• 5 months ago
00:00 I'm happy for everything that happened.
00:03 It was an important day for us, for Laura.
00:08 The promise we made before the game was to win this last game.
00:16 It happened, so I made Laura speak today, before the game.
00:21 That was the request from him.
00:25 I think we played a great first half, the girls played very well.
00:30 It's normal that at this point in the season there can be some setbacks.
00:35 We held on well and we closed the game beautifully.
00:42 I think that her simplicity and professionalism were an example, even without speaking.
00:51 Today we made a video to thank her for her behaviour.
00:59 I think she was an example for all of us.
01:03 Working with these girls makes you a better person.
01:08 They give you the opportunity to reflect on how you behave every day.
01:15 I found a very available group.
01:18 They worked hard, so I can only say that I was enriched.
01:28 I thank them for their participation and their desire.
01:33 They gave us that since we started working together.
01:36 (whooshing)
