30 Moments Crocodiles Wait For Leopard Across The River, What Happens Next

  • last year
00:00 Crocodiles attack leopards.
00:09 Crocodiles attack antelope.
00:14 Crocodiles are skilled hunters with powerful jaws and sharp teeth that can crush their prey.
00:24 However, they are not always the top predators and can sometimes find themselves in difficult situations where they become the prey.
00:36 Crocodiles attack their teammates to compete for food.
00:46 A giant crocodile attacks a small crocodile.
00:51 I don't know if it's due to lack of food or some other reason.
01:02 Bloodthirsty crocodiles attack poor impala.
01:06 The poor animal struggles to escape the sharp teeth of the hunters.
01:12 After the efforts, it also successfully escaped the scythe of death.
01:26 Lion
01:29 In this wild world, there is no such thing as a free meal.
01:36 A crocodile crawled onto the shore with hopes of finding some food.
01:42 However, it proved difficult as the lone crocodile made a grave mistake by trying to take the food of a pack of ferocious lions.
01:52 Even the strong crocodile armor could not withstand the attack from the sharp claws of six lions.
02:02 The prehistoric monster fought back by thrashing its tail and biting the nearest lion, but it could not defeat the pack.
02:12 Eventually, it gave up and fled the area.
02:22 Lions rarely initiate attacks on crocodiles. They usually back off when confronted with these massive creatures.
02:31 However, the presence of the crocodile seemed to agitate the lions greatly.
02:39 The lone crocodile could only retreat into the water.
02:51 Encounters between two predators always create a tense atmosphere.
02:59 The big cats show the cool-blooded assassin who the real king is.
03:08 As you can see, only a lion dares to stand at such a close distance from a crocodile.
03:23 Hippo
03:25 As you already know, hippos have a highly territorial nature, and they will do anything to their enemies who invade their territory.
03:36 Now the river monster has become a game for the hippo herd.
03:45 A group of crocodiles is fighting over the carcass of a deer preoccupied with their meal.
03:54 A young hippo intrudes into the crocodile's territory to try and grab a piece of the feast.
04:03 However, the deadly predators constantly evade the hippos as they know they are no match for the crocodiles.
04:17 This addled hippo is looking for something in the mud. A crocodile.
04:23 An angry hippo attacks the crocodile for daring to invade its territory.
04:37 Buffalo
04:40 The crocodile swam upstream, searching for prey, while a herd of buffaloes roamed on the flooded land.
04:48 As the temperature rose, the buffalo herd moved towards water sources to drink and cool off.
04:57 The crocodile hid underwater, waiting for an opportunity to attack its prey.
05:04 When it saw a small buffalo venturing too deep into the water, the crocodile approached, and with one swift bite, it was enough to scare the entire buffalo herd and make them flee.
05:17 The notorious hunter had completed its mission.
05:22 The Nile crocodile begins its hunting expedition with skills honed over 200 million years ago.
05:39 Using stealth tactics, it approaches its prey.
05:45 It tracks herd of buffalo by exposing its two eyes above the water's surface.
05:53 Then it waits for the target to come closer and executes a surprise attack.
06:02 However, this hunting expedition was not successful for the crocodile.
06:15 After the migration, the herd of buffalo stops by the river's edge to quench their thirst.
06:23 However, they are unaware that bloodthirsty crocodiles occupy the river.
06:32 The killers start moving toward the herd of buffalo.
06:37 Due to extreme hunger, the buffalo ignore their surroundings.
06:45 The crocodiles advance to attack their prey, but fail to do so.
06:53 They must find a new target.
06:58 It seems like luck was not on the side of this killer today.
07:04 Otter
07:14 The otter family must confront this dangerous threat, the crocodile.
07:21 With the tactics discussed earlier, they begin to deceive the victim.
07:28 The battle begins.
07:32 The otter family attacks the crocodile.
07:37 Surprisingly, the lone crocodile was quickly subdued by the otter and bitten in the head repeatedly.
07:46 After nearly an hour of fighting, the otter family successfully took down the prey.
08:00 In Brazil's Pantanal wetlands, four otters collided with the baby alligator.
08:08 The killer seemed indifferent.
08:12 Then they left.
08:16 They kept coming back.
08:20 This time, the crocodile decided to leave the shore.
08:27 What happens when an alligator and a school of otters clash?
08:36 The underwater assassin is overpowered by the tiny otter opponent.
08:45 From the most cunning and powerful predator in the water, it must now run away.
08:52 After all, the alligator is not as strong as it looks.
08:58 In Khafwe National Park, Zambia, a roar over the river.
09:11 The cunning otter bit the crocodile's tail twice.
09:18 Jaguar
09:24 Jaguars, one of the big cat species living in central Brazil, are natural experts at hiding underwater prey.
09:34 It walks through a river, searching for food to satisfy its hunger.
09:40 The jaguar stalks along the bank, watching for any vertebrates lying there.
09:48 It uses years of hunting experience to spot two caimans in the middle of the river.
09:56 Without hesitation, the jaguar swiftly swims closer to its prey.
10:02 And in a lightning-fast move, it locks the caiman crocodile tightly in its arms.
10:10 In the Amazon rainforest, inhabited by giant creatures, the caiman reigns as the ruler of the river.
10:25 They are very merciless predators, while jaguars are considered the top predators of the jungle.
10:34 The riverbank has become a favorite hunting ground for jaguars, which have adapted to live here for many years.
10:44 Meanwhile, a young crocodile appeared.
10:49 The jaguar can recognize the weakness of its prey, rip its skull, and carry it away.
10:58 The jaguar submerges a caiman in the water, causing it to struggle desperately.
11:13 After exhausting its prey, the jaguar devises a new tactic.
11:21 The skilled predator locks onto the crocodile's neck and quickly pulls it ashore.
11:35 In the Amazon rainforest, there is a familiar land for jaguars.
11:43 The jaguar continues its hunting journey with slow steps and discovers a caiman crocodile.
11:53 It stops.
11:57 With the skill of a true hunter, the jaguar pounces on its prey and brings it ashore.
12:05 Crocodiles are ambush hunters who wait for fish or land animals to approach.
12:21 After that, the lightning attacked.
12:27 The animals didn't seem to know the true size of the monster lurking in the water.
12:33 Kangaroo wanders near the water source to quench its thirst.
12:38 The hunter looks at potential prey with lustful eyes, quickly approach, and use the powerful tail to propel itself out of the water.
12:49 The attack is fierce. The crocodile uses its ferocious power to tear the flesh of its prey and swallow it whole.
12:59 Surely the assassin had satisfied its hunger for a few weeks.
13:06 Another crocodile victim, monitor lizard.
13:15 Its legs were locked in the crocodile's jaws.
13:20 Such a brutal predator, continuously attacks the stunts prey.
13:30 A miracle happened. Amazingly, the lizard escaped from the scythe of death.
13:43 The bite force of crocodiles can be up to 5,000 pounds per square inch.
13:51 Turtles also become this predator's dessert.
14:04 At Orlando Wet Park in Florida, an alligator caught a soft-shelled turtle, which it brought the prey to shore and then ate it.
14:15 The turtle bites back and tries to run away.
14:23 Does it have any chance to escape?
14:32 The rich food source has caused the pelicans to gather here.
14:39 Nature's gift always comes with danger.
14:47 Crocodiles hide in the water and wait.
14:56 Surprise attack!
15:01 An ill-fated pelican had to die.
15:15 In this wild nature, just a second of neglect can cost you your life.
15:26 And here is the proof.
15:31 Even the ruler of all beings on earth must be frightened by this cold-blooded assassin.
15:50 The wild boars are approaching the water source to quench their thirst.
15:56 These fatty pieces of meat were targeted by hunters.
16:02 They still don't know that danger is on their side.
16:08 Such a strong bite.
16:16 Shockingly, the unfortunate victim was dragged into the water and disappeared.
16:22 Even big cats are easily caught by death.
16:29 After using its powerful bite, the crocodile dragged the victim into the river and drowned it until it suffocated.
16:38 Crocodiles are ambush hunters.
16:44 You will be shocked to see how fast they can actually move on land.
16:50 Slowly approaching.
16:55 Attack!
16:58 You would never have guessed that there were a lot of crocodiles in that lake until a wild pig appeared on their dinner menu.
17:08 Crocodile King started hunting. The next victim will be ...
17:15 Going to a source of water to quench thirst is a dangerous activity for all animals.
17:24 As for the buffalo, it was a one-ton crocodile.
17:30 The remaining buffalo seemed to be too afraid of this cold-blooded killer.
17:38 They did not have the courage to rescue their comrades. Do you hope this poor buffalo will escape from Hades?
17:46 A giant crocodile, 6 meters long and 1200 kg, attacked and devoured a 72 kg gazelle in a matter of seconds.
18:05 Another unfortunate victim of crocodiles.
18:10 These impalas know exactly where danger is lurking.
18:17 They are very cautious.
18:22 Constantly warn each other.
18:27 Too thirsty, the adult impala is ready to face danger.
18:34 A perfect attack. The swamp monster successfully pulled their prey into the water.
18:42 Looks like the impala's leg was dislocated. It couldn't escape this killer anymore.
18:56 This crocodile is 14 feet long. The large size has increased its appetite.
19:04 The herd of wild boars will provide it with enough energy for a month.
19:13 Eyes and nose emerge from the water to observe prey.
19:22 Stealth changes position as the target moves along the riverbank.
19:27 1, 2, 3
19:32 Crocodile suddenly grabbed the prey, causing this wild boar to have no chance to fight back.
19:47 In this noticeable sight, we see a young, unlucky impala.
19:53 The killer crocodile climbs ashore and dragged its prey into the water.
20:01 But the impala doesn't give in. It tries to resist.
20:08 In the end, every little impala's efforts paid off.
20:17 Having a strong jaw with 64 to 68 teeth.
20:23 How long does it take to crush a turtle shell?
20:34 Foxes are cunning and opportunistic predators. What other animal would you like to learn about?
20:44 Let us know what you think. If you like this video, give us a like.
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20:54 Wish you a good day. See you again.
20:58 [Music]
