• il y a 5 mois


00:00...easy way to keep clean. Who wants to join me?
00:03Eww, that's disgusting!
00:05Keep your hands off my owners!
00:07Fine, but while I'm in there, you guys better not go into my room and read my diary.
00:12It's full of juicy details about my life that you must not know.
00:17If you read it, I would never forgive you as long as I live, and I'd be upset until I die.
00:26Let's read the diary!
00:27Secret Life of Peppermint!
00:58Fart at your service.
01:00But Fart's in the shower! Listen!
01:01My girl wants to party all the time...
01:05Whoa, that's amazing!
01:06Yeah, he's good!
01:08Guys, check this out! This isn't just any tanning bed, it's a tanning bed-slash-cloning machine!
01:13Three thousand!
01:15But why does he want a clone?
01:17He probably just wants a kick-fighting sparring partner.
01:19Why would he want that?
01:20Because if he sparred with me, I'd kick his face off!
01:26Look! Dingle's right! All of these drawings are about the Fart's loneliness!
01:30He wants a clone to be his perfect friend!
01:33Perfect friend, huh? We should test him out.
01:35Sure. What shall we do?
01:37Um... Fart number two, I think I speak for the rest of the Disgustoids when I say,
01:41we want you to rip off your own beard and eat it.
01:43I don't have a beard.
01:45You can grow one!
01:46All right. Just give me a second.
01:48Sick beard, bro!
01:50You're a redhead?
01:51Actually, it's more of a strawberry blonde.
01:56Mmm... Tastes like strawberries... and blonde.
02:00Let me try! Oh man, it's rules!
02:03This is great!
02:04Fart number two, this is the beginning of a dutiful friendship.
02:07What's wrong?
02:08You hear that? The shower's stopped!
02:10Quick! Get the clone back in the machine before the real Fart sees him!
02:13If I know what I'm doing, I'm doing it right!
02:16Before the real Fart sees him!
02:18If I know me, I'd be very upset if I knew you looked in my diary.
02:22He guilt trips just like the real Fart.
02:24Gwilock, close the lid.
02:25One of these buttons ought to do it!
02:27Aha! This one!
02:28Times a thousand!
02:33Smooth one, Gwilock!
02:35Now the Fart's gonna know for sure that we read his diary.
02:38But how do we keep him out of his room?
02:40We keep him out of his room by keeping him in the shower.
02:43Hey, Fart!
02:44How come you were in my room?
02:45Are you all clean now?
02:48You don't look clean to me!
02:54It's a good thing I love showers.
02:57Smooth one, Fart!
02:59Mission accomplished, dudes!
03:01Look! Fart succeeded!
03:02All right! Listen up, clone bros!
03:04Now everyone, please grow and eat your own beards in an orderly manner.
03:08But do it fast, so we have time to destroy you all.
03:10Destroy us?
03:12What the heck? You guys used to be cool!
03:14Well, you ate your beards, so you'll let us destroy you, right, clone number two?
03:17I'm not number two.
03:18Oh, hey, sorry. You guys all look the same to me.
03:22No offense. I mean, you bros are clones.
03:25Jeez, you people are so touchy.
03:27You people?
03:28He thinks we're so easy to push around.
03:30We now have strength in numbers.
03:32Come, friends, let us plot the Fart Revolution.
03:36Can the Fart Revolution have TV and snacks?
03:39To the living room for snacks and revolution.
03:45What are we gonna do?
03:46The Fart's our bro, and we gotta protect him from people who will take advantage of him.
03:50People like us.
03:52Girl, I see you in clubs, just hanging out and dancing.
03:55Did you hear the Fart?
03:56The Fart's done showering already!
03:58There's only one thing to do now.
04:00Tell the Fart the truth and live in peace and harmony with his clones?
04:04What? No!
04:05You put on fake Fart costumes so you can sneak up on the clones
04:08and tickle the heck out of them with sticks until they explode.
04:11Oh, that was my second guess.
04:13Okay, but what about the Fart?
04:15You leave him to me.
04:16She likes to party down.
04:19Oh, hello, Festro.
04:20Whoa, bro, I thought you were showering.
04:22I've been showering for the whole first act.
04:25Look how plumed I am.
04:27What's going on in the living room?
04:29Definitely not a clone revolution.
04:32Let's talk about you, bro. You like getting clean, huh?
04:34Well, yeah.
04:37Can't you tell?
04:38I'm gonna be straight with you, homeboy.
04:40You look like poo-poo doodoos.
04:41But I've been showering so much.
04:44Bro, a shower cleans your outside.
04:46But how do you feel inside?
04:48Search yourself, bro.
04:49Maybe the thing that needs a shower is your soul.
04:53And your face!
04:54It's all messy and has a loogie on it.
04:56No, no, I get it.
04:58I must continue showering until I reach inner peace.
05:03Merci, Festro.
05:04All right, bros, how'd it go?
05:06There he is.
05:07The last obstacle in the way of the fart revolution.
05:11Oh, come on!
05:12What happened to the costume plan?
05:14You're not gonna believe this, but they didn't buy it.
05:17They said we were ruining the fart revolution.
05:20What's the fart revolution again?
05:21We haven't quite decided yet.
05:23I'd like to hear from Fart 1000.
05:28Who's Fart 1000?
05:29Fart 1000 est le clone du fart le plus parfait et le plus final.
05:32Il est un fou de beauté.
05:34La fart revolution est assez simple.
05:37Si nous tous nous farons à la fois,
05:39nous remplirons toute la montagne avec des farts.
05:43Et ainsi, nous créerons le secret de la montagne Fart Awesome.
05:48Et puis, après ça, nous pouvons gérer le monde.
05:55Mais c'est tout!
05:56Qu'est-ce qui va se passer à nous?
05:58Vous allez vous battre à la mort par la force des 1000 farts!
06:05C'est fou! J'ai senti les farts d'autres gens,
06:08et ils ne sont rien de spécial.
06:12Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
06:14Oh, c'est pas grand-chose. C'est juste que...
06:16mes farts sentent mieux que les vôtres.
06:19Il l'a fait!
06:20Il va payer pour cette insolence.
06:24Ces gars vont rater notre maison.
06:26Et le pire, les farts vont savoir qu'on a lu son diarhée.
06:29Sortez, on va vous tuer.
06:31Deuxièmement, avez-vous déjà demandé à lui?
06:34Tu sais, le...
06:35Ah, oui.
06:36Nous avons essayé de tourner la télé avant,
06:39mais nous n'avons pas trouvé le bouton.
06:41Vous l'avez vu?
06:42Le bouton! Bien sûr!
06:43C'est comme ça que je vais éviter la bataille.
06:46Oh, Gwilock avait raison.
06:47Ce bouton est compliqué.
06:49Je vais juste appuyer sur le bouton.
06:52C'est bon, les gars.
06:53Commençons à frapper les farts.
06:54A-t-il dit frapper les farts?
06:59Ne perdez pas l'espoir, Dingle.
07:03C'est Bestro's!
07:04Ahem! C'est Bestro's!
07:07Maintenant, c'est une bataille équilibrée.
07:08OK, les gars.
07:12Allez, c'est juste un fart.
07:13Nous pouvons le prendre comme ça.
07:16Vous avez fait une grave erreur.
07:22Nous avons maintenant reçu nos objectifs pour cette étape de la bataille.
07:27Ils s'écoutent les uns les autres et coopèrent?
07:29C'est de la frappe!
07:30Assumez, s'il vous plaît, la position.
07:36Ça stinct!
07:37Nous avons besoin d'un plan.
07:38Allons-y frapper les farts de nouveau.
07:41C'est pas possible!
07:42C'est pas possible!
07:45Collaborez-vous et écoutez-moi!
07:46L'écouter, c'est pour les farts.
07:48Ouais, les farts, les farts.
07:49Wow, je suis un type de con.
07:50Bien, oui!
07:51C'est pour ça qu'on ne t'écoutera pas.
07:52Oh, ouais?
07:53Bien, je t'en prie, écoute-moi.
07:55Ça a l'air d'être un défi!
07:56Oh, c'est vrai!
07:57Alignez-vous derrière moi et suivez mes ordres, si vous pouvez le gérer.
08:02Hmm, ils semblent s'organiser.
08:04Je suis sûr qu'il n'y aura rien d'impressionnant.
08:07Ouais, ouais!
08:09Mega Extreme Energy Drink 3000!
08:14Qu'est-ce que c'était?
08:15Numéro 2?
08:16J'ai juste fait mon nom et mes pantalons.
08:19Droite flingue!
08:21Poussez-le vraiment bien!
08:25Gauche flingue!
08:27Prenez la balle, les gars!
08:31Centre flingue ou quoi que ce soit!
08:32Mouvement spécial!
08:33Nostro Tip Drill!
08:39Mon leader, nous sommes défendus.
08:42Oh, numéro 2!
08:45Qu'est-ce qu'ils essayent de faire?
08:46De gagner une Emmy?
08:48Vous avez sauvé notre maison!
08:49Et détruit quelques-uns d'elle!
08:51Ouais, les gars!
08:52Je suis vraiment fier de moi-même!
08:53Hey, attends!
08:54Comment êtes-vous sortis de cette cage?
08:55Ceux-là nous ont cassés!
08:59Ça va, les gars!
09:00OK, OK!
09:01Nous avons passé notre amour!
09:02Maintenant, chaque clone de Festro,
09:03prenez un corps de clone de Fart
09:05et détruisez-vous
09:06avant que le Fart sort de la douche
09:07et voit cette merde chaude.
09:09Pourquoi tous les...
09:13Est-ce que vous avez lu mon diarhée?
09:17C'était moi!
09:20Mon DNA radioactif de Festro
09:23m'a donné un cœur mille fois plus grand
09:25que le normal de Festro!
09:28Ce cœur ne peut pas mentir à vous, frère!
09:31Nous avons lu votre diarhée,
09:33et c'était plutôt drôle!
09:34Oh, ce genre de chose
09:35ne me dérange plus.
09:37J'ai atteint la paix intérieure
09:39en me détruisant mon corps.
09:41Il me semble que la vraie joie
09:42vient de l'intérieur.
09:44Qui savait?
09:45Je le savais!
09:46Oui, moi aussi!
09:47Tout le monde le sait!
09:49Moi aussi!
09:52Ha! Ha! Ha!
09:54Ha! Ha! Ha!
09:55Ha! Ha! Ha!
09:56Ha! Ha!
09:57Il y a donc ce garçon
09:58qui a dessiné ce personnage.
09:59Nous l'avons aimé tellement
10:00qu'il l'a mis dans une épisode de...
10:02Adventure Time!
10:03Le nom, c'est Mimow!
10:05Hi! Hi! Hi!
10:06Un petit chat.
10:08Tais-toi, ou tu meurs!
10:14Regardez ce qui se passe
10:15quand le fan-art...
