Mostra Venezia 2023, la madrina Caterina Murino: "Nel mio discorso sostegno a sciopero di Hollywood"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - "Il mio discorso si incentrerà su tre punti fondamentali: gli ottant’anni della Mostra, la più longeva della storia del cinema, l’importanza del cinema che è un mezzo di comunicazione enorme e potentissimo, e sicuramente il sostegno allo sciopero che i nostri colleghi oltre oceano stanno vivendo" Così la madrina del 80ma mostra di Venezia all’AdnKronos, alla vigilia del suo discorso inaugurale di domani in Sala Grande. "Saremo al loro fianco, perché se succede da loro, il giorno dopo alle sei di mattina succede anche da noi. Quindi bisogna davvero fare in modo che questa follia non vinca".


00:00 What did you feel when you were told that you were the godmother of the 80th Venice Film Festival?
00:06 I would have never expected to be in La Rosa,
00:10 because every year I have to show my colleagues.
00:13 I thought it was something that would never have happened to me,
00:16 because it is a role that you have to earn.
00:23 I left Italy many years ago,
00:26 I am not very present in Italian cinema,
00:29 even though I have made many films,
00:31 my last one, "The Opera" by Davide Liber, with Paolo Gepucco,
00:34 is certainly one of the best.
00:36 But I am not so young,
00:39 I am not an actress who promises in the career of Italian cinema,
00:43 so there are many things that I would never have thought.
00:46 Instead, the request for the meeting came,
00:49 and then the choice that came to me.
00:52 It was really an immense emotion,
00:54 I just hope not to disappoint Alberto Barberio and La Biennale for their choice.
00:58 What will you focus on in your speech?
01:02 There are three main points.
01:05 The 80th anniversary of this exhibition,
01:10 the longest in the history of cinema.
01:13 The importance of cinema as a powerful means of communication.
01:19 And certainly, to support the disaster that our colleagues overseas are experiencing.
01:29 To be on their side, because today we are in the United States,
01:34 they are far from us, but if it happens to them,
01:37 after tomorrow morning, at 6 in the morning, they will be with us.
01:40 So we really have to make sure that this madness does not win.
01:44 Is there an Italian director you would like to work with?
01:50 There are two, two very different generations.
01:53 One is Giuseppe Tornatore, and the second is Sidney Sivilla,
01:57 whom I met thanks to Netflix, in The Name of the Rose,
02:02 Lisa from The Rose, and it is an extraordinary film that I loved.
02:06 With my sponsor we really loved it,
02:08 and I called all my friends to see this film, also in France,
02:11 because it is an extraordinary film and I would like to work with him.
02:14 One last thing, you are Sardinian,
02:17 so I imagine you will also bring Sardinian pride.
02:21 Well, you can't see the four-way flag behind me.
02:26 Sardinia is part of me, it's me,
02:30 so my pride of being Sardinian is renewed,
02:35 and I renew it again, and this will never die.
02:39 The luck of being born in Sardinia is really unique,
02:42 so I was kissed by the luck of being born.
02:46 Here you also have the Minister of Culture,
02:49 so is there anything you would like to ask, ideally,
02:53 or that you would like for Italian cinema?
02:56 Well, it's something very easy for me to do, as you asked.
03:03 I don't know if it's really him who could do something,
03:08 and I don't know if it's so easy bureaucratically,
03:13 but since in France all the foreign films that pass in French cinema
03:20 have to pay a fee, and this fee helps the French National Film Center
03:26 to produce French films, obviously,
03:29 which is a very small fee, I think,
03:32 for the huge American blockbusters that pass.
03:35 So I think it's something feasible, not so complicated,
03:40 to ask a fee to all the foreign films that want to pass in Italian cinema
03:44 to help Italian cinema to self-produce.
03:48 So this is something that could really,
03:52 that is an intelligent way to help even small films to exist.
03:57 - In Bocca al Lupo! - Viva il Lupo!
