Quotes From Abraham Lincoln That Are Definitely Worth Listening To

  • 8 months ago
Quotes From Abraham Lincoln That Are Definitely Worth Listening To

On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address to dedicate the national cemetery close to the battleground where more than 3,100 Northern and 4,500 Southern men had lost their lives the previous July. Former secretary of state and senator Edward Everett, who spoke before him, read an address that was over 10,000 words long. Only 267 words were used in Lincoln's. "I should be happy, if I could believe myself, that I came as near to the essential idea of the event in two hours as you did in two minutes," Everett wrote to Lincoln the next day, pointing out the contrast. In April 1865, as Our American Cousin was being performed at Ford's Theatre, Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed.
