夫妻帶5歲孩子環遊世界,邊玩邊學,5年後怎麼樣了?Couple Travel the World with a 5-year-old Child, Learning While Playing

  • há 7 meses
2017年,一條報導了老極和小豬一家,他們在兒子辛巴出生後,不買房、不報學前班,花了90萬,帶著孩子環遊世界。他們的環球旅行故事打動了不少人,超過100萬人給報導點贊,有人讚同他們“看過世界,才有世界觀”的育兒觀,也有人質疑,這樣的“教育”能留下什麼?這5年間,他們過著怎樣的生活?In 2017, YIT interviewed Laoji and Xiaozhu. After the birth of their son Simba, they did not buy apartment, or sign him up for preschool, instead they spent 900,000 yuan taking their child traveling around the world. Their world travel story touched many people. More than 1 million people liked the report. Some people agree with their parenting concept of “you can only build a world view after seeing the world", and some people question, how such "education" benefits a child? How was their life in the past 5 years?

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