Jitiya Vrat 2023 Upay: संतान प्राप्ति और संतान की मंगल कामना के लिए जीवित्पुत्रिका व्रत रखा जाता है, जिसे जीतिया, जितिया या जिउतिया भी कहा जाता है. हिंदू पंचांग के मुताबिक, हर साल आश्विन माह की कृष्ण पक्ष की अष्टमी को जितिया व्रत किया जाता है. इस बार यह व्रत 5 अक्टूबर से शुरू होकर 7 अक्टूबर तक चलेगा. 5 अक्टूबर को नहाय खाय होगा. 6 अक्टूबर दिन शुक्रवार को निर्जला व्रत रखा जाएगा. इसके बाद 7 अक्टूबर को इसका पारण किया जाएगा. वीडियो में देखें जितिया व्रत के दिन जरूर करें ये उपाय, संतान प्राप्ति के साथ मिलेगी लंबी आयु...
Jitiya Vrat 2023 Upay: Jivitputrika fast is observed for the attainment of a child and for the good wishes of the child, which is also called Jitiya, Jitiya or Jiutiya. According to the Hindu calendar, Jitiya Vrat is observed every year on the Ashtami of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month. This time this fast will start from 5th October and continue till 7th October. Nahay Khay will take place on 5th October. Nirjala fast will be observed on Friday, 6th October. After this it will be passed on 7th October. It is believed that by doing some measures on this fast, the wishes related to children are fulfilled. In such a situation, let us know the remedies for Jitiya Vrat….
Jitiya Vrat 2023 Upay: Jivitputrika fast is observed for the attainment of a child and for the good wishes of the child, which is also called Jitiya, Jitiya or Jiutiya. According to the Hindu calendar, Jitiya Vrat is observed every year on the Ashtami of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month. This time this fast will start from 5th October and continue till 7th October. Nahay Khay will take place on 5th October. Nirjala fast will be observed on Friday, 6th October. After this it will be passed on 7th October. It is believed that by doing some measures on this fast, the wishes related to children are fulfilled. In such a situation, let us know the remedies for Jitiya Vrat….