• 6 months ago
Episod 476 My #QuranTime 2.0 Selasa 2 April 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 80-81) Halaman 137

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-An'am ayat 80-81 halaman 137 ini adalah:
* Sanggahan Nabi Ibrahim AS atas keingkaran kaumnya (80)
* Pertanyaan Nabi Ibrahim AS bagi menyangkal dakwaan kaumnya (81)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 80-81 halaman 137:
* Tidak takut dengan ugutan dan ancaman musuh Islam (80)
* Sentiasa memohon taufik dan hidayah-Nya dengan penuh kerendahan hati (80)
* Berdakwah dengan penuh hikmah dan membuka ruang perbualan serta cari titik persamaan (81)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
00:29 When we perform the Hajj as the fifth form of Islam, it is related to Prophet Ibrahim.
00:37 What is the connection between the Prophet Ibrahim's praise to his people,
00:41 related to Hajj, related to our struggle to free Allah's partners?
00:48 We will follow the discussion in this episode.
00:51 [Music]
01:13 And they said, "Do you perform Hajj?"
01:35 [Music]
01:49 [Prayer]
02:03 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
02:05 We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Unfaq today.
02:08 We want to discuss two verses today.
02:11 The 80th and 81st verses from Surah Al-An'am.
02:16 The Surah that provides a syllabus for the education of Tawheed,
02:19 faith to the Prophet SAW, to the companions.
02:23 Accompanied by 70,000 angels when the Surah was recited.
02:29 And today we will read two verses together.
02:32 Al-Fadhil Ustaz Timizzi Ali.
02:34 Alhamdulillah, how are you today?
02:36 Alhamdulillah, we meet again today in Quran Time.
02:40 And we pray that we get the blessings today.
02:43 Alhamdulillah, we are delighted to have you in our studio today.
02:49 With the arrival of the group Nur Jannatul Iman.
02:54 Nur Jannatul Iman, from where?
02:57 From Meru, Kapar.
02:59 It looks like it's far, but it's not.
03:02 Alhamdulillah, welcome to the people of Kapar.
03:06 And also to Guru Istiqamah who are in the studio,
03:09 who are at home, ladies and gentlemen.
03:11 We pray to Allah SWT, Allah, to continue guiding us,
03:15 to give us wisdom and wisdom in our life.
03:20 With the prayer, Subhanakallah.
03:22 [Al-Fadhil Ustaz Timizzi Ali]
03:29 Ameen, dear brothers and sisters.
03:30 We will first look at the synopsis of the two verses today.
03:34 In the 80th verse, we will see how the Prophet Ibrahim's
03:38 question to the denial of his people at that time.
03:42 And followed by the 81st verse, the question of the Prophet Ibrahim
03:46 to the denial of his people.
03:49 Let us read together the two verses, the 80th and 81st verses,
03:53 together we will understand what is the story of the Prophet Ibrahim,
03:57 what is the connection with the Hajj, which became our fifth
04:01 pillar of Islam, and at the same time became the struggle
04:05 of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
04:08 Let us read together, Al-Fadhil Ustaz.
04:10 [Al-Fadhil Ustaz Timizzi Ali]
04:15 Alhamdulillah, shukr to Allah SWT,
04:17 we can continue our day together with Al-Quran.
04:24 Today, we are still at page 137,
04:28 two verses from this page,
04:31 the 80th and 81st verses,
04:35 which we will recite together, or repeat the Qaji,
04:39 or learn what is the message of Allah SWT.
04:43 Of course, verse by verse, we will appreciate the knowledge,
04:46 appreciate the guidance in our lives.
04:50 Let us revise this recitation, two verses from the 80th and 81st verses.
04:55 Surah Al-An'am.
04:57 [Al-An'am]
05:10 [Quran Recitation]
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06:00 [Quran Recitation]
06:08 [Quran Recitation]
06:18 [Quran Recitation]
06:28 [Quran Recitation]
06:38 [Quran Recitation]
06:48 [Quran Recitation]
06:58 May Allah bless us.
06:59 We have recited from the 80th and 81st verses,
07:02 the story of Prophet Ibrahim.
07:05 As we know, starting from verse 74,
07:08 the story of a preacher,
07:10 to the faith, to the true faith,
07:13 which is Prophet Ibrahim.
07:15 As an example to Prophet Muhammad SAW,
07:17 to the companions,
07:18 as well as to us,
07:19 how much this Tawheed and Aqidah need to be struggled.
07:23 It needs to be a struggle in our lives,
07:26 daily,
07:27 and we have met many times the word "Kul".
07:30 "Kul", say it, say it, in Surah Al-An'am,
07:33 as a guidance, a commandment from Allah,
07:36 for us to convey,
07:37 to the people around us,
07:39 to the family members,
07:40 to the friends and our community.
07:43 So, at the time Prophet Ibrahim was speaking,
07:46 looking at the stars,
07:47 looking at the moon,
07:48 looking at the sun,
07:50 apparently all of that,
07:52 "afala" which means "to be immersed",
07:54 so it is stated that,
07:56 what is the use of worshipping or being amazed
07:59 at the immersed creatures?
08:02 How can it be God?
08:03 Sometimes there is, sometimes there is not.
08:05 That is not God.
08:06 God must be something,
08:08 or something more stable than that,
08:10 that created us.
08:13 So, when Prophet Ibrahim brought that thing,
08:15 "wa hajjahu qawmu"
08:17 that is, the people are arguing,
08:19 or opposing,
08:21 to Prophet Ibrahim.
08:24 "Qalan" what did Prophet Ibrahim say?
08:26 "atuhajjunni fillah"
08:28 "Do you want to oppose me to Allah?"
08:32 It means specifically Prophet Ibrahim stated Allah,
08:35 the topic of Allah,
08:36 not Rab, it means,
08:37 for them, their Rab is,
08:39 the stars,
08:41 they worship the stars,
08:42 the sun,
08:43 because they state that,
08:44 this is the great,
08:45 the amazing,
08:46 the beneficial,
08:47 whereas,
08:48 actually,
08:49 all of that is a creature
08:51 created by Allah.
08:53 So, Prophet Ibrahim,
08:54 focused on the words,
08:56 "Allah wa qad ahadan"
08:57 "who has given guidance to me."
09:00 "Wa la akhafu ma tusriku nabihi illa an yashya rabbi shai'a"
09:04 When they said that,
09:05 Prophet Ibrahim,
09:07 in the previous chapter,
09:10 he tried to prove that,
09:12 the stars,
09:13 or their worship,
09:14 is weak,
09:16 then they said,
09:17 "Don't play with the stars."
09:19 If we look at the interpretation,
09:21 "Don't play with the stars,
09:22 if you curse the stars,
09:24 you will be cursed by the stars,
09:26 and you may get a crazy disease."
09:29 One of them.
09:30 And this is not a dialogue,
09:32 thousands of years ago,
09:33 even now,
09:34 some people said,
09:35 "Don't play with the stars,
09:36 if you go into the forest,
09:37 for example,
09:38 if you don't ask for protection
09:40 from the forest guardian,
09:42 you will be cursed."
09:43 For example,
09:44 or if you play with the stars,
09:46 you will be cursed.
09:49 That is one of the things,
09:51 that will be brought by those,
09:53 who are associated with these things,
09:55 because of what?
09:56 Because they protect the stars,
09:59 they protect the stars,
10:00 they protect what they worship.
10:03 The answer from Prophet Ibrahim,
10:05 "I am not afraid."
10:07 This is the effect of faith.
10:08 Faith makes us not easily scared.
10:11 A little bit of fear is there,
10:13 but we are not afraid,
10:14 "Oh no,
10:15 that thing will look at me,
10:17 I can be a troublemaker,
10:19 and so on."
10:20 We have Allah.
10:21 This is what was said by Prophet Ibrahim,
10:23 "I am not afraid of what you associate with me,
10:28 except what Allah wants."
10:32 If Allah wants to make him crazy,
10:34 or sick,
10:35 there are some people who say,
10:36 "If we play with the stars,
10:38 that people worship at the mosque,
10:40 or something,
10:41 then a disease will come."
10:44 All of that is just a lie.
10:46 Because what can really make a change,
10:50 whether it is sick or not,
10:51 is the Lord.
10:53 "Illa ayn yasha'a rabbi shai'a."
10:56 And at the end,
10:57 it is said,
10:58 "Wa si'a rabbi kulla shai'in ilmah."
11:00 The knowledge of Allah is very wide,
11:01 Allah can only give a broad perspective,
11:06 but actually,
11:07 we have to be aware of this.
11:10 At the end, it is said,
11:11 "Afala tatatakkarun."
11:13 The question is,
11:14 why are there two 'ta' at the end,
11:16 or in 'tatatakkarun'?
11:17 That is what we want to learn more.
11:19 We will take a break.
11:20 We will play Quran Time.
11:21 Quran, Salat, and Ifa.
11:22 Insha'Allah.
11:23 [Music]
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14:54 [Music]
14:55 We are back in Quran Time.
14:56 Quran, Salat, and Ifa.
14:57 We are looking at verses 80 and 81,
15:00 how Prophet Ibrahim interacted with his people.
15:04 When his people were arguing and opposing Prophet Ibrahim,
15:08 Prophet Ibrahim brought a argument.
15:10 He brought an argument.
15:11 And that was Prophet Ibrahim with the correct argument.
15:14 The argument that was full of guidance.
15:16 "Wa qad hadan" in the 80th verse.
15:18 And this is what is leading us to our fifth pillar of Islam.
15:22 That is, when we are invited to go to Hajj,
15:26 we want to go to Hajj.
15:28 Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam,
15:30 where we need to use all the power we have,
15:34 the knowledge of money we have,
15:36 to build a proof.
15:38 It means that after establishing or performing the Hajj,
15:41 hopefully our proof of the oneness of Allah is getting clearer.
15:46 Where actually I am not afraid,
15:49 except for Allah SWT.
15:52 And the preparation for those who want to perform the Hajj,
15:54 is to deepen the knowledge of oneness of Allah SWT.
15:58 That is why one of the dhikr on the day of Arafah,
16:01 "La ilaha illa wahdahu la sharika lah"
16:04 is full of oneness of Allah.
16:06 That is what needs to be dhikr,
16:08 if we have finished the prayer between Zuhr and Maghrib,
16:12 when we are in the field of Arafah,
16:13 we need to increase the prayer,
16:15 because it is to clear our oneness of Allah SWT.
16:20 We may have a problem or challenge in life,
16:23 but we know that,
16:24 "Wa si'a rabbi kulla shay'in ilma"
16:28 We know the knowledge of Allah SWT.
16:30 When we talk about the knowledge of Allah SWT,
16:32 we do not need to be afraid of strange things.
16:35 If we talk about the people we have discussed before,
16:39 they said that they do not want to live in the level of level 4.
16:43 That is, how to say it,
16:46 level C,
16:47 it has something to do with the sound of death.
16:50 So they changed it to 4,
16:52 to 3A,
16:53 to level 3A.
16:54 In 2020,
16:55 it is 23A.
16:57 Why?
16:58 Because they are afraid that their business will be in trouble,
17:01 if they have made a strategy,
17:03 once they put it to 20, 24,
17:04 it will be finished.
17:05 All the strategies.
17:06 Things like that,
17:07 maybe for us who have been trained with faith,
17:11 we feel like,
17:12 "What is this?"
17:13 But,
17:14 there are some people who do not play around.
17:16 They talk about death,
17:18 in the tradition of the Chinese,
17:21 one of them,
17:22 when gambling,
17:23 do not bring a book.
17:24 If you bring a book,
17:25 then bring a book.
17:26 We bring a book,
17:27 or what,
17:28 bring the Quran.
17:29 They feel that it leads to unhappiness.
17:32 In the end,
17:33 they have a burden,
17:34 they have gambling.
17:35 Maybe because,
17:36 in the middle of gambling,
17:37 it must be a bit messy,
17:38 bringing a book,
17:39 it will be a very bad scheme.
17:40 Allah knows why.
17:41 But,
17:42 the disorder of way of thinking,
17:44 that is what is explained here.
17:46 Prophet Ibrahim said,
17:47 "I have been given guidance,
17:49 why do you want to argue with this strange thing?"
17:53 Strange this.
17:54 Then, at the end of the verse 80,
17:56 it is stated,
17:57 "Afala tathakkarun"
17:58 "You know Allah's knowledge is vast,
17:59 why do you not take the lesson?"
18:03 What is the point?
18:04 When there is "tatha",
18:05 there are two times,
18:06 it means,
18:07 it can be "afala tathakkarun".
18:09 But,
18:10 when one more letter is added in the Quran,
18:12 it means,
18:13 we must have more effort,
18:15 to seek the lesson from Allah's knowledge.
18:18 And,
18:19 where is the lesson?
18:20 Actually,
18:21 when we refer to the previous verse 79,
18:23 "Allah inni fatahra samawati wal ar"
18:26 "Allah makes heaven and earth"
18:28 "fitrah"
18:29 "Fatahra"
18:30 is related to "fitrah".
18:31 In ourselves,
18:32 there is already a "fitrah"
18:33 that needs to be remembered.
18:35 We just need to search,
18:37 to dig a little bit,
18:38 to go to a gathering of knowledge,
18:40 to ask a little bit to people,
18:41 "Why is it that the dreamcatcher is actually a syirik?"
18:46 We need to ask.
18:47 Don't go to a 2 ringgit shop,
18:49 "Wow, it's so beautiful,
18:50 there are feathers."
18:51 Ask what?
18:52 Dreamcatcher.
18:53 If you have a dream,
18:54 you buy it,
18:55 if you are in the middle of driving,
18:56 you feel like,
18:57 what do you want,
18:58 eat nasi dagang,
18:59 like this,
19:00 nasi dagang,
19:01 finally,
19:02 you go out and eat nasi dagang,
19:03 but there is none.
19:04 All of that is a syirik to Allah SWT,
19:06 that needs to be "bantras"
19:09 and needs to be "dijauhkan".
19:11 And, more than that,
19:12 talking about "ketauhidan" and syirik,
19:15 it solves the issue of fear of doing wrong things.
19:19 We read verse 81,
19:20 together with Al-Fadlul-Satir Mizi.
19:22 Alhamdulillah,
19:23 we have heard the "kupasan tadli tadabum",
19:26 hopefully,
19:27 it can strengthen our faith and "ketauhidan",
19:30 so that we are truly,
19:31 truly,
19:32 truly,
19:33 we worship Allah SWT,
19:34 not associate Allah with anything.
19:38 We want to read verse 81.
19:40 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
19:43 And how can I fear that which you associate with Allah,
19:50 and fear not that you associate with Allah,
20:10 when He has not sent down to you any authority?
20:17 Which of the two parties is more worthy of safety,
20:24 if you but knew?
20:33 I seek refuge with Allah.
20:34 I seek refuge with Allah.
20:35 That is the statement brought by Prophet Ibrahim.
20:37 If we notice,
20:38 the explanation is more or less like verse 80.
20:41 In verse 80,
20:43 "Wa la akhawfumatu shriku nabihi illa an yasha rabbi shai'a"
20:47 Below that,
20:48 "Wa kaifa akhawf"
20:49 How can I fear that which you associate with Allah,
20:53 when you are not afraid of Allah SWT,
20:57 that you are truly associating with Allah SWT.
21:01 So, Prophet Ibrahim brought a lot of arguments.
21:04 In verse 80,
21:06 "Wa la akhawfumatu shriku nabihi illa an yasha rabbi shai'a"
21:13 According to Imam Fakhrur-Razi,
21:15 if Allah wants something from us,
21:20 there are three things,
21:21 at least.
21:22 First,
21:23 if I commit a sin,
21:25 Allah will bring down the punishment for me.
21:28 That is what I fear.
21:29 The second is,
21:31 if Allah tests me with worldly tests,
21:36 and then He is detached from me,
21:38 and does not give me a portion of His blessings,
21:40 Allah will not help.
21:41 Allah gives us tests,
21:42 but Allah does not help to complete them.
21:44 That is what I fear.
21:45 And the third is,
21:46 if Allah wants,
21:48 I fear that what you associate with Allah,
21:51 that sin will revive and allow me to be in the state of mudarat.
21:55 Meaning, Allah allows the sin to revive,
21:58 and then gives me mudarat,
22:01 that is what I fear.
22:02 But, who is the source of it?
22:04 It is not from the devil.
22:05 The source is from Allah.
22:08 For example,
22:09 if someone is afraid to go to the sea,
22:12 some people take a bath in the sea,
22:14 some people put a chicken on the beach,
22:18 because they have to offer it to the God of the sea.
22:22 If the God of the sea is angry,
22:24 there will be a tsunami,
22:27 a big wave, and so on.
22:29 So, the sea can give flood or tsunami,
22:34 but what is the condition?
22:35 It is not because of the God of the sea,
22:38 because Allah allows it.
22:40 So, the understanding of
22:41 "Illa an yasha'a rabbi shai'a"
22:44 except with the will of Allah,
22:47 is clear to Prophet Ibrahim,
22:49 when he was speaking to the people around him.
22:51 He was speaking about the people around him.
22:53 If I go to Indonesia,
22:54 there is a hill,
22:56 and someone built a place for his worship.
22:58 He said,
22:59 if we do not give the head of a camel
23:02 or the head of a buffalo every year,
23:04 the God of the hill will be angry,
23:06 and he will create a lava.
23:08 He is smart.
23:09 He created a lava, a mountain of fire.
23:11 The mountain of fire was created by Allah,
23:14 and not because of the God of the hill.
23:16 No need for a chicken to be scratched.
23:18 The chicken will not be disturbed after that.
23:20 So, what is the story?
23:21 In the 81st verse,
23:23 how can you be afraid?
23:25 Or how can I be afraid of what you associate?
23:28 When you are not afraid of
23:30 what you associate,
23:32 which is Allah.
23:33 You are afraid of the God of the sea,
23:36 the God of the forest,
23:37 the God of the hill.
23:39 But you are not afraid of Allah
23:41 who created the hill,
23:42 who created the sea.
23:44 What is this?
23:45 So, the argument of Prophet Ibrahim
23:48 was a bit of a twist,
23:49 and it was stated here,
23:51 "Malam yunazil bihi alaikum sultana."
23:54 Actually, there is no argument.
23:55 You do not have any proof
23:57 to state that these things
24:00 can give a positive or beneficial effect
24:02 to yourself.
24:04 So, this is the argument of Prophet Ibrahim
24:07 that in our lives,
24:08 we are calm.
24:10 We are calm,
24:11 and we are not afraid
24:12 if we go to a certain place,
24:14 "There is something here, it is hard."
24:16 If it is made of stone, it is hard.
24:19 But do not associate it with a creature
24:22 that can make you calm
24:25 or make you beneficial,
24:27 except with Allah's permission.
24:29 Subhanallah.
24:30 Below, there is our choice today.
24:32 Let us see.
24:33 "Wasi'a rabbi kulla shay'in ilma."
24:36 "Wasi'a" means to cover,
24:38 to expand, to expand.
24:40 And when Allah knows everything,
24:43 Allah knows how to resolve the issue,
24:46 to give benefit or relief.
24:49 Not to be a person who has no knowledge
24:53 or is a god of the sea.
24:54 Since when did he learn knowledge
24:56 that is more intelligent than us
24:59 who are allowed to learn today?
25:03 Let us take a break first.
25:04 My Quran Time.
25:05 Quran Salat.
25:06 [Music]
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26:12 Let us celebrate World #QuranHour.
26:14 [Speaking in Arabic]
26:38 [Music]
26:44 [Music]
26:56 [Speaking in Arabic]
26:59 There are three ways to repent to Allah.
27:03 The first is to leave the sin
27:07 The second is to regret it and never repeat it.
27:11 The third is to really repent and never repeat it.
27:17 So, regret, leave and repent.
27:20 But if the sin involves a person,
27:23 if it involves a property that has been wrongfully done,
27:26 we have to go back.
27:28 For example, if we have lied to someone in an investment,
27:31 not many but within 500 people,
27:33 we have to go back and find the person,
27:35 apologize to him, and go back.
27:37 Don't even lose a cent from the property that we have lied to him.
27:41 That is important.
27:42 Not that it is okay to repent,
27:44 it is okay to lie,
27:45 the important thing is to go to the mosque,
27:46 to the Tarawih 23,
27:48 or to pray to Allah,
27:49 to bow down to the floor,
27:51 because we have a lot of things to bow down to.
27:53 It is meaningless in the sight of Allah if we don't repent.
27:55 [Music]
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30:32 Welcome, Alhamdulillah.
30:34 We are back with Quran Time,
30:36 Quran, Salat, and Infaat.
30:38 Once again, we welcome all the lovers of the Quran.
30:44 Today, we are in the studio with the group of Nur Jannatul Iman,
30:49 from Meru, Kapa,
30:51 led by Nur Hafiza binti Che'ha.
30:56 Alhamdulillah, we are together today.
30:59 And also, the group of Isriqomah,
31:01 who are here today.
31:05 Alhamdulillah, we want to see a little of our reading today.
31:11 Of course, in the 80th verse,
31:13 there are so many letters of 'mat' there.
31:17 What is 'mat'?
31:18 [Al-Quran 80 verse]
31:20 There is 'mat'.
31:21 [Al-Quran 80 verse]
31:26 There are two more 'mat'.
31:28 Are you sure?
31:29 What is 'mat'?
31:30 'Mat' that we always read in Surah Al-Fatiha.
31:33 [Al-Quran 80 verse]
31:35 'Mat'?
31:36 [Al-Quran 80 verse]
31:38 'Kalimi' or 'Harfi'?
31:40 [Al-Quran 80 verse]
31:42 Are you sure?
31:43 [Al-Quran 80 verse]
31:44 'Kalimi' or 'Musaqqol'?
31:47 [Al-Quran 80 verse]
31:49 'Musaqqol' is easy.
31:50 'Musaqqol' is there.
31:52 If 'Musaqqol' is there, what is it?
31:54 There is 'Sabdu'.
31:57 So, the reading has a weight.
31:59 There is a meaning in it.
32:01 That is 'Musaqqol'.
32:03 How many 'harakat' are read?
32:06 Six 'harakat'.
32:08 Not seven.
32:09 Not four.
32:11 All are read with six 'harakat'.
32:14 Not 'rakaat'.
32:16 Okay.
32:17 Mak Lazim, there is 'mat'.
32:21 What is the definition of 'mak lazim'?
32:22 There is 'mat' meets 'Sabdu'.
32:31 From the 'Sabdu' verse, it is clear.
32:34 But the definition is 'mat' meets 'mati'.
32:39 It is not finished yet.
32:41 'Mati' is the original 'mat'.
32:44 The original 'sukun'.
32:45 That is the definition.
32:46 But it is not clear.
32:47 If we look at 'Wahajahukamu'.
32:50 Where is the 'mak' letter?
32:52 'Alif', 'Wa', or 'Ya'?
32:53 'Alif'.
32:54 After 'Ha', 'Alif'.
32:56 It meets the 'sukun' letter.
32:58 Where is the 'sukun' letter after that?
32:59 It is not there.
33:00 'Jim' has 'Sabdu'.
33:01 We have learnt.
33:02 'Sabdu' represents two letters.
33:06 So, 'mak' meets the 'jim' letter which is 'mati'.
33:09 Okay.
33:10 Then, the 'jim' letter is put in the 'jim' letter after that.
33:16 So, it is read as 'lazim'.
33:20 It must be read in six movements.
33:23 It is lengthened.
33:24 'Hajjahu'.
33:27 It is put in the 'jim' letter.
33:30 Okay.
33:31 'Wahajahukamu'.
33:37 One, two.
33:38 Start.
33:39 'Wahajahukamu'.
34:00 Give it another rhythm.
34:01 'Wahajahukamu'.
34:16 It is better.
34:17 It is better than 'mak' and 'irama'.
34:20 'Wahajahukamu'.
34:36 'Irama' is rarely found because of 'mak' which is lengthened.
34:40 So, we can be a bit more generous.
34:42 Because 'mak' is the longest in the Quran.
34:44 How many movements?
34:45 Six movements.
34:46 So, we can make a few movements.
34:48 To soften the softness.
34:51 The Prophet read the Quran in a different way.
34:53 'Layyin'.
34:54 'Layyin'.
34:55 It means to soften the Prophet's reading.
34:57 'Wahajahukamu'.
35:12 It is also a bit complicated.
35:14 But, 'jim' has a 'sabdu'.
35:16 'Wahajahukamu'.
35:22 It does not work.
35:23 It must be in 'jim'.
35:24 If we soften the 'sabdu',
35:26 it is like we are 'gugu'ing one letter.
35:29 We cannot soften the 'sabdu'.
35:30 'Hajah'.
35:33 That is why there are places where we can ask for a 'lonjat' sound.
35:39 'Wahajahukamu'.
35:54 MashaAllah.
35:56 May Allah bless you.
35:57 The second one.
35:58 There are two more 'maklazim'.
36:00 Allah is Great.
36:02 'Qala atuhajjun'.
36:09 When we meet 'nun',
36:10 'nun' is a 'runnah' letter.
36:12 There is a 'sabdu' on 'nun'.
36:13 It must be 'runnah'.
36:15 We must lengthen the 'runnah'.
36:16 Okay.
36:17 'Qala atuhajjun fi Allah'.
36:32 'Qala atuhajjun fi Allah'.
36:47 Some of you are sneezing.
36:49 'Atuhajjun'.
36:51 It is okay.
36:52 You are still sneezing.
36:53 When you see 'jun',
36:54 it is short.
36:55 It is the same.
36:57 It is the same.
36:58 It is 'nam'.
36:59 'Qala atuhajjun fi Allah'.
37:28 MashaAllah.
37:29 Today, we are going to discuss about 'maklazim'.
37:32 There are three 'maklazim'.
37:33 It is not easy to find.
37:35 I think it is difficult to find.
37:36 In one verse or a word that is close to it.
37:40 There are three 'maklazim'.
37:42 It is to test our breath.
37:44 We inhale.
37:46 We hold our breath in our stomach.
37:50 So that we can hold it longer.
37:52 Then, we exhale through our voice.
37:54 Okay.
37:55 We read from the beginning.
37:56 'Wa haajjahu qawmuh'.
38:12 'Qala atuhajjun fi Allah waqad hadha'.
38:28 Repeat it.
38:30 I need to breathe more.
38:32 It is long.
38:33 One, two, start.
38:35 'Qala atuhajjun fi Allah waqad hadha'.
38:52 'Wa laa akhaafu maa tushrikoon bihi illa an yashaa rabbi shay'a'.
39:13 Repeat it.
39:15 'Wa laa akhaafu maa tushrikoon bihi illa an yashaa rabbi shay'a'.
39:37 'Wa si'a rabbi kulla shay'in 'ilma'.
39:50 'Afa laa tatadhakkaroon'.
40:02 'InsyaAllah, tafaraqallah'.
40:07 Who is the one who is destined to die while reading the Quran?
40:11 Yes, me.
40:14 You know that I don't breathe a lot.
40:17 'Allahusnool khatimah'.
40:21 Okay.
40:22 But I need to breathe more.
40:24 I need to read a lot first.
40:25 I need to breathe more.
40:27 Alhamdulillah.
40:28 It is okay.
40:29 We will try our best.
40:30 I have never heard a dead person breathe a lot.
40:32 Because he reads the Quran because he doesn't breathe enough.
40:35 It is okay.
40:36 We will practice and hopefully we will succeed.
40:38 We will take a break.
40:39 Don't go anywhere.
40:40 We will be back after this.
40:42 'My Quran Time' Quran.
40:43 Salat.
40:44 'Inna Allah'
40:45 'My Quran Time'
40:55 'Make it an evidence for us'
41:02 'O, Allah of the worlds'
41:14 'My Quran Time'
41:34 'My Quran Time'
41:38 'My Quran Time'
41:52 'From them we came'
42:12 'And we offered our prayers in their recitation'
42:18 'O, Allah of the worlds'
42:28 'In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful'
42:30 'Peace be upon you'
42:31 'May Allah's peace and blessings be upon you'
42:33 'Ladies and gentlemen'
42:34 'Ladies and gentlemen'
42:35 'Ladies and gentlemen'
42:36 'I would like to take this opportunity to say'
42:39 'And invite all my friends'
42:43 'To attend and follow'
42:46 'The Quran Hour'
42:47 'One of the revivals'
42:48 'Which will be held on the 4th of April'
42:51 '2024'
42:52 'In conjunction with the 24th of Ramadan'
42:54 '1445 Hijrah'
42:57 'I hope with the presence'
42:59 'And the guidance of all my friends'
43:02 'It will increase our spirit and effort'
43:06 'To revive everything'
43:09 'And take the lessons from the Quran'
43:11 'Insha'Allah'
43:12 'And insha'Allah we will arrive this time'
43:14 'In the surah Al-Jum'ah'
43:16 'Insha'Allah'
43:17 'So let us all gather'
43:19 'And follow the Quran Hour'
43:21 'Insha'Allah'
43:22 'Peace be upon you'
43:23 'May Allah's peace and blessings be upon you'
43:27 'The Quran'
43:29 'The Quran'
43:31 'The Quran'
43:33 'The Quran'
43:36 'The Quran'
43:39 'The Quran'
43:42 'The Quran'
43:45 'The Quran'
43:47 'The Quran'
44:13 'Ask Him for a proof'
44:20 'O, Lord of the worlds'
44:31 Welcome back to My Quran Time, Quran Salat Infah
44:40 Let us look at verses 80 and 81 together
44:43 In the page 137
44:45 How Prophet Ibrahim spoke to his people
44:48 With a clear speech
44:50 With a speech full of guidance
44:52 And stated in verse 81
44:55 'How I fear what you associate with Allah'
44:59 'When in fact you fear not what you associate with Allah'
45:05 'Namely Allah Subaha Nahu Wa Ta'ala'
45:07 So here, Prophet Ibrahim was actually speaking
45:11 'Why should I fear death'
45:13 'When in fact I am the creator who created death and life'
45:19 So this is a clear statement
45:21 And this is what is called a Sultan
45:24 Which is a proof that has power
45:27 When we believe in Allah
45:29 Allah has power
45:31 Compared to when we believe in a proof
45:33 A proof that states that in the forest there is a guardian
45:38 And when we ask for a guardian
45:40 'Dato', 'E, Nenek', 'I ask for permission to enter'
45:43 When these things are lifted
45:46 And are removed from the oneness of Allah
45:49 Then it can lead to Shirk
45:51 It causes a person to become a coward
45:53 A coward in life
45:55 And this is what is emphasized in the words of Prophet Ibrahim
45:59 In verses 80 and 81
46:02 So let us read once again, verse 81
46:04 With Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tirmizi Ali
46:08 I will be leading you
46:11 And how can I fear that which you associate with Allah
46:20 And do not fear that you associate with Allah
46:32 He is the One who sends down upon you a authority
46:46 So which of the two parties is more worthy of security
46:55 If you only knew
47:04 Surah Allah
47:05 Surah Allah, verse 81
47:07 When Prophet Ibrahim states
47:09 'You have no clear proof that you have power'
47:16 And when we talk about this proof
47:19 How at the end of verse 80
47:21 We are given the word 'Al-Fala Tata Karun'
47:25 Not 'Al-Fala Tata Fakarun'
47:26 Why not 'Al-Fala Tata Fakarun'
47:28 Actually people can think
47:30 They have thought
47:31 They know that Allah is the Creator
47:33 There is indeed a God, the Creator
47:34 Then if we look at the verses before this
47:38 If we take from the previous Surah
47:40 Surahs 135 and 136
47:42 Allah has killed, for example
47:45 That is something that everyone accepts
47:48 Everyone accepts
47:49 There is no saying that Allah has killed
47:51 Then what else
47:52 If we look at the verses we have studied before this
47:55 That actually in the hereafter there is torture
47:59 For example, Allah has been reminded
48:01 And then we talk about
48:03 Satan can make someone wonder
48:06 He is in a state of confusion
48:07 If he says he does not believe in Allah
48:10 And in verse 73
48:12 That Allah is the Creator
48:14 We know this
48:15 And when it is concluded with 'Al-Fala Tata Zakarun'
48:19 Compared to 'Al-Fala Tata Fakarun'
48:21 We can think that Allah is the Creator
48:23 But if it is a dhikr or a tazkirah
48:26 What is the effect
48:27 Is it worth it to be grateful to
48:31 Other than Allah who created
48:33 That is a tazkirah
48:34 It has an effect on the heart
48:37 Because when people have thought
48:39 They have knowledge
48:40 Sometimes they are not affected
48:42 They do not want to change
48:43 They want to follow their way of thinking
48:44 But when they are given a tazkirah
48:46 They are reminded in a deep way
48:48 We go to a tazkirah
48:49 We listen
48:50 Sometimes we already know
48:51 That thing is just a repetition
48:52 But it will make us
48:54 Oh, it is true
48:56 It is more or less like
48:58 It looks like the emergency lane is empty
49:01 We feel like we are ready to go
49:04 We know that it is wrong
49:06 But we feel like going too
49:08 The important thing is I want to go
49:09 I want to walk fast
49:10 But when we see a police car behind
49:13 We feel like we are being chased
49:16 And the police car is not just
49:19 A thing that makes us think
49:20 It is a tazkirah that makes us
49:22 Okay, I have to take action
49:25 To go through the emergency lane
49:28 So the words of Al-Falah Tazkirah
49:30 Is very powerful
49:32 At the end of verse 80
49:34 And at the end of verse 81
49:36 Prophet Ibrahim said
49:37 "Fa'ayyul fariqa'i ni'a haqqu bil'am"
49:41 Which group is it?
49:43 Which group has the right
49:44 To get peace and security
49:47 If you are always looking for knowledge?
49:50 What is it?
49:51 Is it your gang
49:52 Who is associating Allah
49:53 Who is afraid of the stars, the moon
49:56 Afraid of the sea, the god of the sea
49:58 God of fire, god of whatever
50:00 Or are we afraid of the creator of this world?
50:03 Who should get security?
50:06 So here actually
50:07 Talking about peace and security
50:09 This is the characteristic of a believer
50:11 Faith is related to peace
50:13 And that is why
50:14 From this verse we know
50:15 The person who does shirk
50:17 He is in a state of gundah gulana
50:19 When he sees a cheap house
50:22 Once he sees four
50:23 He doesn't want it
50:25 Later he will feel like trauma
50:26 Sitting in house number four
50:28 But if house number eight
50:30 He said
50:31 This has a lot of progress
50:33 Success of livelihood
50:34 Because
50:36 Fa
50:37 In Chinese it is more or less like
50:39 Ba
50:40 Ba is eight
50:41 So we live in a house with a lot of "ong"
50:43 Actually all of that is
50:45 Fear that is made
50:48 Because of shirk
50:49 To Allah SWT
50:51 But if we learn the knowledge
50:53 Finally we know that
50:55 The longer the calmer
50:56 The more faith, the more courage
50:58 The more faith, the calmer
51:00 Even though
51:01 There are many things that are raining
51:03 But we know that we have Allah
51:05 Who will always help us
51:08 That is why
51:09 Talking about verse 81
51:11 It has a continuation of verse 82
51:14 We read verse 82
51:17 Yes, Ustaz
51:18 To see what is the context
51:21 Please, Ustaz
51:22 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
51:25 Those who have believed
51:30 And have not worn
51:36 Their faith unjustly
51:44 Those are the ones who have the right
51:51 And they are the righteous
52:00 I seek refuge with Allah
52:02 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
52:03 Verse 82
52:04 Allah explains to whom
52:06 Who will have peace
52:08 Because some people say
52:09 Why am I not calm?
52:10 I am always afraid
52:11 I am afraid of ghosts
52:12 I am afraid of this and that
52:14 That is the answer that will be
52:16 Continued in the next episode
52:17 Verse 82
52:18 But we will first look at the resolution
52:20 For this time
52:21 That is the first
52:22 Not afraid of the threat and threat
52:24 Of the enemy of Islam
52:26 And the second
52:27 We always ask for the help and guidance
52:29 With full of compassion
52:31 To Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
52:33 And the third
52:34 From the verse that we have studied earlier
52:35 Continue to preach
52:37 With full of wisdom
52:39 And open up the space for conversation
52:41 And to find the point of similarity
52:44 To convey the truth of Tawheed
52:47 In connection with the faith in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
52:50 We all pray for Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
52:52 We strengthen our argument
52:54 For the faith
52:56 Our faith is not just a belief
52:58 With clear and strong proof
53:01 Of the Sultan
53:02 And hopefully Allah will give this knowledge
53:04 At all times
53:05 We pray
53:06 In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate
53:08 Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds
53:09 And peace and blessings be upon the most honored of the messengers
53:11 O Allah, have mercy on us with the Qur'an
53:13 And make it for us an Imam, a light, a guidance and a mercy
53:16 O Allah, remind us of what we have forgotten
53:19 And teach us from what we have ignored
53:21 And grant us its recitation at night and at the end of the day
53:25 On the face of the one who pleases you
53:27 And make it for us a proof, O Lord of the worlds
53:30 And peace and blessings be upon Muhammad
53:33 And praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds
53:35 Ameen, ameen, O Lord of the worlds
53:36 Hopefully Allah will accept our prayers
53:38 For us to be given guidance
53:40 By Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
53:41 And the effect of that is
53:43 Peace and security
53:45 That is what Allah has promised
53:47 And we need to build
53:49 This opportunity
53:51 For our family and community
53:53 And this struggle we want to move
53:54 In the movement of the Qur'an
53:56 The opportunity for you to contribute
53:58 And also to suggest various ways
54:01 How to fill the Qur'an that we have learned earlier
54:04 From other surahs that can be spread widely
54:07 Because it is very disadvantageous
54:09 When the best formula from this heaven
54:11 Is not given the attention that is reasonable
54:14 In the community
54:16 Fish curry is delicious to eat
54:18 Allah
54:19 Eat together
54:20 Rice and meat
54:22 Follow the tazkirah
54:24 Strengthen your faith
54:25 Trust in life
54:26 Be calm
54:28 By Qur'an Time
54:29 Qur'an Salat wa'l-Fahr
54:30 Inshallah
54:31 [Music]
54:37 Allahumma arhamna bilquran
54:45 Waj'al lana imaman wa nuran
54:51 Wahudan wa rahman
54:56 Allahumma dhakirna minhuma nasina
55:05 Wa allina minhuma jahina
55:14 Waruzquna tilawatahu anaa al-layli wa atrafanna
55:32 Waj'al hulana hujjatihi
55:39 Ya rahman al-alamin
55:47 [Music]
56:07 [Music]
