"Three Blind Mice " Hollywood Horror Movie.2023

  • 8 months ago
Three Blind Mice is a 2023 horror film directed by Pierre B and written by David Malcolm. It is based on the English nursery rhyme of the same name. The film stars May Kelly, Lila Lasso, Natasha Tosini, Samantha Cull, and Danielle Ronald.

The film follows a group of friends who take their friend, Abi, to a cabin in the woods to help her kick her drug habit. However, they soon find themselves being hunted by a group of monstrous mice.

Three Blind Mice is a surprisingly effective horror film. The creatures are well-designed and genuinely scary, and the film does a good job of building suspense and atmosphere. The kills are also quite brutal and gory, which will please fans of hardcore horror.

However, the film is not without its flaws. The plot is fairly straightforward and predictable, and there are a few clichés thrown in for good measure. Additionally, the characters are somewhat underdeveloped, making it difficult to care about their fate.

Overall, Three Blind Mice is a fun and entertaining horror film that is sure to please fans of the genre. It is not a perfect film, but it is well-made and offers some genuinely scary moments.

**Rating:** 3 out of 5 stars

**Recommendation:** If you are a fan of horror films, then I recommend checking out Three Blind Mice. It is a fun and entertaining film with some genuinely scary moments. However, if you are looking for a more complex or nuanced horror film, then you may want to look elsewhere.
