• 5 months ago
Legendary actor, Bill Pullman, guesses lines from his biggest projects such as 'Independence Day', 'While You Were Sleeping', 'Casper' and 'Spaceballs'.


00:00This is
00:02Tough guy talk didn't we already do an Independence Day? What movie was this? Hi cutie
00:16Let's nuke the bastards. It's not Spaceballs, but it's Independence Day
00:23Let's nuke the bastards
00:26I was worried
00:28That I wasn't presidential material because when they said we want you to be the president
00:33I thought is this a comedy?
00:35But then I realized I said, you know that the thing about the president is you don't have to walk around
00:41Announcing to people you're the president
00:44But if any conversation is going on in the room, they should triangulate to me
00:50so, you know, it was like a fundamental thing that I've just felt like if they recognize that I could be the president I
01:03Hi, is it really yeah, hiya cutie
01:08What movie was this? Hiya cutie?
01:12Was this League of their own? Oh my gosh
01:25Don't remember saying it but I it seemed like something I would have said it's 40s and
01:30Coming home from the war
01:32Gina Davis there big kiss
01:37Remember hearing that there were some women's athletics that was happening during the war because there were you know
01:44the men were all gone and
01:46That they had a good time, you know getting
01:50On the field, but then I learned more once we started and we were in some really
01:56Classic old baseball stadiums, you know, not even stadiums ballparks, you know and
02:01Indiana it was great to see the uniforms and everything
02:05But I didn't imagine the movie would have as much resonance as it does, you know, it really seems like it
02:11No period picture all that it's kind of endured through the decades
02:20Possession is nine tenths of the law
02:28It's not the guilty
02:31Broke down palace Oh
02:34Casper Wow, you're haunting it possession is nine tenths of the law. No
02:41Really the sword fight with the ghosts the three uncles is up a huge staircase
02:47I just had a toilet plunger that I was battling him with but it was in the early days of you know
02:54CGI in those days if you you know, I would have to do all this elaborate
03:00Choreography with nothing there, but all taking it taking those
03:05Stop points off of
03:07Aspects of the room and if I didn't do it, right if I moved it through something where a ghost was supposed to be
03:13It was a hundred thousand dollars
03:15This is what Spielberg said, you know, be very careful bill because you could bankrupt us
03:27It was a lot different than hugging hugging is very different hugging that involves arms and hands and
03:35This whole body's moving in like this
03:38This is while you're sleeping
03:40He has a lot different than hugging hugging is very different hugging that involves arms and hands
03:47Leaning his whole body's moving in like this
03:50She was great spirit clearly gonna have a bit good career ahead of her
03:56She had done the the bus movie and speed and she had
04:01Very disciplined. I think it was
04:05Really clear that we you know, we had more fun than we thought we were gonna have wet the end of the shoot
04:12we were out, you know near a cornfield in Indiana, Illinois, maybe and
04:19It was Illinois and that last take cut in John Turtle house said no
04:25He came in and grabbed Sandy's hand in my hand. He's run run
04:30Suddenly we were running
04:33Way out into this stubble cornfield until we got very far from the set right in the middle of it
04:40and he said, okay, I
04:42Just want to tell you this has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. I love you, too
04:48We've done something together. Let's just remember this moment. I
04:53Remember Sandy's laughs and just laugh
04:56Was she just loved the surprise of it and the joy of it and the acknowledgement that we were really fond of each other
05:07That's fucking crazy man, this is lost highway
05:15That's fucking crazy man
05:19All I get to say fucking I have to go beat myself I
05:24Think it's also very David, you know, David Lynch
05:28That's crazy, man
05:30You know, but it was to
05:32Robert, you know, he was this strange
05:37being entity with a white face big ears and
05:42smile and he says, you know, I'm in your home right now and
05:48No, I don't think you are. He said yeah, call me
05:54Then I call and who's on the other line he's on the other line that's fucking crazy
06:09Nice funeral in case you were wondering I don't want to see this movie, but I'm not remembering it. It's a good line
06:26Man that's right
06:30Still good line
06:32You had a nice funeral in case you were wondering
06:35We had pretty good
06:38relationship with Anton Fuqua the director who I have great admiration for I just think he's a
06:46Storytelling and action scenes and everything. I can see why Denzel like doing movies with him
06:50Had a good thing and we had a scene that Denzel
06:54Didn't like he had a big long bunch of like a monologue and I'm basically they're listening
07:02you know, but he was just you know, not not feeling like it then Antoine Fuqua said
07:10We're gonna keep the camera rolling now, we're gonna call cut and
07:15Bill yeah, this is privately
07:17He said this time when you get done with that dialogue then just starts asking Denzel questions. Just keep asking him
07:25He might not say much, but he might not want to tell you but keep going
07:31And all sudden we had this whole covered the whole ground that was in a monologue
07:36And he made it just almost instantly into a scene with Denzel
07:41Being able to not say things and realizing that's a better scene than him saying everything
07:49if there's no body, there's no crime a
07:54Lot of these lines could been from TV
07:58Center but this is not is it
08:05Could this be a
08:08A father who's desperate to protect his son
08:13It could be Murdoch murders
08:16If there's no body, there's no crime
08:21You know, there's a lot about
08:24Denial that really, you know, it's great to function on so you don't really ever think of yourself as a murderer
08:30so the the idea of how
08:34Driven you can be
08:37When you're looking to save your own skin that can be pretty intoxicating, you know
08:42Both to yourself and for people around it, you know, you realize it's that there is a murderer that
08:49He's seductive in some ways. That's how he could be so
08:55Keeping the truth from so many people
09:00My wife read them she really enjoyed them she said and
09:05Then but then you can never believe a woman
09:10Sounds like somebody just might get himself in a little trouble saying that
09:21This isn't Malice Oh
09:27My wife read them she really enjoyed him she said
09:31But then you can never believe a woman there's some good lines in there
09:36That's he never it's very relieving revealing of the character
09:41But there is another line in there that was kind of high-octane
09:46Mike Figgis type line. I'm on the job site and I said come to a party
09:51Okay, you're gonna have it the house. You're welcome to come and then we sit and having a drink and and then I say
09:58You can come and go as you please just don't come in my wife, which I think is one
10:05That's a Mike Figgis line
10:09On behalf of the planet Earth
10:12Happy 4th of July. This is Independence Day
10:16Didn't we already do an Independence Day? Oh
10:26There had been so much talk of a sequel I think there's you know, I
10:31Was losing track about what was story and what was going to happen and everything
10:35So I kind of stopped, you know, just waiting for it to get real and everything
10:40I always thought they had a good premise, but Roland said I'll never do it until I really have certain scripts
10:48So big story and a lot of characters in it, you know, there it was it was a very interesting
10:55Interesting experience to be somewhat so vulnerable such a privilege to do things again
11:03At last we meet for the first time for the last time
11:09this is
11:11tough guy talk in a very
11:14adventurous movie called space balls
11:17At last we meet for the first time for the last time I remember more than I do about movies I've shot more
11:26recently even because that was my second second movie and
11:30First was I lead big sets on the MGM lot. It was the last movie
11:37That was an MGM movie to be shot on the MGM lot before it was sold, you know
11:42It was in the days of when the makeup guy was a guy with a blazer and a tie, you know
11:49It was just a whole era. I learned a lot from it. So I do remember lots of different things about it
