John Thune Calls Out Dems Over 'Political Theater' By Bringing Back Bipartisan Border Bill

  • 4 months ago
At a Senate Republican press briefing on Tuesday, Sen. John Thune (R-SD) spoke about border security legislation.

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00:00The next to the economy, which the administration has completely mishandled, the next and most
00:11important issue in the minds of most people in this country is the border, as Senator
00:14McConnell pointed out. And in fact, you look at the polls, 80 percent of Americans believe
00:21the border is an issue. And more than 50 percent of Americans believe it is a major issue.
00:28Senate Republicans happen to agree on that, which is why we've been urging the Biden administration
00:34to take the actions that are necessary to get operational control of the border. And
00:38they can consistently fail in that regard.
00:41This is an example of just the gotaways. So you hear us talk about numbers like those
00:47apprehended. That number is seven and a half million or so. There have been, since President
00:53Biden took office, about 1.8 million gotaways. And this is just look at this. I mean, this
00:58is when he takes office. You get 2021, two, three. And, you know, we've got a long ways
01:02to go this year yet. But this is the way that the gotaways have increased. Now, these are
01:07known gotaways, meaning that they have they were observed. They couldn't catch them. They're
01:11also unknown gotaways. The number could be significantly higher. And what's really concerning
01:16about all this, of course, is that since President Biden's taken office, 362 people who have
01:21been apprehended, those who have been caught are on the terrorist watch list. That doesn't
01:26include the number on this list or the unknown gotaways.
01:30So Republicans have tried consistently, repeatedly, to get the Democrats to focus on it. We twice
01:36had votes on H.R. 2, which is a bill that passed the House of Representatives. The Democrats
01:41defeated it, voted against it. They have blocked legislation like Senator Blackburn's bill
01:46that basically would have said that law enforcement officials, state and local law enforcement
01:52officials can detain criminals, illegal criminals, until they can be deported. There was a bud
01:58bill that would have made attacking a law enforcement officer a deportable offense.
02:04The Democrats blocked that. They blocked a bill by Senator Haggard, if you can imagine
02:09this, that would make it a requirement that to be counted in the census, you actually
02:14have to be a citizen of the country. They blocked that legislation.
02:18So Republicans have tried repeatedly to get Democrats to focus on this on the floor, and
02:23they have not. So where we are right now, obviously, is this has become a political
02:28liability, a political vulnerability for the Democrats. I wish they were focused on this
02:33issue because they think it's a national security issue. The reason all of a sudden they're
02:37interested in doing something, or at least appearing to be doing something, is because
02:41they know they've got a big political vulnerability on this.
02:44This can be solved very simply. This president, President Biden, can reverse all the policies
02:49that he implemented the day he took office, which is what has led to this massive, massive
02:55problem at our southern border. And we still encourage him to do that. But all the charades
03:01and political theater the Democrats are trying to adopt on the Senate floor to protect incumbents,
03:07that they are worried, they know are on the wrong side of this issue, isn't going to change
03:12the way things are on the southern border.
