आम व्यक्ति से लेकर खास व्यक्ति तक करीब सभी लोग अपने पास Gold तो रखते ही है। दुनिया के कई बड़े देश भी ऐसा ही करते हैं. दरअसल, Gold Reserve सभी देशों की जरूरी संपत्ति होती हैं क्योंकि यही सोना कठिनाई के दौरान उन्हें बचाने के काम में आता है. आज हम आपको दुनिया के 10 ऐसे देश के बारे में जानकारी दे रहे है जिनके पास सबसे अधिक गोल्ड रिजर्व है इस लिस्ट में भारत का नाम भी शामिल है तो फिर आइए जानते हैं इनके बारे में.
#gold #goldrate #goldreserves
#gold #goldrate #goldreserves
00:00 Almost everyone from common people to special people keep gold with them.
00:05 Similarly, big countries of the world do the same and keep gold with them.
00:10 Actually, gold reserve is an important asset of all countries because gold helps them during crisis.
00:18 Just like common people consider gold as an important investment in difficult times,
00:24 similarly, gold is also important in countries so that it can be used in difficult times.
00:32 Today, we are going to give you information about 10 countries of the world which have the most gold reserve.
00:39 And is India also included in this list or not?
00:43 Does India also come in top 10?
00:45 Now we will tell you in this video.
00:47 World of Statistics has recently released a list of gold reserves in their Twitter account.
00:55 America is number one in the list of countries with the top 10 gold reserves.
01:01 America has the most gold reserve with 8133 metric tons of gold.
01:09 Germany comes second with 3335 metric tons of gold.
01:16 Italy is third with 2452 metric tons of gold.
01:22 France has 2437 metric tons of gold.
01:29 Russia has 2330 metric tons of gold.
01:38 China is sixth with 2113 metric tons of gold.
01:52 Switzerland is seventh with 1040 metric tons of gold.
02:04 Japan is also a strong country in terms of gold reserve.
02:10 Japan has 840 metric tons of gold.
02:14 Japan comes eighth in the list of world's gold reserves.
02:18 India is also included in the list of countries with the top 10 gold reserves.
02:23 India comes ninth in this list.
02:26 India has 737 metric tons of gold.
02:29 In this list, if we are talking about the top 10 countries,
02:34 then the 10th country is the Netherlands.
02:37 Netherlands has 612 metric tons of gold.
02:42 These were the top 10 countries in the world with the most gold reserves.
02:49 That's all in this video.
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03:00 [MUSIC]