John Fenton Mcleish - Multiculturalism, Cui Bono?

  • 4 months ago
bankers create multiculturalism
coz' migrants borrow their cash
those opposed accused of racism
their lives thrown in the trash

white population in decline
to whom will they lend money
the asian will do just fine
'come to our land of milk and honey! '

open our gates to foreign hordes
destroy our culture and lore
culprits sit on the house of lords
everyone a treacherous whore

bankrupt our government with refugees
even states in debt to their gold
satisfy themselves with debaucheries
while the people are left in the cold

since when have they cared 'bout humanity
always put profits first
no bounds to their depravity
for three hundred years we have been cursed
*\n\nJohn Fenton Mcleish