• 2 years ago
Ahsoka 1x6 -Part Six- Far, Far Away- REACTION!!!


00:00 Oh, you're excited. Does that mean you're gonna talk faster? Is that why you're wearing a Star Wars shirt? Yes.
00:04 Trying to do an intro for me in less than two minutes is nearly impossible. So for those of you that know.
00:12 Anyway, last week's episode was awesome.
00:17 A lot of Anakin and Ahsoka flashbacks. There we go.
00:23 Oh, see and I'm glad that he said that. Anakin and Ahsoka flashbacks or memories and that's kind of the thing people are talking about.
00:32 What really happened there? Was it a force vision? A dream?
00:38 Really, was she pulled into the world between worlds? You know, how did Anakin manifest himself?
00:43 There's all kinds of stuff out there that we don't have time to get into, but it certainly is fun to speculate about.
00:49 I will say this. It was awesome. It's just awesome to see Hayden Christensen back in the Star Wars universe.
00:55 The way that he played Anakin, both the Matlantar version, his version, Vader mix into it. It was awesome.
01:04 You guys agree? And Anakin offered her, will you live or die?
01:12 Wanted to complete her training and gave her a choice to live or die.
01:15 And she needed to fight if she wanted to live, which explains why she was able to beat him in that way.
01:21 Because he was giving her a choice and he was completing her training. What were you going to say?
01:24 They went to find Sabine. They went into the mouth of a huge pergola.
01:30 Yes, they did. With lots of teeth. They're going who knows where.
01:34 So this other galaxy. Don't they think Ezra is?
01:39 Yeah, well if they find Thrawn, they think they're going to find Ezra.
01:44 I will say one thing about what was that Ahsoka went through?
01:50 Did that really happen or was that just something in her mind?
01:53 I will say this. Jason Sindula heard lightsabers clashing through the Force.
02:00 So that tells me that I think this did happen, whether it's in the Cosmic Force or World Between Worlds,
02:09 whatever it was, I think that she did have this encounter.
02:14 And the way Hera responded, it's almost like Hera sensed or heard something as well.
02:20 I'm not saying she's Force sensitive, but whatever was there, Hera was very convinced of whatever was happening with Jason.
02:26 How will we get that proof, I wonder?
02:28 I don't know if we will. That's Dave Filoni. And that's fine. I actually like it.
02:31 It's fine that he's left that open for interpretation.
02:36 I mean, obviously he has his own meaning behind it, but Filoni is very well known for putting stuff out there.
02:42 He knows fans are going to talk and debate, and that's all it is. We're just having a conversation.
02:46 We don't need to be dogmatic about it.
02:48 I didn't even question it. I just thought it was real.
02:51 Well, yeah, why not? I go there. I want it to be because it's Anakin and Ahsoka doing their thing.
02:58 So that was a whole lot of fun.
03:00 Alright, we're ready to go, and I fully expect to see Thrawn in this episode.
03:03 It's time for Thrawn to make his appearance, and I hope it's not just at the end of the episode.
03:09 I also want to add, I would love to see some more Anakin.
03:12 If you watch some of the footage that came out, not necessarily the trailers, but the TV spots, whatever you want to call them.
03:20 There was more lines by Anakin in those.
03:23 Now, maybe that's stuff that just got cut, but maybe he makes another appearance, which I think...
03:29 I won't complain. I'm not complaining about it at all.
03:33 Alright, here we go. Episode 5. Sorry, I said episode 5 the whole time.
03:38 Yes, you guys need to correct me when I'm wrong.
03:41 It's episode 6. There's only 3 episodes left.
03:48 Alright, here we go. Ahsoka chose to live. She's now Ahsoka the White. Love it.
03:53 And here we go.
03:59 Bukka.
04:00 Oh, we're hearing the whales.
04:03 I think I spelled Ahsoka wrong in my text message earlier, didn't I?
04:06 You did. Yes, you did. But that's okay.
04:09 That's awesome.
04:13 Intergalactic travel within a star whale. Now I really have done it all.
04:18 That's a bucket list moment there for you.
04:22 There's something I didn't tell her about Spade.
04:26 Which is?
04:27 She went with the enemy willingly.
04:29 Impossible.
04:30 Well, that is troubling.
04:33 Yeah, there is that.
04:34 No, Ezra.
04:35 Right. She wants to save Ezra.
04:37 It was the only choice.
04:39 Because of Ezra?
04:41 That's why she wants to save Ezra.
04:43 She let her attachments and her feelings...
04:47 Oh, and Jedi's are not supposed to do that.
04:52 On second thought, tell me one of those stories.
04:55 Very well. A long time ago...
04:57 In a galaxy far, far away.
04:59 In a galaxy far, far away.
05:02 That's so on the nose, it's not even funny.
05:04 How did you know he was going to say that?
05:07 I like it, but at the same time, I was like, okay.
05:12 That was pretty good.
05:15 Far, far away.
05:18 Baelin's skull. You know too much.
05:24 He knows a lot of things.
05:25 You find your situation confining?
05:27 A bit.
05:28 I can understand why.
05:30 Is that the guy from Home Improvement?
05:32 We had a deal.
05:35 I just see his eyes.
05:37 Close that door.
05:39 We have arrived at our destination.
05:42 Prepare to exit hyperspace.
05:44 Here we go, new galaxy.
05:46 That is Paridia.
05:52 Paridia.
05:53 Paridia.
05:54 Paridia.
05:55 Homeworld of my ancestors, the Dathomiri.
05:57 Wow.
05:58 My people were among the first to harness and ride the creatures,
06:01 and the days before time was counted.
06:03 The whales came here to die.
06:06 Paridia was a graveyard.
06:07 Oh, wow.
06:09 It really is.
06:14 It's like the elephant graveyard in Tarzan.
06:17 Was that Tarzan? Or Lion King?
06:20 Originally it was Tarzan, many, many years ago.
06:24 That was pretty cool.
06:30 Yeah, the production in this show has been very outstanding.
06:34 Oh, wow.
06:38 That ship is fast.
06:50 It's so simple and cool.
06:52 I know.
06:53 I first thought it was something falling off the ship,
06:57 and then it sprouted wings.
06:58 Shuttle.
06:59 We'll just call it a shuttle.
07:01 So are they going to be night sister stuff here?
07:06 Wow, no way.
07:09 Welcome, child of Dathomir.
07:11 You do our ancestors credit.
07:14 You can have the voice, that's awesome.
07:16 More witches.
07:17 More witches.
07:18 Where is Thrawn?
07:22 You shall wait.
07:23 He is coming.
07:24 It reeks of Jedi.
07:28 It will wait.
07:32 Insolent it.
07:34 I know, I was about to say, are they calling Sabine an it?
07:37 Ezra might be in there with you.
07:42 When I was a bit older than you are now,
07:44 I watched everything I knew burn.
07:46 The Jedi Temple?
07:47 You realize it's all inevitable.
07:51 I'm kind of emotional about it.
07:55 Rise of the Empire.
07:57 It repeats again and again and again.
08:03 What I seek is the beginning,
08:07 so I may finally bring this cycle to an end.
08:10 And that beginning is here.
08:12 If the old stories are true.
08:14 Hmm.
08:15 So I guess the Force is easier to use in this new galaxy?
08:23 Ah, no, it's a force.
08:25 It wasn't the Force?
08:29 No.
08:30 No, something's coming.
08:32 It's a Thrawn.
08:34 Oh, it's a star, it's the Camaro, that's awesome.
08:42 Yeah, it's Star Destroyer.
08:44 It's Thrawn, Star Destroyer, the Camaro.
08:46 That is awesome.
08:47 Remember in Rebels, when the whales jumped,
08:52 it took the Star Destroyer with it.
08:54 Thrawn seems to have some control over the...
08:58 Dude, this is awesome, here we go.
09:02 He's got the Star Trooper.
09:05 Night Trooper.
09:08 Thrawn, Thrawn.
09:10 [Star Destroyer]
09:12 Whoa!
09:14 There he is.
09:18 Grand Admiral live-action Thrawn.
09:25 It has become a frightening reality for those who may impose it.
09:30 Grandmothers, I salute you.
09:35 It is a loose thread.
09:36 What speaks to me of this?
09:39 Let's see what his reaction is when he finds out.
09:41 I felt she could be of some use to us.
09:45 The prisoner is Sabine Wren.
09:47 Now that's a familiar name.
09:51 She would be of great use to us.
09:54 Thrawn is awesome, man.
10:01 From the books, to the animated series, to live-action.
10:06 Just awesome.
10:07 Sabine Wren.
10:08 Where's Ezra?
10:09 The desire to be reunited with your long-lost friend, K-Bar Galaxy.
10:13 Just answer the question.
10:15 No need for hostility.
10:16 We shall have provisions, a mount,
10:19 and our latest intel on Bridger's whereabouts.
10:23 Wow.
10:24 So that's it? You're just going to let me walk out of here?
10:29 Something tells me you don't want to do that, Sabine.
10:32 Gamble with the fate of your galaxy.
10:35 On that belief.
10:36 Be warned.
10:42 Nomads wander this wasteland and prey upon each other for survival.
10:47 Here are your weapons.
10:48 I'd be worried my ride was going to eat me.
10:52 You know?
10:55 I don't think I'd trust that thing.
10:57 I thought you were to honor your agreement.
10:59 I shall.
11:02 Sabine Wren will have the opportunity of finding Ezra Bridger.
11:05 You and your master will destroy them both.
11:07 Thrawn. Just awesome.
11:10 Uh-oh.
11:18 Oh no.
11:20 There goes your ride.
11:21 Oh no.
11:22 They warned her that...
11:26 Yep, nomads.
11:28 Nomads.
11:31 Ooh.
11:32 Come on, Sabine.
11:39 Whoa.
11:41 Oh!
11:42 That one was right in the armor.
11:43 Oh.
11:44 Uh-oh. There it is.
11:48 It's hard to say where's her lightsaber.
11:51 And now you have to ride.
11:53 Oh, lingering shot.
11:57 Nice phone.
12:00 Oh.
12:01 You abandoned me!
12:03 Aw.
12:05 Aw.
12:10 Aw.
12:12 Aw.
12:14 Aw.
12:16 Aw.
12:19 Aw.
12:20 Come on, Sabine.
12:23 Aw.
12:25 Really?
12:27 You need 'em.
12:29 It has your backpack on it.
12:31 Come on, Sabine.
12:32 Your sleeping roll.
12:34 It's gonna come back.
12:37 Say okay.
12:44 Stop being stubborn.
12:46 Right.
12:47 He's like your only hope in this forsaken place.
12:50 He's cute.
12:59 I'm sorry.
13:03 I have to admit, it'd be kind of fun to ride.
13:16 What a desolate place this is.
13:18 Is that a ninja turtle?
13:31 It's a turtle.
13:32 Oh, man.
13:45 Comedy really...
13:47 This is more like a snail.
13:53 Yeah.
13:54 With clothes on.
13:57 It does have clothes on.
14:03 It does.
14:05 It does.
14:06 Snail.
14:19 It's still cool. Star Wars.
14:33 She knows. She's seen it before.
14:35 Oh, no.
14:50 There's a whole colony of them.
14:53 All I know is we're...
14:57 I thought it was a graveyard.
14:58 Looks like we're off to see the wizard.
15:01 Believe it, you...
15:02 I do like that we have aliens speaking a...
15:11 like a foreign language.
15:13 The original trilogy had foreign language with the aliens.
15:16 Whereas the more recent Star Wars, the aliens, they all speak English.
15:20 Basic. They all speak basic.
15:24 Mm-hmm.
15:25 Bridget?
15:26 No, it's too young.
15:27 It comes from a breed of Vulcan Jedi trained in the wild after the temple fell.
15:32 He was trained as a Jedi.
15:35 You, I'm trained to be something more.
15:38 I see what once was the great witch kingdom of the Dathmeri.
15:43 The existence of the Great Mullahs confirms this.
15:47 Something calls to me.
15:51 Can't you hear it?
15:55 Something stirs here.
15:58 I was real curious to see what Balin's after.
16:00 So is Ezra living with the snail people?
16:07 Just like a snail to live under a rock.
16:15 Those are discarded.
16:19 He's like, "This is the greatest place I've ever seen.
16:24 Thank you for showing me where to..."
16:26 Oh, yeah, gotta have the baby.
16:34 Right.
16:35 It's like discarded armor or something.
16:39 There he is.
16:45 That's awesome.
16:50 Sure took you long enough.
16:51 Exactly. Tell any of us where you were going.
16:54 That's because I didn't know where I was going.
16:57 Always a plan. Never a good one.
17:00 Hey, it worked, didn't it?
17:03 He looks like he could be in The Chosen.
17:06 See my friends found you?
17:14 Yeah. Your very own band of rebels.
17:18 Don't think they're going to break out into the Fixer Upper song.
17:22 Don't you think he...
17:40 Think he what?
17:44 He would need to know that Thrawn is the one that sent her out.
17:49 Thanks for coming.
17:51 Can't wait to go home.
17:55 Yeah.
17:57 Well, Thrawn didn't show up and kill all the little snail people.
18:01 That's not like Thrawn.
18:05 How about home?
18:06 Thrawn is very purposeful and objective in everything he does.
18:11 He always has a reason.
18:13 Another comes.
18:15 A Jedi.
18:16 They ride the Travelers.
18:18 Could it be the recently deceased Ahsoka Tano?
18:24 I thought it was beyond you.
18:26 It's underestimated, Jedi.
18:28 Death and resurrection are common deceptions played out by both Nightsister and Jedi.
18:38 We have a death.
18:39 Not yet.
18:40 He was once a Jedi. We must regard him as flawed.
18:44 He's awesome.
18:46 We shall consider Ahsoka Tano alive until we know. Otherwise, I want to know her background, history, homeworld, her master, everything.
18:56 Yes, go on, Tato.
18:57 You know her, Master.
18:59 Orchis Peridia.
19:01 Destroyed by prejudice.
19:04 Wow.
19:06 Grandmothers, I shall once again require the aid of your dark magic.
19:13 The thread of destiny demands it, Grand Admiral.
19:18 Awesome. It's a bridge episode.
19:28 A bridger. A bridger to the bridge of the next episode, episode.
19:34 I found both of them in the same episode.
19:37 Okay, what did you guys think of that episode?
19:40 Well, so far he's not on the dark side.
19:43 No, Ezra is not.
19:45 So far.
19:46 Your prediction of him being dark side Ezra does not seem to be.
19:51 No, I didn't say definitely he was going to be.
19:54 No, well you were worried about it.
19:56 Yeah, I was worried about it.
19:57 You were worried about it.
19:58 Chances are you wouldn't be living with the snail people if you were on the dark side.
20:02 Well...
20:04 The snail people.
20:06 I like that name you gave them.
20:08 Just when you think that you've seen it all on Star Wars.
20:11 They're so cute.
20:13 What did you think of it?
20:17 So, yeah, it was a, you know, after the height of last week's episode, I kind of anticipated having a, you know...
20:25 Even keel.
20:28 Yeah, just, filler's not the right word. There's no fillers in this series because it's all linear.
20:34 It's a story from start to end.
20:37 But it certainly was an episode to bridge...
20:42 Bridger.
20:44 You know, the penultimate episode and then the finale.
20:52 And I love seeing Thrawn in live action.
20:58 You know, as an original trilogy fan who went through the, you know, the late 80s and almost through the 90s with no Star Wars.
21:09 And the big stories that came out during that time frame was the Thrawn trilogy books, The Heir to the Empire.
21:14 And the fact that he went from that to animated series and rebels to more books and now live action.
21:24 And his most recent, the Timothy Zahn most recent Thrawn books are very good.
21:32 Thrawn Ascendancy and all that.
21:34 It's funny that he mentioned in here, he said he wants to know everything about Ahsoka including her master.
21:40 Oh, yes.
21:41 He knows Anakin.
21:42 Master, yes.
21:43 He knows Anakin.
21:44 He met Anakin during the Clone Wars and they allied together to...
21:50 They were in a situation, I can't remember all the details, but they worked together very well in those books.
21:55 I picked up on that when he said "and her master."
21:58 Well, yeah, I mean he may or may not know that Anakin was her master.
22:02 So I would like to see, you know, his reaction when he hears the name Anakin Skywalker.
22:08 Oh, yes.
22:09 Because he knew him.
22:10 Obviously it was a long time before this when that happened, but he knows who Anakin Skywalker is.
22:15 And I don't know, I can't remember if you guys out there know of any tie-in where Thrawn knows.
22:21 And I think that he does in some of the books that have come out.
22:26 I think he also knows that Anakin, or suspected that Anakin turned into Darth Vader.
22:31 To the dark, okay.
22:33 Well, because he was with him.
22:35 I mean Thrawn and Darth Vader had...
22:37 Oh, no, okay, yeah. Thrawn and Vader prior to the conclusion of Rebels, I believe, had...
22:45 They were in a book together.
22:47 So he's also worked with Darth Vader, he knew Anakin Skywalker, and I think that he suspected that Anakin turned into Darth Vader.
22:54 Because Thrawn was really close with Emperor Palpatine.
22:57 Anyway, I digress.
22:59 That's just me nerding out for half a second.
23:02 More like five minutes.
23:05 All that to say, I'm just curious to see what his reaction is going to be when he hears the name Anakin Skywalker as Ahsoka's master.
23:12 I thought it was really cool to see Ezra.
23:14 Yes, finally.
23:16 And, yeah, curious to see where that part of the story is going to go.
23:20 Really just kind of like, okay, how's this going to conclude here?
23:25 Knowing Filoni and the way he likes to tell stories, I think we're in for a big...
23:30 Some surprises and maybe even a cliffhanger kind of ending.
23:36 Does that mean there's going to be another season of Ahsoka or a different show?
23:43 So, yeah, I think Rosario Dawson has hinted that she's in it for the long haul.
23:50 So there's going to be more Ahsoka, whether it's another show.
23:53 She's definitely going to show up in the Mandoverse because there's still Mandalorian Season 4.
24:00 This whole time period right now, right after the time after Return of the Jedi, is kind of the Filoniverse that everybody's been talking about.
24:11 And they're going to conclude all this in a movie that's supposed to come out, I'm guessing, in about four or five years.
24:17 Yeah, I was going to say a movie would be cool.
24:19 So all of this Mandoverse stuff will conclude, or I don't know if it will conclude, but there's going to be a movie at some point.
24:27 So, yes, I'm guessing there will be Ahsoka Season 2.
24:33 Oh, okay.
24:34 So, if you guys know they've confirmed that. I don't think they've actually confirmed it, but I think the rumors are pretty strong that there will be a Season 2.
24:42 So, yeah, I enjoyed the episode, I enjoyed meeting new creatures and new planet.
24:48 But they've definitely set up the last two episodes with this episode.
24:53 Ahsoka's going to show up and we found Ezra, and so what's going to happen?
24:59 Yep.
25:01 I just want to see Anakin again.
25:05 No, we've already seen him. We've seen enough Anakin.
25:07 How could you say such things? You can't say such things.
25:12 You've seen enough of him.
25:15 No, Hayden Christensen back in the Star Wars universe? No, we need more. It's awesome. He did a great job.
25:23 Anyway, yeah, I enjoyed the show, you guys. And, again, just curious to see where it's going to go from here.
25:31 Yeah, because we found Ezra.
25:33 Yeah, I wonder if there were any surprises with Ezra while he was gone. You know what I mean?
25:41 Yeah. Well, who knows?
25:43 I wonder what he's been through.
25:44 Well, I think he'd still be on the dark side.
25:45 I think he's just living with the snails. The snail people.
25:49 Living with the snails.
25:52 Well, he did have some... he had like a chain armor on. Like a chainmail type of armor.
26:02 He did, didn't he?
26:03 Yeah, so I'm wondering where he got that. So there's definitely stories there to tell.
26:06 I don't know if we'll hear any of it, but it's pretty cool.
26:09 I love Lars Mikkelsen as Thrawn. He did the voice of Thrawn in Rebels.
26:15 And I think his presence is perfect for the show. He's a little bit older, but he's so calculating and so tactful.
26:26 Tactiful? How do you say that? Tactical. He's so tactical.
26:31 We get into these word games a lot on here, don't we?
26:37 It's a mess. He's so tactical in everything that he does. Everything's calculated. Everything's with a purpose.
26:42 He studies his enemy. He knows everything about them. And he's always like ten steps ahead.
26:47 You're talking about Thrawn?
26:48 Thrawn. That's why he's such a great villain. And it's so cool to see him.
26:52 I like how calm he is.
26:53 Oh, it's perfect. He's always like that. Always.
26:58 So, anyway, Lars Mikkelsen does a great job playing live-action Thrawn.
27:04 You know, his brother's Mads Mikkelsen, who played Galen Erso.
27:08 Oh, I can see a resemblance.
27:10 He played the bad guy in Indiana Jones.
27:12 That's cool.
27:13 And you've seen him in other stuff, like Doctor Strange.
27:16 Yeah, yeah. I like him, too.
27:18 That's his brother.
27:19 Yeah, they look like brothers.
27:21 Except he's blue in this with red eyes.
27:24 Yeah, they'd really look like it if Galen were blue.
27:28 Alright, you guys, we're getting silly. Thanks for watching.
27:30 Hope you enjoyed the reaction. Let us know what you thought of this episode.
27:33 Where is the story going? How is this going to conclude?
27:36 I'm fully convinced we're in for an epic conclusion just because it's a Dave Filoni thing.
27:42 There will definitely be some surprises.
27:44 Again, let us know what you thought. Give us a thumbs up. Subscribe.
27:48 May the Force be with you, and we'll see you next time.
