Kembali Perkasa, Rupiah Tinggalkan Rp15.700 per USD

  • 7 months ago
Ketika indeks harga saham gabungan terkikis pelemahannya dan kondisi berbeda terjadi untuk pergerakan nilai tukar rupiah yang hari ini kembali mengalami penguatan yang cukup signifikan. Rupiah kembali perkasa dengan berbalik menguat signifikan dan meninggalkan level Rp15.700 per dolar Amerika Serikat. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan Rabu (07/02) siang, rupiah menguat cukup signifikan di 0,45% di Rp 15.655 per dolar Amerika.


00:00 When the indexes combined, the weakening of the bearish and different conditions occurred for the movement of the value of the rupee exchange, which today again experienced significant strength.
00:10 Where the rupee again intensified by reversing significant strength and leaving the US dollar level of 15,700.
00:17 Quoted from the data until the trading of the afternoon, the rupee strengthened significantly at 0.45% at 15,655 USD.
00:28 Where before the rupee was opened with a thin strengthening at 0.05% at the level of 15,715 USD.
00:36 This strengthening is contrary to the weakening that occurred in the trading of the previous day, where the rupee was pressed at 0.16%.
00:44 The movement of the rupee strengthened occurred in the middle of the weakness of the US dollar index in the morning at 104.09 or down to 0.12%, much lower than the closing in the slush at 104.21.
00:58 Meanwhile, on the other hand, the rupee movement is still imagined by the view of several FED officials who assess that the decline in the flow rate will not occur in the near future.
01:08 Let's see how the rupee exchange movement updates to the next major currency.
01:16 The data collected by our team can also be seen on the graphics on your TV screen.
01:22 The rupee movement to the US dollar at 15,632 rupiah, then to the euro at 16,833 rupiah, the pound sterling at 19,723 rupiah, and to Japan at 105.70 rupiah.
01:38 Thank you for watching.
