John Fenton Mcleish - Mass Media Lies

  • 4 months ago
I see multiple theatre warfare
The likes of which has not been seen before
The rich globalist elite do not care
And the poor don't know what their fighting for
In the east they build bunkers for their peasants
And prepare to take care of their masses
Ignored by the western establishment
It's people are left all but defenceless
While our lords hide in hills and the mountains
Safe from atomic bombs and diseases
We'll be sacrificed, thrown to the lions
With no fresh water, food to appease us
No matter what their media tells you
Blind obedience is not a virtue

They do blame everyone but themselves
Russian, Chinese and Iranian
But it was they who did create this hell
Through lust o' power, greed and ignorance
And so now our children must pay the price
While these bastards do live in luxury
Why should we become victims of their vice
Shall we suffer for their debauchery
Yet there is one thing I do know for sure
They are traitors and dishonourable
They have titles and think that they're so pure
It is they who are the deplorable's
They definitely care not for proles
How could they, for they do not have a soul\n\nJohn Fenton Mcleish