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Diablo IV Season of the Construct Gameplay Trailer
00:00 [XBOX SOUND]
00:02 This is where we made a miracle.
00:06 An alchemical engine.
00:12 It powers all you see around you.
00:16 We call it the Lume.
00:18 This is a censure, designed to protect its charge.
00:25 All it requires is a governing stone.
00:29 XANTU built a web of traps around the walls.
00:33 Be ready.
00:35 This demon is a parasite.
00:38 It is the weed in our garden.
00:41 We must pull it from its roots.
00:43 It will inhabit whatever it can.
00:50 [MUSIC]
01:08 It will not die easily.
01:10 But die it must.
01:14 [XBOX SOUND]
01:19 (whooshing)