• 5 months ago
At today's House Education Committee hearing, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) questioned Education Secretary Miguel Cardona about student loan forgiveness.

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00:00 Thank you.
00:01 [Mrs. Maloney.] Thank you, Mr. Secretary.
00:05 Under Committee Rule 9, we will now question the witness
00:08 under the 5-minute rule. I ask members to keep your questions
00:12 succinct so the witness has time to answer.
00:16 I now recognize myself for 5 minutes of questioning.
00:21 Mr. Secretary, you have been proudly volunteering the
00:23 taxpayers to take on the student loan debt of largely wealthy
00:28 college graduates. Do you believe that students who spend
00:31 their time in college calling for the destruction of an
00:35 ethnic or religious group or spend their time preventing
00:37 students of particular ethnic or religious groups from walking
00:41 around campus freely or spend their time occupying campus
00:44 buildings deserve to have their education paid for by
00:48 taxpayers?
00:49 [Mr. Chaffetz.] I couldn't hear you that well, but if
00:54 you are making reference to the student debt relief plan that
00:57 we have done, I am really proud of the work that we are doing
01:01 to provide a lifeline for students who chose to go to college
01:05 and are living----
01:06 [Mrs. Maloney.] But I am talking about the students who
01:09 are being anti-Semitic and stopping Jewish students from being
01:13 able to go to class and threatening them. Do you want to have
01:18 the taxpayers pay their loans off?
01:21 [Mr. Chaffetz.] I believe that students who are breaking
01:24 the law and are disrupting the educational environment should
01:30 be held to account. I believe it is important that all students
01:32 have access to their higher education classes and graduation.
01:37 [Mrs. Maloney.] Well, then, will you commit to ensuring
01:39 that no student who has harassed other students or prevented
01:42 other students from going to class or broken laws receives any
01:46 form of student loan forgiveness?
01:48 [Mr. Chaffetz.] We are committed to making sure that
01:50 campuses are safe. I condemn any form of hate or any violence
01:54 on campus. I have spoken to students and educators who have
01:59 experienced that, and it is our responsibility----
02:01 [Mrs. Maloney.] But we would like you to follow through
02:02 on those who do break the law and make sure they don't receive
02:07 student loan forgiveness.
02:09 Mr. Secretary, the COO at FSA needs to have a deep and vast
02:13 knowledge of how loan operations work, given FSA is de facto
02:19 the largest consumer bank in the country. Indeed, the
02:23 performance-based organization statute contemplates high
02:28 expectations of the COO. The COO needs to be an operational
02:34 and lending expert and have a keen understanding of massive
02:38 lending operations. Will you commit to finding a replacement
02:42 for Richard Cordray, who has real-world experience leading a
02:46 massive lending operation so that we can be assured that the
02:50 financial interests of the taxpayers are protected?
02:54 [Mr. Chaffetz.] Thank you for the question. I am committed
02:57 to making sure we have a chief operating officer that has
02:59 experience, and I look forward to working with you on a process
03:03 to select.
03:04 [Mrs. Maloney.] Thank you.
03:05 In a similar vein, since September 19, 2023, I have been
03:08 asking for the performance bonus for FY22 of COO Cordray and
03:14 FY23 for senior FSA staff, including COO Cordray. This has
03:20 been met with delay after delay after delay. This should not be
03:24 hard, as these bonuses are required to be made public. If I
03:28 do not receive the information requested by noon on the 14th,
03:33 you will be facing a subpoena.
03:36 As I mentioned earlier, FSA is a performance-based organization
03:40 and has the ability to award bonuses to select employees,
03:44 including the chief operating officer. Did the errors that
03:48 KPMG found in FY2022 and FY2023 in conducting the Department's
03:55 financial audits result in a reduction or elimination of
03:58 bonuses paid to senior department and FSA staff?
04:02 [Mr. Chaffetz.] Thank you for the question.
04:03 [Mrs. Maloney.] Simple answer, yes or no.
04:06 [Mr. Chaffetz.] Thank you for the question, Chairwoman Foxx.
04:08 We take responding to your request very seriously and will
04:12 continue to share information with you. I will make sure that
04:15 we are communicating with your team on a timeline for providing
04:19 you the information.
04:20 [Mrs. Maloney.] Did the audit have an impact on the bonuses,
04:24 yes or no?
04:25 [Mr. Chaffetz.] Within the communication, I would make sure
04:28 that the answer to your question is there. I can tell you that
04:31 we take, you know, the audit information that we receive very
04:37 seriously.
04:38 [Mrs. Maloney.] What are the practical consequences of the
04:40 Department's failure to obtain a clean audit for each of the
04:45 last two years?
04:46 [Mr. Chaffetz.] Well, you know, we recognize how important it
04:50 is to work with our auditors, and we have gotten disclaimers
04:53 of opinions in the past. And we are continuing to work with our
04:57 auditors to make sure that the information they provide us is
05:00 used as we continue to improve practices every year.
05:03 [Mrs. Maloney.] On March 6th, I transmitted a letter to you
05:08 voicing my concerns about the Department's 16 percent
05:12 occupancy rate. It has been 2 months since I wrote to you
05:15 about, and 3 and a half months since the White House Chief of
05:19 Staff requested you and other Federal Department leaders
05:22 submit a return to office action plan. Will you commit to me
05:26 today you will provide the information and documents that I
05:29 requested no later than May 17th?
05:31 [Mr. Chaffetz.] I absolutely commit to providing you that
05:35 information as quickly as possible, I hope before May 17th.
05:41 And I know that we have increased those numbers
05:44 significantly. So I am proud of the progress we are making.
05:47 [Mrs. Maloney.] Thank you, Mr. Secretary.
05:50 I now recognize Mr. Courtney for 5 minutes.
05:55 [Mr. Courtney.] Thank you, Madam Chairwoman.
