EVIDENCE 7: The Most Brutal and Barbaric Case of Digital Tampering Ever Done! BY KRISHNA MURTI

  • 27 days ago
The deliberate downscaling of CCTV Video 3 from its original resolution of 1920x1080 pixels to 960x576 pixels was a critical case of digital tampering. Forensic digital experts Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto were responsible for this manipulation. This intentional reduction in resolution severely compromised the quality of the footage and had significant forensic implications, particularly concerning the analysis of the color and volume of the coffee consumed by Mirna Salihin.

The original high-resolution footage would have provided a clear and detailed view of the coffee's color and volume, crucial elements for toxicological and forensic examinations. At 1920x1080 pixels, forensic experts could have accurately analyzed whether there was any color change in the coffee when it was served by Agus Triono at Table 54, captured by CCTV 9, compared to the residue when Devi Siagian took the cup from Table 54 to the cocktail table, recorded by CCTV 3. Such color differences could indicate whether or not there was the presence of cyanide, which was a key aspect of the analysis conducted by toxicologists Nursamran Subandi and I Made Agus Gelgel.

Furthermore, the volume of the remaining coffee in Mirna Salihin's cup was another crucial piece of evidence that could have been analyzed with high-resolution footage. At the original resolution, forensic experts could have used edge detection techniques to accurately measure the remaining coffee volume, providing insights into how much coffee Mirna and others, including Hani, Devi Siagian, and Marwan Amir, consumed. Understanding the volume of the coffee residue is essential for reconstructing the sequence of events and verifying testimonies. For example, it would have clarified whether Hani drank a minimal amount of coffee or if Devi Siagian merely tasted the coffee by placing a drop on her tongue with a straw previously used by Mirna.

The downscaling also significantly impacted the ability to analyze body gestures and interactions. The lower resolution made it difficult to observe fine details, such as hand movements and facial expressions, which are crucial for understanding the interactions between individuals and their responses to the situation. Forensic experts could have closely examined Mirna Salihin's gestures and physiological responses when she was taken out of the café Olivier in a wheelchair, captured by camera 3. This analysis could have provided essential clues about her condition and the effects of the alleged poisoning. However, the reduced resolution hindered the ability to perform such detailed assessments, impacting the accuracy of forensic diagnoses.

Using the downscaled CCTV 3 footage, the forensic experts Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto, along with psychologists Antonia Ratih Anjayani and Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono, accused Jessica of turning her face away while standing in front of the cocktail bar. They claimed that she was observing the locati
