Cineasta Ernesto Daranas condena la censura en Cuba

  • last year
El cineasta cubano Ernesto Daranas condenó la censura existente en la isla contra los creadores, en el discurso que pronunció el domingo para presentar el documental "Landrián" en la edición 44 del Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de La Habana.


00:00 me, were fundamental.
00:02 This year has been the 20th anniversary of the death of Nicolás Guillén Landrián.
00:14 That visionary exiles Cubans, whose work was censored while his person was subjected
00:20 to ostracism, prison and finally exile.
00:24 It is not a case of the past, still today censorship and exclusion are in the cinema about
00:31 workers and filmmakers, about the right of our people to freely access their films and
00:36 about the very institutions of Cuban cinema.
00:39 That includes this dear festival.
00:42 The question is then, why do we filmmakers insist on being here?
00:49 The answer is in you, the people of which we are part, the true producer and protagonist
00:56 of our films.
00:58 In a country without a cinema, this is our only opportunity to be together once a year.
01:05 Here we are sure that a film can change the world, even if it is only for 90 minutes.
01:12 Although sometimes it seems the opposite, history cannot be defined and rewritten at will.
01:19 The memory of justice exists.
01:22 The filmmaker who will be with us now is proof.
01:26 Nicolás Guillén Landrián embodies the reason for being of the Cuban Film Assembly.
01:32 No one like him to expose the arguments that move us to demand that the pending debate
01:37 on exclusion and censorship be opened.
01:40 These are serious stigmas of culture and Cuban society in general.
01:45 The real problem has never been in our films, but in the reality to which they are due.
01:53 Definitely, there cannot be a country for different cinema than the one we have as a judge.
01:59 That is why censorship persists.
02:01 That is why the right to dissence is guarded and criminalized.
02:05 Let me dedicate this presentation to all colleagues and compatriots subject to exclusion and censorship.
02:14 To those who in any corner of Cuba and the world are still committed to freely telling their stories,
02:21 to freely expressing and defending their ideas.
02:24 And of course, let me dedicate this film to our Cuban Film Assembly,
02:31 of which I like to think that Landrián, along with so many others in our cinema,
02:35 would also have been part of.
02:38 Thank you very much.
02:39 [Applause]
