Average parent calls their own parent for guidance this often

  • 6 months ago
Just 59% of parents follow their mom and dad’s advice about parenting, according to new research.

A survey of 4,000 American and Canadian parents and grandparents of kids 0-7 found that this is because some parents find their parents’ advice to sometimes be dated (34%) and they also have different ideas about how to raise their child (41%).

Seven in 10 admit that today, they have different ideas about raising their child than their parents have (71%).

Still, the average parent calls their own parent twice a week for guidance, and one in eight call them most days of the week.

Commissioned by Johnson’s® Baby and conducted by OnePoll for National Caregivers Month, the survey found that most parents of young kids shared that their parents’ words are valuable, with 83% saying they’ve learned a lot about raising kids from them.

And 73% of parents believe they operate at a happy medium, following their parents’ advice while also raising their children the way they want to.

Parents can agree that they have different priorities now than what their parents might have had when raising them, especially when it comes to taking an interest in baby skin care (35%), managing screen time (50%) and knowing how to bathe their child (32%).

On the other hand, bath time routines have stayed the same: 54% of parents bathe their child at least once a day, in line with 51% of grandparents who bathed their child just as often.

Most grandparents would also agree that parenting priorities have shifted since they raised their child (69%) — so much so, that nearly half of these respondents need some time to get used to these differences (48%).

Change can be good, though, as grandparents surveyed said that they wish they had some of the resources available now when they were raising their own children like hybrid work schedules (39%), more after-school activities for their kids (34%) and access to telehealth or other online health resources (34%).

Grandparents surveyed admitted they’d manage things for their grandchild differently than how their child does, especially when it comes to screen time (38%) and knowing how to soothe them (26%).

This isn’t the only point of contention when it comes to routines; 25% of parents say a baby needs silence to sleep, while just 16% of grandparents agree.

Parents of young children are also more likely to believe that newborn babies should stay indoors (18%) compared to just 10% of grandparents.

Similarly, 17% of parents bathe their child more than once a day, while only 4% of grandparents recall doing this when their child was that age.

Parents also wish their child’s grandparents were more involved in different steps like their education (29%), babysitting (29%) and playtime (29%).

Three-quarters of parents agree that although they may disagree with their parents’ advice, they know they have their grandchild’s best interest at heart, and even more grandparents said the same about their child (84%).