Thousands in London mark ‘Land Day for Palestine’

  • 3 months ago
‌March 30 is known to Palestinians as ‘Land Day.’ It’s a commemoration of events in 1976, when several unarmed Palestinians were killed and more than 100 injured by Israeli forces, during protests against Israel’s confiscation of Palestinian land.

‌They mark the day by holding protests and vigils and planting olive trees to reaffirm their connection to the land.

‌The protest was organized by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. CGTN Europe spoke to Campaign Director Ben Jamal,

“The Palestinian struggle is rooted in attachment to the land. Of course there is the deprivation of rights but fundamentally it is to dispossession the vast bulk of Palestinians live in exile, denied any access to the land physically, they cannot return to their homes from which their families were expelled in 1948, all my family were forced to flee in 1948, so it’s an important day.” he said.
