Debbie Stabenow Blasts Republicans For Blocking Bipartisan Border Bill
At a Senate Democratic press briefing last week, Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) slammed Republicans for voting against the Border Act.
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00:00 - Okay.
00:00 - Oh, I'm sorry.
00:01 - No, get one.
00:02 - You go.
00:03 - Okay, okay, great.
00:04 I'm proud to be part of a caucus
00:05 that actually likes to get things done.
00:08 And we have shown over and over again that as Democrats,
00:11 we know you have to work with Republicans.
00:13 That's how you get things done.
00:14 And that's how we have seen so many positive things
00:18 happening for people.
00:20 So, 106 days ago, Republicans had a chance,
00:23 as our leader has indicated, to actually step up
00:27 and support something that they helped create,
00:30 they helped draft, and because of Donald Trump said no.
00:33 And today, they had a chance to do that again.
00:37 What's most frustrating to me
00:41 is that this is not about politics,
00:43 it's about solving problems that have yet been solved
00:48 because they are not willing to join us to do that.
00:52 Fix the broken asylum system?
00:55 It's still broken because of their vote today.
00:59 Stop the flow of deadly fentanyl?
01:01 It's still coming because of their no votes today.
01:06 Give the president tools to manage the border?
01:09 Still doesn't have everything that is needed
01:13 because they voted no today.
01:17 And investing in border agents and officers
01:19 that are desperately needed,
01:21 not just at the southern border,
01:24 but from Michigan, I can tell you, at the northern border,
01:27 this is an issue for us as well.
01:30 These problems are real.
01:33 We know that.
01:35 The president knows that.
01:37 That's why we brought the bill up again,
01:40 to give another chance to actually get this done.
01:42 It'd be a great drinking game
01:46 to every time the Republicans went to the floor
01:48 and said we need to do something about border security
01:52 to be able to follow that, right?
01:54 And they'll come back again.
01:56 I bet when we come back,
01:58 they'll be back again on the floor
01:59 saying we need to do something about border security.
02:03 Well, we do.
02:04 We do.
02:05 And we're trying.
02:07 And they've now voted no twice.
02:10 And we still have the issues,
02:12 and we're still gonna look for ways to solve the problem
02:15 because you know what?
02:16 That's what we do.
02:18 We step up and offer to work together
02:21 to solve problems for the American people.
02:23 - Senator Cortez, mask.
02:25 Thank you.