• 6 months ago
Would Steve Nash have been better than Steph Curry?
00:00When you're talking about which NBA players from the 90s and early 2000s you'd be curious
00:04to see in the modern game, I'm going to go with two bigs and two smalls.
00:08Let's start with the size.
00:10How would Shaquille O'Neal fare defensively against modern offenses?
00:13Obviously he would be impossible to stop in any era, but I'd be curious to see how he'd
00:17do on D when forced to guard teams that go five out and put him in high screen and roll.
00:22The Admiral is another interesting case because David Robinson could get up and down the floor
00:27and there's a chance he could have extended his range and had the lateral quickness for
00:31today's day and age.
00:33On to the guards where I'll start with Steve Nash.
00:35Before Steve Curry, there was an argument Nash was the best shooter we'd seen.
00:39He just didn't shoot that much.
00:41His son's teams may have been ahead of their time, but imagine Nash with the green light
00:45to pull up from anywhere on the floor.
00:47Finally, there's AI.
00:48Allen Iverson had so much heart, but how would a ball dominant guard work who couldn't really
00:53shoot beyond the arc?
00:55As this is just a hypothetical, unfortunately, we'll never get the answer.
