《Complete a dish in one pot#Taiwanese Three-cup Eggplant .》 《一鍋搞定真簡單#三杯茄子煲》給想做茄子料理的人看!學會後茄子料理提升一個檔次!

  • 5个月前
I am a chef from Taiwan, my Chinese name is Wu Chengcheng(吳秉承),
I'm happy to share local cuisine in my Chinese,
You can click to translate the subtitles into your national language.
The following is the recipe for this dish

300g eggplant, 100g ginger slices, 10 garlic kernels, 30g green onions, 10g chili flakes, 10g crispy shallots, 20g nine-story pagoda, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 2 tablespoons black sesame oil
50cc rice wine, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon rock sugar

