park Trophy’ will be presented to the best commercial premises.


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