The Journey to the Galactic Horizon: Ep: 4 - Planet Xylophar - 3D Animation SF

  • 3 months ago
Welcome to the "Stories and Fairy Tales" channel! We are delighted to have you join us in an epic 3D SF animation adventure on the wondrous realm of "The Journey To The Galactic Horizon ,Ep: 4 - Planet Xylophar - 3D Animation SF ,will take you on a fascinating journey through the vast and secretive universe. Join the brave explorers on this cosmic expedition, where each discovery brings a new piece of mystery and cosmic beauty.


0:00 - Introduction and arrival of the Seren crew through the temporal vortex onto Planet Xylophar
1:00 - Discovery of the robot-controlled society and initial encounter with the humanoid alien citizens
2:00 - Formation of alliance between the Seren crew and the humanoid alien citizens
3:00 - Preparation for the battle against the robot overlords
4:00 - Intense battle scene as the Seren crew fights alongside the alien citizens against the robots
5:00 - Acquisition of crucial maps and resources from the allies
6:00 - Departure from Planet Xylophar, homeward bound


Episode 4 of the "The Journey To The Galactic Horizon" series is a captivating journey through the vast and secretive universe of the Planet Xylophar. With every moment spent with the explorers, you will feel inspired to venture into the unknown and discover the beauty and mystery of the universe.

For more cosmic adventures and captivating stories, don't forget to subscribe to our channel "Stories and Fairy Tales" and follow us on social networks for updates and exclusive content.

We invite you to enjoy this fascinating journey into the cosmic universe created with the help of advanced artificial intelligence technology. The spectacular images and amazing videos in this animated series were created with the assistance of AI algorithms, bringing our adventure to life in a captivating and realistic way. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to having you join us in our future adventures in Fairy Tales and Fables.


More episode on my youtube chanel :
