• 6 months ago
️ Voici 4 théories du complot qui se sont avérées vraies

En 2013, Edward Snowden a révélé que la NSA avait mis en place un programme de surveillance de masse des communications téléphoniques et Internet, une confirmation pour ceux qui soupçonnaient une telle surveillance depuis des années.

Le projet MK Ultra de la CIA, lui, visait à développer des techniques de contrôle mental par des expériences sur des humains utilisant des drogues telles que le LSD et des méthodes d'hypnose.

Parallèlement, le FBI menait des actions clandestines pour déstabiliser le Mouvement des Droits Civiques, utilisant la surveillance et l'infiltration pour provoquer des tensions raciales.

Enfin, l'opération Northwoods, un projet jamais réalisé mais sérieusement envisagé par les autorités américaines, aurait mis en scène des attaques terroristes sur le sol américain pour justifier une guerre contre Cuba.

Sources : cia.gov, BBC

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00:00 Here are 4 conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.
00:02 Number 4, NSA spying on the American people.
00:05 In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA was collecting massive amounts of phone and internet data on the world's communications,
00:11 thus giving rise to all the conspiracy theorists of the time.
00:13 Number 3, MKUltra.
00:14 It was a real and declassified CIA program that aimed to develop mental control and create dormant agents by experimenting on real people,
00:21 generally without their consent.
00:22 They experimented mainly with drugs like LSD or hypnosis,
00:25 and their effect on the human mind to see if they could invent a kind of serum of truth.
00:29 They also tried to turn cats and dolphins into weapons.
00:31 Number 2, the sabotage of the Civil Rights Movement.
00:34 This FBI counter-espionage program was a series of secret and illegal actions taken by the FBI
00:38 to disrupt the fight of African Americans to obtain equality in the United States.
00:42 The methods included the surveillance of activists, the disclosure of negative personal information,
00:46 and the infiltration of agents causing racial tensions and confrontations with the police, which led to massive arrests.
00:51 Number 1, Operation Northwood.
00:53 It was a real plan proposed and declassified by the United States
00:55 to stage a terrorist attack on American soil in order to justify an intervention in Cuba.
00:59 It was never realized, but it was nevertheless revealed decades later in declassified documents.
01:04 And for more videos on the subject, subscribe to Omniscience.
