• 5 months ago
00:00 It's a process of patience with yourself as well though.
00:03 Because it's, you know, different concepts.
00:05 Mentally, it's footwork.
00:07 Like, as a competitor to yourself,
00:10 do you have to rein yourself in at times to be patient
00:12 and not try and do too much at once?
00:14 Yes, for sure.
00:15 I've fell victim to the paralysis by over-analysis before,
00:19 where you just study way too much
00:21 and then your short-term memory gets all jogged up
00:23 and you're not able to perform when you're asked of.
00:26 So I'm taking it slow, incrementally,
00:29 And they're doing a great job of just making that process go as smoothly as possible.
