Minecraft: Bedrock Edition: ForeveRain [Bug] Unusually long Rain + Weather's Mechanics not working

  • il y a 23 jours
Showcasing a Bug I've stumbled on, I must've Save & Quit the very moment it started Raining, as in I didn't saw it begin/transition. This "Forever Rain" pretty much never ends, but on top of that, the Weather's Mechanics are broken; during the Day, Undead are burnt as if they were exposed to Sunlight, Farmland doesn't get wet, Conduits do not give their Effect when above the water, and other Mobs don't react to this fake rain either. The only thing that is consistent is the Light Level decreasing and the Tridents' Riptide Enchantment, but not Channeling for some other strange reason. I think Fishing is improved even under this fake rain, but that's subjective.

I can't even fix the Bug by Sleeping, nor changing Dimensions, the only normal way so far is by Save & Quitting after some time had passed and the Rain would've ended if it was normal, but on the other hand, the Rain Command also reverts everything to normal and the Weather would clear itself as it should.
