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Almost Unsolved Trailer - 2023 - Super Channel Documentary Series - Plot Synopsis: A true crime series that explores murder cases where investigations stalled or went cold; often for decades. Featuring interviews with the experts and law enforcement officials who worked these cases along with dramatic re-enactments we follow detectives, scientists and even amateur sleuths that dedicate their lives to bringing justice and closure to the cases that nearly went unsolved... Almost.


00:00 A young woman in a northern Manitoba small town decides to walk home alone at night.
00:07 And in the morning, a young man makes a terrible discovery.
00:12 The viciousness of it, I don't think you ever really prepare for that kind of stuff.
00:17 Despite evidence and lots of rumors, there's a town that's unwilling to talk.
00:22 Because at the end of the day, it's not just the family who wants justice, it's the entire community.
00:27 I think it's really important to remember her story because of the symbol of what she ultimately became.
00:32 She could have been any one of us.
00:34 The unsolved ones, we have to stand up.
00:42 And approach these cases in a way outside the box.
00:46 Let the world know, those out there that did commit a murder, there are people that are coming after you.
00:51 There's just a lot of good people trying to do the right thing.
00:54 Because it's something that you have to be passionate about.
00:58 Solve this, bring some peace to the family at least.
01:01 Just doing my job.
01:04 [Gunshot]
01:06 (dramatic music)