Samael Cooper - The Infinite Love of the Dajjal

  • il y a 7 mois
From the album The Ancient Black Metal Files by Samael Cooper.

Lyrics by Samael Cooper, Studios X308.
Music by Nikosvras.
Light of Satan Productions.

The mysterious Dajjal comes to transform Humanity. Many fear him, but he brings peace, A messenger of love, a hope that never stops. He breaks the chains, liberates us from the matrice. The Dajjal, the misunderstood. Religious and polictical leaders hate him. His words are of profound wisdom. The Dajjal, messenger of fraternity, He banishes hate, intolerance. His acts are of incredible kindness, He extends his hand to everyone, without distinction. He is pure love. He heals the sick, he feeds the hungry, He consoles broken hearts, tormented souls. The Dajjal, a being of light, love and truth, He delivers the oppressed, the souls in distress. But why so much distrust, so much hostility, Towards the one who brings peace, fraternity? Perhaps because his message is revolutionary, He questions dogmas, beliefs. The Dajjal, a visionary, a man of progress, He defends equality, justice. His enemies fear him, they want to silence him, But his voice resonates, his message, he wants to make it known. The Dajjal, an anomaly, a paradox, a misunderstood being, He wants to break chains, free spirits. Beneath his strange appearance, its mission is noble, Bringing peace to the world is his credo. He extends his hand to all, regardless of race, He brings unity, peace, grace.The Dajjal, an enigma, a mystery, His message of peace is for all Humanity. So, let's open our hearts to this new era, Where the Dajjal, bringer of peace, erases misery, obscurantism, bigotry.