'I Don't Trust The Government And Neither Should You!': Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands End To FISA

  • 5 months ago
On the House floor, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) opposed the reauthorization of FISA.

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00:00Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The question today is, do you trust the government?
00:05We often hear the claim that it's for your safety, and any time the government tells
00:10us it's for your safety, the American people really question what that means.
00:17The same intelligence community that spied on President Trump's campaign has been deeply
00:21invested in reauthorizing FISA, and the same intelligence community that wrote the letter
00:27lying saying that the Hunter Biden's laptop is not real, deeply wants FISA reauthorized.
00:34These are also the same people in the intelligence community that abused FISA and spied on hundreds
00:41of thousands of Americans, and I would argue they will continue to do it.
00:46These are also the same people who oppose the FBI having to get a warrant before they
00:52can search Americans' data, yet we have a clause in this bill today that protects members
00:58of Congress and the FBI before they can search members of Congress' data.
01:06It's always the rules for thee, but not for me.
01:13The problem is that this process to reauthorize FISA has received more effort than Congress
01:21has actually done in curing the border.
01:25And if the government really cared about protecting Americans, then they would shut the border
01:30down and mass deport terrorists out of our country, and criminal illegal aliens.
01:36But they're not doing that.
01:37No, they're telling us we've got to reauthorize FISA so the government can continue to spy
01:42on Americans.
01:44There's been a lot of games played here in the swamp this past week when it comes to
01:48authorizing this bill.
01:50We were even told on Wednesday that FISA was completely stopped, yet here we are voting
01:57on virtually the same rule and virtually the same text.
02:01The only change has been from a five-year sunset to a two-year sunset.
02:08I yield additional 30 seconds to the gentlelady from Georgia.
02:12Gentlelady's recognized for 30 seconds.
02:14Thank you.
02:15I would argue that changing that time frame does nothing.
02:19If Congress wants to change FISA to protect Americans or get rid of it altogether, we
02:25can do that.
02:26We make the laws.
02:27So the question today is, do you trust the Department of Justice to hold the FBI accountable?
02:32Because I don't.
02:34And the warrants aren't added to the bill text unless we pass the amendment after this
02:39vote and change the bill text.
02:43But a vote to change the bill text and add warrants will not get me to pass the final
02:49bill to pass FISA because I don't trust the government and neither should you.
