Senate Mein Intikhabat Muatali Ki Qarardad Par Kis Party Ka Kya Moaqaf Hai?? Jaaniye

  • 8 months ago
Senate Mein Intikhabat Muatali Ki Qarardad Par Kis Party Ka Kya Moaqaf Hai?? Jaaniye
00:00 Pakistan's politics has been full of strange incidents.
00:06 You saw that strange incident over the weekend.
00:10 In the upper of the parliament, there were 14 senators.
00:16 12 senators made a statement.
00:19 And then, the word of the Englishman, Mr. Chaudhary, "Jiffay"
00:23 was accepted with no time.
00:29 And if you remember, Mr. Ayub said, "The incident is a mistake."
00:34 Mr. Sadq Sanjrani, the chairman of the Senate, said, "It's not a mistake, it's a fine mistake."
00:39 And it's a fine mistake.
00:41 We've been seeing this discussion going on for the last 2-3 days.
00:45 But what we saw suddenly was that the allies of our Tahiyyat Qaid,
00:50 at the moment, there is one ally who has been directly in contact with Tahiyyat Qaid
00:56 or Pakistan Muslim League Noon.
00:59 Both sides have accepted that they will run for the elections on 8th February 2024.
01:08 And that is respected Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the former head of PDIM,
01:13 and the Qaid of JUIF.
01:15 He has also been elected recently.
01:17 The party has re-elected him.
01:19 So, almost all of them are Qaid of JUIF.
01:21 So, they said, "Oh God, we were saying this from the beginning."
01:24 "This has been supported by our opinion."
01:27 Thankfully, they didn't say this along with it.
01:30 It's said in the Lighter Movement that in the 1973 constitution,
01:33 because the 1973 constitution says that if the assembly is broken,
01:36 then the elections should be held within 90 days, under any circumstances.
01:40 60 days, the assembly should be completed.
01:42 If the leader of the house dissolves on his advice,
01:46 then it should be done within 90 days.
01:49 What he is saying is that the senate has not done anything wrong.
01:54 Do you support the bills that have been passed by the senate?
01:57 My opinion is that it has been passed according to our opinion.
02:00 It is the reality of the situation.
02:02 And an institution has passed it.
02:04 I didn't know about it.
02:06 A member presented it there and it was accepted.
02:08 So, you want it to be postponed.
02:10 If there is a postponement for the betterment of the environment,
02:13 then the sky will not fall.
02:15 The matter will be resolved.
02:17 Viewers, when this bill was passed over the weekend,
02:22 the immediate reaction was from all political parties.
02:25 The most immediate reaction was from the Pakistan People's Party.
02:30 Whether it is the Jamaat-e-Islami or Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf.
02:35 First of all, let's take you to how this bill was passed by the Pakistan People's Party.
02:42 It was immediately rejected.
02:44 Siraj-ul-Haq also did it.
02:47 The senate has passed a fake bill.
02:51 The senate can decide the fate of 25 crore people.
02:56 It can never do it.
02:58 If you want to save Pakistan,
03:01 then you need to hold an election.
03:03 You need an election commission.
03:05 The longer the government remains,
03:09 the more problems this nation will face.
03:12 Similarly, the chairman of Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf,
03:18 because tomorrow there is a case in front of the Peshawar High Court,
03:21 he will know whether the chairmanship of Barrister Gohar is there or not.
03:25 Because the election commission was cancelled,
03:29 and then the Peshawar High Court ruled it out and it was cancelled again.
03:32 He also rejected the resolution.
03:36 A few senators passed a resolution that it has no legal status.
03:43 And the election should be held on time.
03:46 The Supreme Court has already said that the election will be held on time.
03:50 We also hope that the election will be held on time.
03:52 And we also hope that the Supreme Court will hold it on time.
03:56 When the Pakistan People's Party passed the resolution,
04:01 within no time, Shahi Rehman, the senator,
04:06 from the Party leadership,
04:08 all the leaders across the board,
04:10 who not only opposed the resolution,
04:14 but also spoke against it,
04:16 today also made a very good point of criticizing the resolution.
04:21 The resolution of the Senate,
04:25 you should get the resolution passed by the United Nations,
04:30 and the elections will be held on 8th February.
04:33 I am saying this because Justice Faiz Issa has said
04:37 that it is written in the stone that the elections will be held on 8th February.
04:41 A few senators have said that the elections should be delayed.
04:46 Is there more legal and legal weight in their words?
04:51 Or is there more legal and legal weight in the decision of the Chief Justice of Pakistan?
04:57 The leadership of the Pakistan Muslim League is with the Sharif family.
05:02 Tahiyat Qaid, the party's president,
05:06 and the party's chief organiser,
05:08 who drives the party, is Maryam Nawaz Sharif.
05:13 Her Twitter account was silent about the resolution.
05:21 We have to admit that Maryam Aurangzeb came to the media,
05:27 but she came after a long time.
05:29 Let's see what she said about the resolution.
05:34 The elections will be held on 8th February.
05:37 The other parties can cry, beat or shout.
05:39 It doesn't matter what happens in the future.
05:42 The elections will be held on 8th February.
05:44 Khursheed Shah, the senior leader of the Pakistan People's Party,
05:49 is reading between the lines.
05:51 He says that the silence of the Pakistan Muslim League,
05:54 especially about the resolution,
05:58 is a trap.
06:00 There is something hidden.
06:03 We also think that why is the Pakistan Muslim League silent?
06:07 Why is it not coming out?
06:09 Why is it not expressing itself?
06:11 Why is it silent?
06:13 Maybe it was told that the elections will not be held,
06:15 so you should sit quietly.
06:17 Come out and rest.
06:19 Then there will be no problem.
06:21 All the party leaders across the board,
06:26 the Islamic Jamaat,
06:28 you know how many elections they are winning.
06:30 Mr. Tehreek-e-Ansar,
06:32 whether he has a chance or not,
06:34 according to your analysis,
06:35 he will not be anywhere.
06:36 His bail will be suspended.
06:37 But he is still jumping into the fight.
06:39 The Pakistan People's Party is not seen anywhere in Punjab.
06:43 But they are also saying that we are ready.
06:45 So where are our leaders hidden?
06:47 Zahid Yatbez, the chief organizer.
06:50 No, no, let's listen to you.
06:52 It is very surprising that there was only one Jamaat in the Senate
06:55 that opposed this resolution.
06:57 The one who voted against it was the Muslim League Nawaz.
06:59 Then we want to give this thing such a color
07:02 that the Muslim League Nawaz was in favor of this resolution.
07:05 That is, those who actually became a defense shield to oppose it,
07:09 the one who raised his voice against it first,
07:13 we are saying that maybe they are the movers of this resolution.
07:17 That is how unjust it is.
07:19 The point is true.
07:20 He forgot to count the quorum.
07:21 He said that he made a mistake because of the speech.
07:24 Senator Afnan agreed to this.
07:26 But one man was the only member who voted against it
07:31 and protested against it.
07:33 But we are presenting them as if they are the movers of this resolution.
07:38 The second thing is that I and you agreed on one thing
07:41 that Sadiq Sanjrani is the one behind this, behind this small incident.
07:46 So, Sadiq Sanjrani made a mistake.
07:49 We wanted to try and talk to him today,
07:51 that why did you do this?
07:53 And the members, our anchor person,
07:57 both of them, the chairman of the Senate and the other,
07:59 I saw the photo on their Twitter.
08:01 So, they are going there and giving statements
08:03 that no one told us, we did it ourselves,
08:06 but this was the whole plan.
08:08 Sadiq Sanjani has done this with his own group.
