15+ Trippy Pics That Threw Logic In The Trash

  • 8 months ago
We were all excited when Babe got his big break, going to the big city in the sequel, but that doesn't mean that times were always so good.

The only real question I have is whether this piggy actually functions as a break light or turn signal, oinking or squealing whenever the light should go on.

15+ Trippy Pics That Threw Logic In The Trash

Of all the traps I've ever seen in a Saw movie, this is the one I'd least want to get trapped in.

Some people might say it's risky to put a picture of a spider this early in an article as it might mean people running away, but I'm not about to let fear hold me back.

I don't have a single idea what would prompt somebody to do something like this, but I'm sure glad that they chose to.

Clearly I'm just a big fan of optical illusions. What can I say, I've got a pretty simple mind.

When you stub your toe at your grandma's house and you catch yourself before you swear out loud.

But seriously, what's going on with this super cute truck? What is it transporting, lollipops and wishes?

If you'd told me this morning that I was going to be staring at pictures of a lamp, wanting to tell it that it's lamping wrong, then I'd have called you crazy.

And yet, here I am, and here you are watching about it. This is a crazy world we live in.

Actual footage of people trying to get to know the real me.

Y'know, because I'm thin-skinned, but also I have that second layer of skin. It's a medical condition, and I'll actually ask you to not ask many more questions about it, thank you very much.

You sneaky son of a gun.

Granted, I've pretty much given up on dollar stores being dollar stores anymore. All the ones around me are basically several-dollar stores, and the charm has gone out of it.

While technically true, this is still just a big old jerk move.

I mean, if you're allowed to do something like this, then yeah, you could put pretty much whatever number you want on the package.

If only BlackBerry had thought more along the lines of this sort of strategy, they wouldn't be in the position they're in now.

We need less worrying about making good phones and more emphasis on Madagascar penguins-type content.

Bruh, what?

Apparently, what you're looking at here is the long shadow that this one cloud is casting across the rest of the sky. Or at least, that's what the caption on Reddit said. And I'm no shadow-ologist, so I'm not about to argue.

I definitely want one of these, just for something to wear around the house, y'know?

I can barely throw on a t-shirt and a hoodie in the morning without hurting myself. I can't even begin to imagine the damage I would do to a work of art like this, even just by being in the same room as it.

This is what happens when werewolves try to come out during the daytime.

They turn into clouds, I guess? I don't know, man, I'm just the guy trying to take cool photos and make them kind of funny.

As cool as this is, if this is what those trees did to that ben
