• 2 years ago
Azucena, la femme de Florent Pagny, exprime sa peur et son inquiétude pour son mari


00:00 For more than 29 years, Florent Pagny shares her life with Asu Senaka Amano.
00:04 The least one can say, is that the young woman is always there to support her husband.
00:08 As a reminder, the singer suffers from an incurable lung cancer.
00:18 Fortunately, he was quickly taken care of and underwent several chemotherapy sessions.
00:22 But if the two artists are bound to the hazards of life, they have had some moments of doubt.
00:34 And the biggest doubt for her, was a few years ago, when settling with him, she had big doubts about their future together.
00:47 For me, the risk, was that I had left there to come and live in Paris.
00:51 And he, he brings me back.
00:59 She then stops asking questions about the singer's motivations.
01:02 I don't know if he fell in love with Patagonia or with me.
01:12 We can say, it was a bit of both.
01:14 Today, the couple does not regret this choice at all.
01:23 He does not see himself leaving Argentina, even if he continues to make back and forth in France.
01:27 [MUSIC]