• 2 years ago


00:00 Polar bears are such icons of the Arctic.
00:09 He made a playground of these brutal conditions and defied all our expectations.
00:17 Don't let appearances fool you, he's a killing machine.
00:22 There will be no easy meals on this island.
00:29 Polar bears are the largest seals in the world.
00:33 Exhausted from his swim, the bear is not at its full strength.
00:40 The adults close ranks around their young, presenting a wall of blubber and hide.
00:47 He tests the barrier, but it stands firm.
00:56 This female walrus is shielding her pup.
01:00 If he can just prise her off, the bear's claws and teeth can penetrate her thick hide.
01:14 With the herd retreating to water, the bear has lost its chance to catch prey.
01:23 At this time of year, polar bears on average succeed only once in 20 hunts.
01:31 All he can do is keep trying.
01:36 To prevent his scent betraying him, he makes a wide sweep to get downwind of the seal.
01:43 He is getting closer.
01:48 He is now right behind the seal.
02:03 Unbelievably, he caught the seal underwater.
02:22 It's only small, but even so, its blubber alone will contain 100,000 calories.
02:31 Enough to sustain this bear for a week.
02:36 And in that time, he might even catch another.
02:39 (eerie music)