Badwam Sports News on Adom TV (08-08-23)

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00:00 the only the only in sports. The the the nation's presenter.
00:20 going.
00:32 require breakfast in a
00:35 Go ahead and you're right in
00:45 Go ahead and you're right in
00:45 Go ahead and you're right in the
00:50 the room. tablet. laptop. app.
01:00 personal. 946. 946. all networks.
01:08 the game. more power. and I'm a
01:23 game. more power. and I'm a
01:23 game. more power. and I'm a game. regulated by the national.
01:27 game. regulated by the national.
01:27 game. regulated by the national.
01:39 a journey of a thousand
01:40 a journey of a thousand
01:40 a journey of a thousand kilometers.
01:45 So, we're a preseason. a club.
02:08 So, we're a preseason. a club.
02:18 So, we're a preseason. a club.
02:38 So, we're a preseason. a club.
02:51 So, we're a preseason. a club.
03:03 So, we're a preseason. a club.
03:23 So, we're a preseason. a club.
03:43 So, we're a preseason. a club.
03:53 So, we're a preseason. a club.
04:13 So, we're a preseason. a club.
04:23 So, we're a preseason. a club.
04:43 So, we're a preseason. a club.
05:03 So, we're a preseason. a club.
05:18 So, we're a preseason. a club.
05:38 So, we're a preseason. a club.
05:48 So, we're a preseason. a club.
06:08 So, we're a preseason. a club.
06:28 So, we're a preseason. a club.
06:48 So, we're a preseason. a club.
07:08 I am overly excited. I'm so
07:12 I am overly excited. I'm so
07:12 I am overly excited. I'm so overwhelmed. I think there is
07:14 overwhelmed. I think there is
07:14 overwhelmed. I think there is a lot of probably apart from the
07:18 a lot of probably apart from the
07:18 a lot of probably apart from the day I got married. That can be
07:21 day I got married. That can be
07:21 day I got married. That can be compared to this moment.
07:31 And and I am overly excited.
07:36 And and I am overly excited.
07:36 And and I am overly excited. Based on the fact that
07:41 Based on the fact that I got married. By his royal majesty.
07:47 I got married. By his royal majesty.
07:47 I got married. By his royal majesty. The second and the whole
07:51 The second and the whole
07:51 The second and the whole of us. to lead. or to technical affairs.
07:59 of us. to lead. or to technical affairs.
07:59 of us. to lead. or to technical affairs. of this renowned and
08:02 of this renowned and
08:02 of this renowned and successful club on the continent and of our
08:06 successful club on the continent and of our
08:06 successful club on the continent and of our nation. My sincere
08:08 nation. My sincere gratitude. to the king.
08:10 to the king. to the king. to the whole of us.
08:18 all stakeholders of
08:21 all stakeholders of
08:21 all stakeholders of Kumasi for having that confidence in me.
08:25 Kumasi for having that confidence in me.
08:25 Kumasi for having that confidence in me. and giving me
08:26 and giving me
08:26 and giving me the opportunity to once again.
08:30 the opportunity to once again.
08:30 the opportunity to once again. Save such an honorable club.
08:34 Save such an honorable club.
08:34 Save such an honorable club. This is a club that. we don't
08:38 This is a club that. we don't
08:38 This is a club that. we don't need. the newest and the
08:42 need. the newest and the
08:42 need. the newest and the freshest coach in town. and I'm
08:45 freshest coach in town. and I'm
08:45 freshest coach in town. and I'm a partner. a fast.
08:51 but it's also a Ghana football.
08:53 but it's also a Ghana football.
08:53 but it's also a Ghana football. Association. Ghana. 16 regions.
08:58 Ghana. 16 regions.
08:58 Ghana. 16 regions. football. 10 regions. football. 10 regional
09:02 football. football. 10 regions.
09:02 football. football. Association. HMM. forms and I'm a
09:07 forms and I'm a
09:08 the president.
09:12 the
09:16 the
09:19 the
09:23 the
09:26 the
09:30 the
09:33 the United Nations. for FA.
09:37 the United Nations. for FA.
09:37 the United Nations. for FA. President's Executive Council.
09:40 President's Executive Council.
09:40 President's Executive Council. and I'm a notification of dates.
09:46 and I'm a notification of dates.
09:46 and I'm a notification of dates. any venue of a GFA elective
09:49 any venue of a GFA elective
09:49 any venue of a GFA elective congress and also. it's a. I'm
09:54 congress and also. it's a. I'm
09:55 congress and also. it's a. I'm a.
10:06 President. President. President.
10:23 President. President. President. President. President. President.
10:23 President. President. President.
10:48 President. President. President.
10:53 President. now.
11:18 President.
11:38 President.
12:03 President. a. to increase the level of place in coaches. to
12:08 President. a. to increase the level of place in coaches. to
12:08 President. a. to increase the level of place in coaches. to find new top players. and also. to. to help the team to promote to the
12:13 find new top players. and also. to. to help the team to promote to the
12:13 find new top players. and also. to help the team to promote to the Premier League. It's also. a dream of the of the
12:16 Premier League. It's also. a dream of the of the
12:16 Premier League. It's also. a dream of the President. It's about performance about make the team better
12:20 President. It's about performance about make the team better
12:20 President. It's about performance about make the team better help the coaches. especially tactically and but also.
12:25 help the coaches. especially tactically and but also. to to find young players who have the
12:28 young players who have the opportunity in Europe and and it's also my task to
12:31 opportunity in Europe and and it's also my task to
12:31 opportunity in Europe and and it's also my task to help them. Yeah. So we have a big project in
12:33 help them. Yeah. So we have a big project in
12:33 help them. Yeah. So we have a big project in Ghana and a big project in Europe and.
12:36 Ghana and a big project in Europe and. yeah. together. I hope to to to to help
12:39 yeah. together. I hope to to to to help
12:39 yeah. together. I hope to to to to help the people and the players here and also what
12:42 the people and the players here and also what
12:42 the people and the players here and also what I do. I I'm also. a Dutch
12:46 I I'm also. a Dutch
12:46 I I'm also. a Dutch football federation coach so I also can
12:48 football federation coach so I also can
12:48 football courses. So it's also my goal to help to increase the football level generally.
12:55 Also with coaches. I've also had meetings with the federation and with other coaches
13:00 and people. So my dream is to find new players who can help Sverdru Ol Black. And help them
13:10 promote but also help Ghana and the national teams. And also to bring them outside. Because
13:17 a couple of weeks ago I helped Marouly Fats with my organization to Betty Sevilla. I already
13:25 know him when he was 13. Bon Subba. Signed for Genk.
13:32 [Speaking in Swahili]
14:02 [Speaking in Swahili]
14:12 [Speaking in Swahili]
14:32 [Speaking in Swahili]
14:45 The act of being a good guest is to know how to say goodbye.
14:48 [MUSIC]
