• 5 months ago
Celebrity personal trainer Magnus Lygdbäck answers your questions about fitness and exercise from Twitter. How much should you rest between sets? Should you drink water before, during or after a workout? Answers to these questions and many more await—it's Workout Support.Get Magnus's Health Secrets of the Stars: https://www.magnusmethod.com/redcarpetWatch Magnus Method on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@magnus_methodFollow Magnus Method on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magnuslygdback/Director: Lisandro Perez-ReyDirector of Photography: AJ YoungEditor: Christopher JonesExpert: Magnus LygdbackAssociate Producer: Paul Gulyas; Brandon WhiteCasting Producer: Nicholas SawyerCamera Operator: Matt KruegerSound Mixer: Justin FoxProduction Assistant: Spencer MathesenPost Production Supervisor: Christian OlguinPost Production Coordinator: Ian BryantSupervising Editor: Doug LarsenAdditional Editor: Paul TaelAssistant Editor: Justin Symonds


00:00 I'm Magnus Ligback, I've trained many high profile celebrities over the years.
00:04 Now it's time to answer your questions from the internet. This is Workout Support.
00:08 @Madloons How much do I have to lift to build muscle?
00:16 If you work almost to failure, about 9 sets for your smaller muscles and up to 12 to 15
00:24 sets on your bigger muscles like your legs and the back, you're off to a very good start.
00:30 It releases more testosterone in our bodies when we go heavier. We also know that being strong is
00:37 actually really good for longevity. When you're lifting a weight, what happens is that you get a
00:43 little micro tear in your muscle fiber. And then after your body goes in to heal that micro tear
00:49 and that makes the muscle stronger and a little bit bigger. And that's how you build muscle.
00:54 @Rush4Joan wants to know what's the ideal amount of rest between sets?
00:58 I have a rule that I rest up to 2 minutes in between my heavier exercises. So if I'm doing a
01:04 squat or bench press, if I'm lifting heavy, I rest up to 2 minutes to recover. Towards the end of
01:10 every session when I do more lower weight, higher reps and work more intensely, I try to keep the
01:17 rest to 1 minute or below 1 minute. @TiffanyPanna wants to know, @GalGadot how do you stay fit?
01:24 I want to look like you. When I help Gal to prepare for Wonder Woman 84, your number one
01:30 objective is to make sure your actor or actress do not get hurt. If your actor gets injured on set,
01:36 that means you have to shut down production and I can guarantee you, whether it's my fault or not,
01:42 no one would want to hire me after that. If you look at Gal or Alicia Vikander of Tomb Raider,
01:47 their strength, agility, the speed, the power, you train all those things. When working on agility,
01:53 I'm a big fan of plyometrics, sprints, frog jumps, skaters. I'm an old hockey player,
01:59 so there's always going to be skaters in my programs. When training men and women,
02:03 the program is going to be 99% the same. There's this myth that women who are lifting heavy and
02:09 do a lot of strength training is going to get bulky and big, and that is simply not true. You
02:15 can lift heavy, you can train really hard and be really toned and athletic. @RonnieJules wants to
02:23 know, tips to lose belly fat? I don't want to lose weight anywhere else though. Is that even possible?
02:28 Well, I hate to break it to you, you cannot spot reduce fat. So if you want to lose belly fat,
02:33 you'll have to be okay with losing fat all over your body. @JohnnyV45385760, why did fit people
02:43 in the past have different physiques than what we consider fit today? I am looking at this
02:48 bodybuilder from the early 1900s and his chest is flat. First of all, ideals have changed. Early
02:55 bodybuilders were inspired by like old Greek and Roman statues. So you can see that the chest is a
03:01 little flatter here and that comes from those statues and the ideals back then. Nowadays,
03:06 when you look at modern bodybuilders, we're over training chest and biceps to look a certain way.
03:11 Nowadays, we have all these machines. We do more isolated training today with lower weights and a
03:18 lot of reps. And back in the days, they mostly used free weight, which means that you did more
03:23 big compound movements, working several muscles together at one time. When I look at this picture
03:28 here, this is someone who actually trained to be strong, even though this bodybuilder here doesn't
03:33 have the same low body fat or the amount of muscle mass. This is someone who I bet is stronger than
03:39 half of the bodybuilders out there today. @Nayara90 wants to know what are your top
03:44 five compound workouts? My favorite compound exercises is squats, deadlifts, bent over row,
03:52 lat pulldown and bench press. @Antlang66r wants to know how do I maintain muscle mass while
03:59 cutting? It's very common when you do a cut, when you're in calorie deficit, which means you eat
04:06 less calories in a day than what you're spending. You do that to shred fat. It is very common to
04:11 lose some muscle mass in the process. So I don't lower my protein when I'm in a cutting phase. I
04:17 lower my carbs and fat because carbs and fat are both fuel for the body and you want to eat less
04:23 fuel. You also want to make sure that you keep working out while cutting. Here's one from @Dualipafiji
04:30 Okay Google, how to look like Alexander Skarsgård in the Northmen. I was fortunate enough to work
04:36 with Alexander on the Northmen. He went through a really hard regimen for six months, lifting heavy
04:45 five days a week, working on shoulder mobility so he could swing that axe. In this particular movie,
04:51 we knew that Alex had a spirit of a wolf and a bear. So we wanted him to look like a bear but
04:56 move like a wolf. That's why we made him as intimidating as possible when building him up,
05:02 but at the same time we made sure to get that mobility work in. And the difference between Alex
05:08 in the Northmen and the Tarzan is quite obvious. In Tarzan it was more about growing up in the
05:13 jungle so we wanted a little slimmer look, wanted him to be a little more cut. He had to go on a
05:19 pretty strict diet two months before. On the Northmen, we didn't have to put him in calorie
05:24 deficit so he was able to eat quite a lot of food throughout the whole movie, which he loved. A lot
05:30 of time when you see a certain body part popping like Alex's traps, it's actually posture. You can
05:37 actually manipulate your body to make certain body parts stick out more. You can see that he's
05:43 coming forward with his shoulder that will automatically raise his traps up. Don't get
05:49 me wrong, we did work the traps but we didn't work them more or harder than any other part in the
05:56 body. @Dailyland is asking, "What's a good pre-workout routine that takes no more than five
06:01 to ten minutes?" The most important thing about a pre-workout workout, a warm-up, is that it gets
06:07 your heart rate going, makes you sweat a little, and that it warms up the muscles that you're about
06:13 to work. If I'm working my lower body, I might do an exercise like this, even use a little box that
06:20 you can do toe touches on. So it's really up to you but try to activate the body part that you're
06:25 working out after. @PortiaWhitmore is saying, "@MagnusLigback, your legs are stunningly hot.
06:32 How do you do that, Magnus?" I have a sign in my gym that says, "Friends, don't let friends skip
06:38 leg day." It is super important to have strong legs because they are going to carry you around
06:43 for the rest of your life. The different glute muscles, the hamstring, the quad on the front side,
06:48 calves, work your slow twitch and fast twitch fibers. Fast twitch are super important if you
06:54 want to be fast and explosive. So I do sprints, I do skaters, and I do a lot of plyometrics. And
07:01 a couple of my favorite exercises to build muscle mass and work my slow twitch is leg press, dead
07:07 lifts, and goblet squats. And we can throw in some lunges there as well. @WhoIsLexiAnyway is saying,
07:14 "Can someone please help me with counting my macros? I want to lose fat and gain muscles.
07:20 So what's my ratio?" When it comes to looking at macros, you should be eating about 30 to 40%
07:26 protein and the rest 60-70% fat and carbs because you don't want to overeat fat and carbs if you
07:32 want to lose weight. So if you want to gain muscle mass, it's crucial that you hit your targeted
07:37 protein. My recommendation is that you eat one gram of protein per body weight total in a day.
07:43 So a person who's 180 pounds should aim for about 180 grams of protein total in a day. @JadeNicol5
07:52 wants to know, "Counting macros versus counting calories. Help a girl out." Well, here's the
07:58 answer. Both. There's a relationship between calories and macros. I want you to imagine that
08:05 you and I are on the same 1,500 calorie diet, but I choose to eat 1,500 calories of ice cream every
08:13 day. And you eat chicken, rice, and broccoli. Who do you think is going to keep their muscle mass or
08:18 even gain muscle mass? Who's going to stay healthy and live a long life? It's not going to be me,
08:23 but we'll both lose weight. You can dial in your macros, but overeat calories and you won't lose
08:29 weight. If you want to lose weight, you need to be in calorie deficit. You need to eat less
08:33 calories in a day than what you're spending. @Kunaicun wants to know, "Bodybuilding friends,
08:39 when training for mass, would going to failure on every set be ideal or would training to failure
08:45 only on the final set of the particular exercise be better to prevent exhaustion?" You don't need
08:51 to train to failure every single set. That would be mentally really, really hard, and it would also
08:57 increase the risk of getting injured. What matters really is the training volume, the weight that
09:02 you're picking up, how heavy is it, how many reps are you doing, how many sets are you doing, and
09:08 time under tension. For how long are you doing it? I would say the sweet spots are about two reps
09:14 from failure. Go as heavy as you can without compromising on good form. @FemFitaliLLC asks,
09:20 "Protein powder. What are the different types of protein powder and is it beneficial?" Yes,
09:25 it is beneficial and there's many different types of protein powder. The most bioavailable protein
09:30 powder out there is whey protein alongside with egg protein, and we talk about bioavailability
09:37 on your body's ability to take it up and absorb it. Vegan protein sources are a little lower when
09:43 it comes to bioavailability, so you might have to eat a little more of it. If you're vegan, you also
09:47 want to make sure that you get a mix of different protein types because most vegan protein sources
09:54 don't contain all the amino acids, and it's important that you get a full amino acid profile
10:00 for your body to take it up and use it. If your weight's 200, you want to eat up towards 200 grams
10:06 of protein per day. The average size egg contains 6 grams of protein, so that will give you an idea
10:13 how hard it is to actually eat enough protein in a day. So that's why a protein powder can
10:18 assist and help you. @ElliottCrush asks, "What's the difference between a celebrity personal
10:23 trainer and a regular personal trainer? Do celebrities have different bodies?" No, they
10:28 don't, Elliott. I worked with hundreds of pop artists over the years, on tour, off tour. When
10:33 I'm traveling with an artist and it's show day, for me it matters what time we get up, what type
10:38 of breakfast we have. I handle nutrition. I handle mental and physical warm-ups and cool-downs.
10:44 Something that I always do with my artists before they go on stage is to work the postural muscles,
10:49 the spine muscle, the rectus spina, to open up airways and to relax the throat muscle. Then I
10:56 also make sure that they sweat a little bit so they're warmed up when they get up on stage. I
11:01 think, though, that we need to look at high-performing celebrities, artists, or actors like
11:06 top athletes. @CharlesTOnion wants to know, "How many rest days are needed after a good gym session?"
11:13 I'm currently on rest day 731 and I'm not sure if my muscles are ready to go back yet. Try to
11:20 work out about five days a week in the gym, no more than six, but at least three times. Another
11:26 rule of mine is that you don't work the same muscle group two days in a row. Allow the muscle
11:31 group that you've been working on to rest and recover for at least 48 hours. @HanselDeHaro
11:36 wants to know, "Should you be drinking water during your workout?" Not necessarily. I'm a big
11:40 fan of drinking water before. It's actually in your body while working out. It is extremely popular
11:47 to drink all these electrolyte drinks. You don't really need that unless you're doing something
11:52 that makes you sweat for several hours. So there's no benefit of chugging Gatorade for a 60-minute
11:59 workout. @DietNutrition wants to know, "Plateaus. What is a plateau and how do I know if I hit it?"
12:05 Well, a plateau is when you feel like you are not seeing a progress. I normally eat around
12:12 2,200 calories to maintain my body weight, but I decide to drop down to 2,000 calories a day.
12:19 I will lose weight, but after a while, as my body weight drops, 2,000 calories is exactly what I
12:25 need just to maintain. So that means I'm going to hit that plateau. Let's say I'm 220 pounds and my
12:32 goal weight is 200 pounds. Take your goal weight, multiply that with 12. 200 times 12 is 2,400. So
12:41 I should be eating 2,400 calories every day to get to 200. That's how it works. @MarisolArt wants to
12:47 know, "What would be best for fat loss? Faster workout or watching TV with my fat, warm, fluffy
12:53 cat?" I got good news for you, Marisol. You can watch TV with your cat and lose fat because it
12:58 all comes down to nutrition. You need to be in calorie deficit to lose fat. There's no proof that
13:04 a fasted workout would be better than a non-fasted workout. You could actually argue quite the
13:10 opposite, that you don't have enough energy to really make the most of that workout. @LangleyDonovan
13:15 wants to know, "@MagnusLieback, "Hi Magnus, do you have a fat body percentage that you try to
13:20 maintain or aim for year-round?" I don't feel like I need to walk around with 10% body fat. Once you
13:26 hit 12%, you're going to be able to see a six-pack. And below 12%, you have to work pretty darn hard
13:32 on your diet. I would say 15% is about average for us men. A professional bodybuilder you see on
13:38 stage, they care about 3-4% of body fat. When you're looking at an actor in a superhero movie,
13:44 their body fat can drop as low as 5-6%. But that's not really sustainable. It's also not good for
13:50 your hormones and your longevity to keep your body fat too low for too long. @SultryKatsudon,
13:56 "Fitness question. I've always been curious about this, but how exactly do people measure what
14:02 percentage body fat they have?" The best method is what we call a DEXA scan, which looks like a big
14:08 MRI machine. And there you get exactly the amount of muscle mass you have. If you're not going to
14:14 doctor to do an expensive DEXA scan, you have several options that you can buy online. So here
14:22 we have a digital body fat analyzer. It will send out the signal from one hand to the other. What I
14:29 don't love is that it won't give you an accurate reading. You see, it's only reading your upper
14:34 body, not your lower body. You can use it for progression, but you have to take that number
14:40 with a grain of salt. This is probably my favorite tool to measure body fat. It's a caliper. And the
14:48 way you use this is that you pinch thigh, your belly, and your back or chest. But here's the
14:55 thing. Whatever that caliper is going to show you is just a number. Ask yourself, "How do I feel?"
15:00 That should be an important thing. @janelgibsonbook is saying, "I'm rubbish at push-ups.
15:06 Need to build up my strength. Any suggestions?" Well, there's many different ways you can get
15:11 better at push-ups. You want to find an exercise that's lighter on your chest but gives you the
15:16 same type of movement. So doing a push-up on your knees is excellent. You can do push-ups
15:22 on this table with your feet down, and that's going to be much lighter for you. Work with a
15:28 less inclined until you can do a flat push-up. To do the perfect push-up, lower your shoulders,
15:34 hands under your chest, slow down, explosive on the way up. Chest is the only thing touching the
15:39 floor. @christinaina is saying, "Real question. How long of cardio do you actually do?" If it's
15:46 for longevity, research supports that it's much better for your heart to do high-intensity
15:52 interval training for anywhere between 10 to 20 minutes, at least three times per week. It can be
15:59 a row, it can be on a treadmill, anywhere from 20-30 seconds up to two minutes of maximum capacity.
16:06 Then we rest. If you do a two-minute sprint, we'll rest between one to two minutes,
16:11 then we'll do it again. Anywhere between three up to 10 times. @legendaryhnf is saying, "I love
16:20 resistance bands. Do you use resistance bands?" Yes, I do. I love resistance bands. This is what
16:27 we call the super band, a longer one. This is a mini band, which is great for working your lower
16:34 body. I always travel with these. This is what I use when I pump my actors up behind the camera,
16:39 in between scenes. I'll stand with these bands, and I'll pump an actor up to make sure that the
16:45 right muscle looks the way it should in front of the camera. When I travel, let's say I'm at a
16:51 hotel room, the hardest thing to do without any equipment is to work your shoulders and your back.
16:58 One of my favorite exercises is a row, when I attach this to something, and then I pull. Another
17:04 one is when you step on the band and you lift up to the sides, which is a lateral raise. Same thing
17:10 for a bicep curl. You can just step on the band and curl. Without the band, that becomes really
17:16 difficult. @siporasaki wants to know, "What's a good pre-workout routine and drink? Drop some for
17:23 me." My number one favorite pre-workout is coffee. It's 100% natural. It's going to help you with
17:29 your focus, and it's definitely going to wake you up. @maniccannibal wants to know, "How does
17:34 creatine work? Is it supposed to be a pre-workout or a post-workout?" You want to eat about five
17:39 grams of creatine per day, and you can take it at any time. Creatine has been around for a long
17:44 time, and it's actually one of the supplements that we know is beneficial for you. What creatine
17:49 does for you is that it puts energy into your muscle cell, which will give you that extra rep
17:55 or make you a little more explosive. So basically, it will give you more energy. @trainingtable wants
18:02 to know, "What can you do to get exercise in during a day when you sit at a desk?" I got a
18:07 great exercise that I like to do at a desk. And basically, you put your hands down, and you press
18:15 down with about 20-30% of your power. And then you suck in your belly button, and you engage the core.
18:22 You lean forward a little bit, and you feel that core engaging. And then you hold it for 30 to 60
18:29 seconds. And this is actually working your spine and your core. And this is what we call an
18:34 isometric exercise, which means it's static. @everyoneh8manny wants to know, "What's your
18:40 favorite post-workout routine for recovery?" My favorite post-workout routine for recovery is
18:46 laying on the couch and watch a movie. There's so much talk about optimal recovery, ice baths,
18:52 Theraguns, and they're all great. But you know what? If you work hard five days a week,
18:57 you deserve to lay on the couch and take it easy. So those are all the questions for today. Good
19:03 luck on your fitness journey. Be kind to yourself, work hard, and enjoy life. Thank you for watching
19:09 Workout Support.
