Kindergarteners Evacuated Behind Portable | Sandy Hook

  • 8 months ago
This claim would be factually inaccurate. The kindergarten classes were on the east side of the building and evacuated through the northeast corner, which is at the front of the school. I am not aware of any class being evacuated through the route being claimed in this video. However, I acknowledge that I could be wrong and believe that if any students were evacuated via this route, the only possible classes it could've been were the 3rd graders in the southwest corner.
CORRECTION: Room 25 is documented as having left through the southwest exit. (CFS 1200704559 Book 5 00034719)
As for the context regarding the interest in the fence line area, I believe this is a possibility:
CFS 1200704559 Book 6 00001362 (TFC Joseph Bukowski's statement) "This Trooper and Officer Williams assumed a security post between #5 and #8 Crestwood Drive, at the area of the rear gate to the playground at SHES. The gate had a lock and chain that was cut, with the chain re-attached to the gate. The cut link was found on the ground near the gate. Also on the found was a black pouch that resembled a glove pouch issued to law enforcement personnel. At 1423 hours this Trooper and Officer Williams were relieved of our security post by Newtown P.D. Officers Smith #92, and Seabrook, #95. They were made aware of the cut chain and the pouch on the ground. It was explained to them that the cut chain looked suspicious and no one could account for the black pouch on the ground."
