Teenage killers 'celebrate' unprovoked murder of man in park

  • 6 months ago
A 19-year-old man who stabbed to death Jack Lowe in a Darlaston park has been jailed for a minimum life term of 20 years.
Eighteen-year-old Jack, also known as Jack Norton, of Alumwell, Walsall, suffered a three-inch deep knife wound to the chest and died at the scene.
He was attacked in a field in Cook Street off Franchise Street in Darlaston, on December 7, 2022 in front of two close friends he had spent the day shopping with.
On January 5, Brandon Price and his 16-year-old accomplice, who cannot be named due to his age, were both jailed for killing him.
CCTV footage showed the pair 'celebrating' the unprovoked murder. The pair can clearly be seen re-enacting the stabbing, putting a murder weapon down a drain and excitedly congratulating each other.