William Mowell - Random Ramblings Of A Mad Man

  • 6 months ago
Six foot box, exiled in Lake City
Head hung low and feelin' shitty
Nothing around but empty space
The air is stale, the air I can taste
I'm tired of this Lake City livin'
I've done all of my givin'
Missin' the big city lights
This small town really bites

Short and quick rhymes
This shit I haven't the time
I should be in bed sleeping
But still I sit listenin' to ITunes
I should be bent down weeping
I'm just running on fumes

Why ain't I mad
I really should be angry
The closest emotion is sad
My friends set me free
It's 1 in the morning, shit
I can't get this off my mind
I'm sorry for that night I got lit
Forgiveness I guess they can't find

I guess forgiveness is easier for me
I forgave alot of shit in my past
Desperation I wish they could see
My friends I hope it's not the last
Tragedy leads to the pen
Or in this case the keyboard
Bridges I hope I can mend
As I cry out to the Lord

I end up fucking it all up
Without even knowing it
How'd I wind up fucked
Who poured all this shit
Some days are good, some bad
But they all lead to a final ending
You may end up happy, mad, or sad
But nothing is left pending

A picture of a happier finale
But I'm looking at an alternate ending
And the votes they can't tally
Because the profit they're spending
In my head it all goes right
But the real world has another plan
Would it be different if I had second sight
This world I'm not a big fan

'Thats when she's more than......'
Why'd it have to be that song
Living my immortal sins
All that I know is long gone
I believe music has the power
But I don't believe they're comin' back
I feel a man that doesn't stand up's a coward
I believe there's power in prozac

The random ramblings of a mad man
Makes you wonder about my sanity
I sometimes feel like I'm drowning in the sand
Are you confortable with your vanity
The aftermath of a mistake
Gets worse with time
It's not all give and take
Somebody crossed the line\n\nWilliam Mowell
