Kids In Cafeteria Practicing Play / Shooting was 9:40 - 9:50 / Soto Diverted Adam

  • 8 months ago

According to the official narrative, there was no one in the cafeteria, shooting occurred from 9:35 - 9:40 and no! Soto did not divert any of her students. The family was told this numerous times by investigators yet they still tell this tale.
CFS 1200704559 Book 1 00173193 p.2 (listing questions and key points of the meeting) 3/20/13 "clarification of some of the untrue rumors that had circulated in the media early on, to include misinformation that Miss Soto had hidden children in cabinets or closets, engaged in conversation with the shooter and had shielded children with her body"

CFS 1200704559 Book 1 00172566 1/21/13 Family meeting with the Soto's "We advised them that there was no information, based upon the physical evidence and the statements of the children survivors, that Vicki was able to do any of those things. We told them that she was most likely one of the first persons shot in that classroom and it appeared that they were taken by surprise and therefore, there just wasn't any time for her to hide the children anywhere. In addition, we asked that all the information that we discussed be kept in confidence especially since a majority of it had not been disclosed publicly"

CFS 1200704559 Book 1 00175003 6/5/13 (A prearranged visit to SHES with Soto Family) "A repeat of clarifying information pertaining to some of the rumors that had circulated about victims, Victoria included, confronting or diverting shooter"